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Slimmer, less boxy 'Contemptor Centurions'


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These look freaking awesome.


I hate the look of traditional Centurions, but these look cool.


This could be inspiration towards doing True-scale terminators :)

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Huge thanks to the B&C user Candleshoes for the inspiration and glorious conversion work. See his tutorial here:






Hmm. Mixed feelings about these. Overall they do look good, and an improvement over the stock models; I get that the standard Centurions are a bit toooo bulky and slimming them down by moving the Hurricane Bolters to the fist is a nice move, but i think the torso now looks really out of proportion compared to the legs/waist, especially on the one on the left in this picture. Maybe it's just a matter of positioning as the other two don't seem to show that so much.

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