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2000points ultramarines apocalypse help


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Next week saturday I'll be playing an 8,000 point apocalypse game (4 people each with 2000 points). There are no superheavies/lords of war allowed, to keep tactics and planning viable. I would like to know your thoughts on this list, I'll be coming in from reserves guaranteed turn 2 (I'll be arriving late), and my partner will be bringing 4 valkyiries and 2 vendettas loaded with veterans supported by wyrdvane psykers. I also don't own any ultramarine drop pods.



2000 point legiones astartes crusade army list age of darkness detachment

-ultramarines legiones astartes (logos lectora rite of war)


HQ-280 points


Legion centurion-consul delegatus

-cataphractii pattern terminator armour, legatine axe


Legion centurion-consul master of signals

-artificer armour, refractor field




troops-530 points


tactical squad-10 members, artificer armour, vexilla, power weapon


tactical squad-10 members, artificer amour, vexilla, power weapon


tactical squad-10 members, artificer amour, vexilla, power weapon


elites-428 points


contemptor mortis-twin linked lascannons


Legion terminator squad-reaper autocannon, 4x volkite chargers, 5x power fists


heavy support-735 points


leviathan dreadnought talon

-1x leviathan dreadnought-leviathan storm cannon, grav flux bombard, armoured ceramite, 2 twin linked volkite calivers


sicaran battle tank-las cannon sponsons, armoured ceramite


legion heavy support squad-5 missile launchers, flakk missiles

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65 marines, on foot, in an apocalypse game?


Please post the battle rep. I want to see what happens :D


60 Tactical marines is a huge waste, nearly half your points on bolters? Egads man, the theoreticals don't match the practicals.


Drop down to 2x 10 Tacticals in rhinos. Spend the points on almost literally anything else. An on-foot Leviathan will get wrecked too, AV13 in an 8k pt game footslogging won't have a fun time.


Perhaps some more Contemptors for fire support, or a Deredeo? Rapiers for heavy weapon support. Just get something that hits harder.

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Like I said in the op, there won't be any super heavies/lords of war (so I don't have to sorry about table clearing blasts, plus nobody in my meta brings that many leman russ's or russ analogues), and I don't own any ultramarine rhinos or drop pods (they're next on the list of purchases). I wanted something to complement my buddies flyer heavy list. And for the leviathan, the logos lectora doesn't allow me to put it in a dreadnought drop pod. I'm expecting my brother to bring drop pods, so there won't be a lack of targets for my leviathan, especially if he's close to the MoS for 18" interceptor.

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There will be a plethora of table clearing blasts don't worry.


Scorpios, basilisk, medusa, quad mortars, vindicators, Dracosianso, Malcador, Infernus Malc and various Legion units with crazy template guns like Grave Wardens.


As they're footslogging they can take massed hits from non blast MEQ mincers like Sicaran Autocannons, Deredeos, attack bike autocannons, kherestemptors, heavy support squads (culverinz, AC, plasma cannon)


Any drop Pod or mechanised assault that gets off a charge will mince them. Anything with Legiones Astartes: World Eaters, Power weapon vets, Power weapon terminators and nearly any Legion specific squad focused on assault.


All for a fraction of the cost too.


60 footslogging tacticals will die horribly. One Deredeo with anvillus, AC and aoilos is 240. A kitted tax squad is 270 and can't even hurt the Deredeo.

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I spose I should mention I'm facing off against my brother's word bearers (and he won't be bringing any serious artillery) and a friend with a 40k dark angels deathwing themed army (the largest vehicles he fields are dreadnoughts). So I don't have as much to worry about, but I get your point (and thanks for the responses). Maybe I'll change out one tac squad for a unit of legion terminators, to help give some staying power.

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Yeah, I agree with you there. I've edited the list to exclude one tac squad, and include one termy squad. I've also changed up my delegatus's loadout to cataphractii armour, to run with the terminators (the legatine axe should give my buddie's deathwing a nice little surprise).

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Logos Lectora requires you to have three compulsory Troops choices, so maybe three Tactical squads of 10?

Apart from that, as long as other players have the armour busting and anti air firepower, you should have fun cool.png

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Logos Lectora requires you to have three compulsory Troops choices, so maybe three Tactical squads of 10?

Apart from that, as long as other players have the armour busting and anti air firepower, you should have fun cool.png

Forgot about that mellow.png, I'll figure something out, then edit the op.

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