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need help with Word Bearers Army List :(


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Heyho guys,


I plan to restart the hobby with Word bearers but actually I am a little bit confused about all the options and stuff which I can choose in the Heresy.


But I dont kniow where to start, I plan to build up a list for 1850 -2000/2500 points.


And I am dreaming of a list with battle automata and maybe some daemons, what do you think, does this all get in the list, or should i better just go for one of each?


I would like to play a fluffy list withe the already red painted Word Bearers


I already own 2 Betrayal at Calth boxes, are they enough or do I need more?


I hope you can help me guys,


best regards



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Daemons, automata and astartes will be a tight fit at <2k. What I would do is start with a 2000 point army of word bearers with perhaps a Praevian taking a unit of Castellax in addition to the marines. The two B@C boxes are a great start for a really fluffy WB force, although you might want a few vehicles in there - depending on how people around you play, you might want transports in case they bring lots of MMT:s (marine murdering templates).

When it comes to the big bots, I feel Castellax with Darkfire cannons are the best choice to bring. They're good versus vehicles and elite infantry which a marine horde can struggle with.

After you've built your 2k list, I'd build a 500 points allied detachment of Daemons to complete the army, giving you a well-rounded force to be reckoned with! biggrin.png

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They can work together quite well if you're just summoning the daemons. Otherwise it will be a tight fit.


How about Zardu Layek for some  daemon summoning fun (remember he can choose is powers - Summoning, Cursed Earth and Sacrifice work quite well together).  Then a Legion Praevian with three Vorax. Give the Vorax Dark Channelling and with Zardu's special rules you have a 33% chance of them being daemons themselves. Since the Praevian has a Cortex contoller you could also take a unit of Castellax for one of your heavy support choices - a single Castellax with a Darkfire Cannon and Paragon of Metal could work quite well here. You also need either a Chaplain or Centurian. Make sure you give him Burning Lore for extra warp charge for Zardu.


Beyond that, you can never go wrong with Gal Vorbak. 10 in a Spartan or a couple of units of 5 deep striking work really well. I'm a fan of artificer armour and power fist for the sergent and 1-2 power mauls for the squad, but whatever works for you.


Round out your list with some Tacticals or Veterans and a Contemptor (Cortus with Kheres and fist or get another Kheres and make him a Mortis) from the Calth set, and you're good to go.


Zardu can summon stuff. Summon a couple of Heralds of Tzeentch in the early game and hide them. Then start summoning lesser daemons. I prefer Daemonettes and Plague Bearers, possibly Bloodletters if your opponent has a lot power armour on foot.

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So how does this sound:


Zardu Layek 175

Centurion with Artificer Armour, Boarding Shield, Power Fist & Burning Lore 120

Praevian with Artificer Armour, Boarding Shield, Power Fist & Combi-flamer 135

3 Vorax with Bio-corrosive Rounds & Dark Channelling 250


20 Tacticals, Sergeant with Artificer Armour, Dark Channelling 285

10 Tacticals, Sergeant with Artificer Armour, Combi-melta & Melta-bombs, Rhino with Dozer Blade 215


5 Gal Vorbak, Dark Martyr with Artificer Armour & Power Fist, Power Maul 235

Apothecary with Artificer Armour & Augury Scanner 60

Contemptor-Cortus with Kheres & DCCW with Heavy Flamer 160


Sicaran Venator 190

Castellax with Darkfire Canon, Paragon of Metal & Enhanced Targeting Array 175


2000 points


Zardu, Centurion & Apothecary go with the big Tactical blob. Gal Vorbak deep strike. Praevian and Vorax may choose to outflank. Venator and Castellax give you your anti-tank. Use the Tacticals with the Rhino and the Contemptor as you feel is necessary. Because you have Zardu, as you grow to 2500 points you can start to include some allied daemons rather than just summoning them.

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Thank you Chainmachete thats a nice Idea :)


Sry for that question but the Vorax are they worth their points?


But looks very very nice with the Gal Vobak


Fluff question arent the gal vorbak just for the serrated suns chapter or not?

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Thank you Chainmachete thats a nice Idea smile.png

Sry for that question but the Vorax are they worth their points?

But looks very very nice with the Gal Vobak

Fluff question arent the gal vorbak just for the serrated suns chapter or not?

Castellax used to be a lot better than Vorax. But in the latest Mechanicum red book, Castellax went up in price and Vorax went down. Plus they got the option for Bio-corrosive rounds. Also people tend to complain about too many Castellax and Vorax look great and work out much cheaper in cash terms. Having the Praevian with Artificer Armour and Boarding Shield (defensive grenades) can really help with their durability, particularly if you get daemon on your Dark Channelling role (1/3 chance with Zardu). The Comi-flamer also works really well with the Cortex designator - if you use the flame template that's auto-Prefered Enemy for their shooting and attacks. A Combi-bolter or Volkite Charger is also good here. Castellax are generally better against power armour and Vorax against hoard armies. The rest of this army is fine against power armour (5 Gal Vorbak can take out 20 marines in close combat and Word Bearers are pretty good here anyway), but would struggle against large number of low toughness targets, so the Vorax plug this gap quite nicely.

The original Gal Vorbak were all part of the Serrated Suns chapter in the fluff. The Serrated Suns pretty much ceased to exist as a chapter after Istvaan V, so it makes sense that scattered survivors found themselves spread around the other Word Bearer chapters. The Forge World models do still have some Serrated Suns iconography on them. But having a small number of Gal Vorbak is almost a signature of Word Bearer armies.

Other possessed Word Bearers were created after Istvaan V (e.g. the Vakrah Jal), so there's plenty of wiggle room in the fluff to get some Gal Vorbak or equivalents into any Word Bearer army. And you wanted daemons. Gal Vorbak are daemons.

By the way, one thing I'd rule out if you do want any Gal Vorbak or other daemons in your list is the Mhara Gal dreadnought. Looks great, but it doesn't play very nicely alongside daemons.

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