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Sons of Horus 1500pts (Zone Mortalis Rite of War)


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Hello folks!

I've been forming a Sons of Horus-list that focuses on their new rules (+1bs with assault, rapid and pistol weapons within 12"), and I thought it would be awesomely represented with a ZM boarding party! 

But once again, before I jump on the resin ship and start to order like a maniac - I would like some input on the choices of the list!

With that said, here is the gents!


Praetor, paragon blade, iron halo, combi-plasma - 160pts 


10 Veterans (Snipers), 2 missle launchers with suspensor web and vexilla, Sergeant with artificer armour and combi-plasma - 280pts

10 Reavers, 2 power weapons, chieftain with artificer armour and power fist - 255pts  

Apothecary, artificer armour, augary scanner - 60pts  


5 Tartaros Terminators, plasma blaster, 4 combi-plasmas, chainfist, grenade harness - 238pts

15 Breachers, 2 flamers and vexilla, sergeant with artificer armour, melta bomb and power fist - 350pts  

10 Tacticals, sergeant with artificer armour, melta bomb - 165pts    


The idea is having the veterans supported by the Tacticals, while the Breachers push forward with the Reavers as counter-attack measure. The Praetor and Apothecary will either join Breachers or Reavers, while the terminators can deep strike where they're needed. 






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I'd consider taking 2 units of Breachers. They have the right weapon options to take advantage of, so could be worthwhile.


Apothecary can't join the Reaver Squad, so he'll have to join something else. Adding one to Breachers makes them seriously hard, especially with the RoW buff.


And definitely take a nuncio-vox or two for the accurate Deep Strike for your Terminators.

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Thanks for the help!

I've been slightly falling in love with Maloghurst and the Siege Typhon, so I've reconsidered my SoH-army and will probably do a

part of the 1st Company (Reavers + Justearians) and boost the list to 3000pts. 

I'll make a new topic for the proper list!



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