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So, what are your thoughts on Brother Antor Delassio?


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Frankly, this is one of the least inspiring models from the Death Watch game.


It's perfunctory with its pose, it's not very characterful, IMO (compared to the Iron Hand or Cassius), the face is uninspiring, and I don't know what the heck he's holding his sword like that for.


I think every time GW tries to do a "I'm leaping" or an "I'm landing" mini, they just do it all wrong.  Leg pose might be OK, but the torso doesn't go with the leg pose; he's unbalanced.  And how is he being supported by that pipe?  He weighs hundreds of kilos and he's precariously balanced on a pipe that's basically narrower than his boot and would break in a second.


A "shoulder lowered for a jet pack assisted shoulder barge" would've been awesome, dynamic and actually interesting.


This guy is just a duplicate of the I-could-have-been-cool-maybe BA chaplain, as far as I'm concerned.  And, yes, it does pain me that the lamest guy in an otherwise stunning set of models is the BA.

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Not to add to the negativity....but that head! Gah!!!! I have more hate for that lazy, blond, unkempt excuse for hair they keep pushing in every BA kit than I do for traitors, heretics, and xenos! It's not even "hipster trying too hard" quality...it just looks....dumb!  For Karlaen as a special character, sure, whatever. But for EVERY BA kit? Come on! 


If they at least made it long-haired, like Mephiston or the FW Corax model, that'd be one thing but it's not even that. 


I also find the rules extremely lack luster. Otherwise, the model could be ok with a different head and some tweaks.


To end on a positive note: Nasty conversion idea: one of the non-Deathmask heads from a Sanguinary Guard kit on that model....

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I don't know, I prefer that hair and shorter than longer hair. One: it's less likely to get in the way of helmets. Two: it looks better than longer hair, and looks neater and a bit more professional. Three: it's smarter in a fight.


Let's not even go there..  He has no helmet on....

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Do not forget than when aging, blond hair become silver grey/white. That may be another solution to your aestethic problem^^.

What is the source for that?

Human Biology^^.

True, but that is vaaaastly different to space marine biology!


I'd even argue that the blonde hair and angelic appearance of the BA would be engineered not to fade - as to further intimidate the foes. But I'm not sure either way really.

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I don't know, I prefer that hair and shorter than longer hair. One: it's less likely to get in the way of helmets. Two: it looks better than longer hair, and looks neater and a bit more professional. Three: it's smarter in a fight.

Let's not even go there.. He has no helmet on....

Which ties into number one.

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I don't know, I prefer that hair and shorter than longer hair. One: it's less likely to get in the way of helmets. Two: it looks better than longer hair, and looks neater and a bit more professional. Three: it's smarter in a fight.

Let's not even go there.. He has no helmet on....

Which ties into number one.



Actually it completely invalidates number one because he doesn't even have a helmet.  Trying to discuss 40K within the confines of logic is an exercise in futility.  I'll base my own judgment purely on aesthetics..

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True, but that is vaaaastly different to space marine biology!


I'd even argue that the blonde hair and angelic appearance of the BA would be engineered not to fade - as to further intimidate the foes. But I'm not sure either way really.



I think Dante is described somewhere as having white hair, but really, minor gene seed mutations to give luscious ever-blonde locks are probably rife in the BA.

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I would really like to see long hair since almost all of our models have the same exact hair cut...


This is my first post, I've been creeping here for awhile now and finally felt compelled to comment due to all the recent negativity. Can't we just accept opinions and not state them as fact and fight with each other over them? Everyone brings up valid points.


Sorry if this is against the rules or derailing.

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So, what are my thoughts on Brother Antor Delassio?


I met him when he was in the 10th Company. He wasn't the best at infiltrating, but he made it up for it in kills.


We crossed paths again during the Waaaagh: Madbomma pacification. Me and the rest of the squad made him keep his helmet on. His constant flatulence would attract Orks non-stop. I think that's why he still carries a hand flamer while serving with a hard outfit like the Deathwatch.


The model is nice, but I prefer the librarian.

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I would really like to see long hair since almost all of our models have the same exact hair cut...


This is my first post, I've been creeping here for awhile now and finally felt compelled to comment due to all the recent negativity. Can't we just accept opinions and not state them as fact and fight with each other over them? Everyone brings up valid points.


Sorry if this is against the rules or derailing.


Welcome to Bolter and Chainsword! I wouldn't call it derailing as it's a valid concern, but having been lurking for some time I would hope that you know that such outbursts aren't a regular occurrence. Stick around and join in the discussion(s) and you'll see what I mean :)

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I would really like to see long hair since almost all of our models have the same exact hair cut...




To each his own with hairstyles (both plastic and real life). I don't like it, but hey, that's me on my lonesone. I think the real issue, as you pointed out, is that every BA kit that isn't helmeted as the exact. same. haircut. At least change it up a bit. Even the Ogryn kits have faces that are different from each other. 

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I like it and just bought the model off eBay to be my Veteran Assault SGT with a fluffy background. Still wears Deathwatch insignia despite returning to the legion due to a heroic act in service.


Deathwatch marines generally keep the silver left arm and deathwatch shoulder pad after returning to their chapter, so nothing out of the ordinary there!

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Do not forget than when aging, blond hair become silver grey/white. That may be another solution to your aestethic problem^^.

What is the source for that?

Human Biology^^.
True, but that is vaaaastly different to space marine biology!


I'd even argue that the blonde hair and angelic appearance of the BA would be engineered not to fade - as to further intimidate the foes. But I'm not sure either way really.

Dantes features are still angelic but lined, and his hair is marble white due to his age.

Source: Warlords of the Dark Millennium: Dante

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I just bought him yesterday off of eBay. I will use him as an assault squad sergeant, or veteran vanguard sergeant. I will probably replace his hand flamer with an inferno pistol or plasma pistol to be honest.


Edit: Or on second thought keep the hand flamer and swap out his chainsword for a powersword?


One or the other.

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I like it and just bought the model off eBay to be my Veteran Assault SGT with a fluffy background. Still wears Deathwatch insignia despite returning to the legion due to a heroic act in service.


Deathwatch marines generally keep the silver left arm and deathwatch shoulder pad after returning to their chapter, so nothing out of the ordinary there!


Good bit of knowledge i never knew thanks for that.

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