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The Inner Circle in collaboration with the Liber Astartes presents:

Generals of the Astra Militarum!

The High Lords of Terra have deemed it necessary to get an accounting of the various regiments serving the Emperor. Representatives from each regiment are requested to provide a brief data summary of their regiment’s history and past glories to be added to the vast data banks of the Administratum.

So arm yourselves with your quills and your cogitators!
Activate your savants and servitors!
Gather your banners of honor and let loose the Brotherhood of Angels!


The Brotherhood of Angels (BotA) is a Dark Angels Forum Event aimed at participants creating unique DIY chapter histories. In other words, you enter the event by submitting a written description of a chapter that you have created. This year we are spreading out to different forums to see what other wondrous DIY forces are out there!

1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner:

I, <<your name>>, GENERAL of the << name of your REGIMENT>>, in the name of the EMPEROR, make this oath of moment to submit a complete history of my REGIMENT and it's honored HISTORY.

There are multiple threads for the various factions. Participants are free to enter in one or more groups. Each thread is for the IA Articles for that type. PLEASE NOTE: I am NOT a Moderati and CANNOT move posts from one thread to another.

CODEX SPACE MARINES - Successors of the Ultramarines, Imperial Fists, Iron Hands, Raven Guard, Salamanders and White Scars
BLOOD ANGELS - Successors of the Blood Angels
DARK ANGELS - Successors of the Unforgiven
SPACE WOLVES - Successors of the Space Wolves
ADEPTA SORORITAS - Home to the various Orders of the Sisters of Battle
ADEPTUS MECHANICUS - Home to the various Forces, Titan Legions and Knights Houses of the Administratum and their Dark brethren
ASTRA MILITARUM - Home to the various Imperial Guard Regiments
CHAOS SPACE MARINES - Home of the myriad of Chaos Marine Warbands
LOST AND THE DAMNED - Home of the myriad of Traitor Guard Regiments
AGE OF DARKNESS - Home of the different groups of Legion Astartes
LIBER ASTARTES - Home for all other IA Creations (Inquisitors, Death Cults, Individual Characters)

2. Write a completely new Index Astartes Article, based on the structure below, on the Chapter/Unit/Warband/Order you have created (or update a submission from a previous competition). WIP threads are encouraged along with spell-check and grammar checking in Word or Pages.

3. Submit it before the conclusion date of Midnight on May 31, 2016 June 15, 2016 (GMT). The completed IA must be posted in full in this thread. Links will NOT be considered complete.

1. The article should have a minimum of 2000 words.

2. It should include the livery of your chapter/unit/warband/order using the appropriate Painter. A sketch or image of the Chapter/Regiment/Order/Warband Badge is also strongly encouraged.

3. The submission should be of your own creation.


The article should include the following sections, most of which are self explanatory.


FOUNDING WORLD: Where are they from?
MAIN COLOURS: What are the colors of the Regiment?
SPECIALITY: OPTIONAL - Do they excel in a certain type of combat?
CURRENT STRENGTH: Typically it will be 4,000 fighters unless they have suffered losses in a recent campaign.
ALLEGIANCE: OPTIONAL - Primarily used if they have turned from the Emperor or venerate some other notable figure Saint/Primarch/etc…

What made that Regiment come into being? Is there is a reason the Regimental Colors were chosen, it may be included in this section.

Description of the world that the regiment considers to be home.

Narrative about the Regiment at the dawn of the 41st Millennium

How do they fight? Special Formations? Armor Heavy? Air Assault? Night Fighters? Intolerances on Aversions?

- Battle

Short descriptions of famous battles and outcomes in regimental history. Try to provide at least three different battles.

How is the Regiment organized? Do they have any special formations? Do they have notable attachments (Ogryns, Ratlings, etc…) What about the Specialists? This section will probably contain the Painter images of the different paint schemes of the various companies and specialists.

Unique beliefs and practices.

Do they follow the Imperial Creed or do they have their own belief system? Would a Commissar be welcomed into their ranks?

How were the soldiers recruited and trained? First-born? Skilled in a style of combat? Did they serve in a youth unit like the Whiteshields of Cadia?

Any rituals in their home world/base.

Does the unit have a ritual they always perform before going into battle? What about something they did on their homeworld, like forging their own blade (Catachan and Tanith)

OPTIONAL - An image, description or sketch of the Regimental Banner or Standard and its significance. If not posted in a prior section, this would also be a good place to show the regimental badge and its origin.

Description of specific awards, honorariums and honors.

"Poke 'em in the eye!" or "Repent! For tomorrow you die!"

OPTIONAL - Characters of renown within the regiment (As many as you wish)

Once you make your oath you may wear the following banner in your signature


Once you complete your submission you may wear the following banner in your signature:


Octaguide 2.0
40K Timeline
BBCode Guide
B&C Painters

Thought Experiment
+ + + PRAISE BE THE LION + + +

OATH BEARERS - Astra Militarum

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As my 45th Imperial Regiment is pretty close to the template already. I might as well lend a hand here and submit something for the glory of the guard.


I, Grand Master Belial, GENERAL of the 45th Imperial Regiment, in the name of the EMPEROR, make this oath of moment to submit a complete history of my REGIMENT and it's honored HISTORY.

MAIN COLOURS: Green with Company Color on their Headgear
SPECIALITY: Each Company has its own specialty.
ALLEGIANCE: Loyal to the Imperium
During the various Imperial Crusades, many regiments are depleted to the point of being combat ineffective. In most cases, the survivors are rolled into another regiment; but there are times when the regiments on the entire planet are nearly destroyed. The units are just folded into a generalized “Imperial” regiment. Their entire complement is composed of the survivors of a devastated units.
The 45th had its origins after the Macharian Crusade. With the death of Solar Macharius, the gains the Imperium made began to fall apart. In an effort to maintain control, the Imperium sent out a stabilization force. It failed, but in its wake the 45th Imperial Regiment was created from the veterans of that campaign.
The 45th is not eligible to be granted a planet like other regiments, but after the regiment has survived three times the length required for other regiments and in no small part due to the leadership of General Leo Macharius. The planet Gerron III has become a training planet and a central point for the delivery of war material from the Munitorium for those regiments that had been folded into the 45th.
The 45th is currently stationed at the rear of the Sabbat Worlds Crusade. The current Warlord has taken a very dim view of the roll-up regiment and while the regiment has become bloated with the constant in-flux of veterans, it has not seen any significant combat.
The unusual nature of the 45th and how it procures soldiers into its ranks has necessitated modifications to the combat doctrine. Each Company in the Regiment is the home to the veterans of a certain specialization. When the Regiment is called on to deploy in battle, those Companies best suited for the operation are sent. 
Arjax VII is a near desolate world with no significant value other than its location. It is a planet with numerous star ports to allow cargo ships to transfer cargos between themselves as they move across the Imperium. When a cargo container filled with Chaos raiders landed, the raiders quickly to possession of the port and all of the cargo housed there. Transports passed the development on to their next destinations and seven regiments were sent to reclaim the port. The seven regiments were able to surround the port and had begun to crush the raiders when the regiments were trapped by another hidden force that had been waiting the entire time. Only the appearance of two chapters of Astartes and the ad-hoc force of survivors of the original seven regiments were able to turn the tide against Chaos.
The 45th was in the process of reorganizing after the battle on a nearby system. The planet provided a respite for the weary warriors and allowed the officers to attempt to merge the new soldiers from a dead regiment to be brought into some form of uniformity. The drain on planetary resources on top of the high tithes demanded by the Administratum had Governor Doolachen fuming at the thought that they had to pay for something that had happened on a nearby system. Declaring that his tithe had been fulfilled, he refused any more aid to any of the forces on the planet. It was not long before an order was sent down to apprehend the governor. Expecting a response, the governor had fortified himself in a protected position. The 45th was asked to provide a diversion and draw out any troops loyal to the governor while a company of Tempestus Scions attacked the fortress directly. The 45th never encountered any resistance but when the Scions attempted to grav-chute into the palace, they encountered stiff resistance and several renegade marines. Sky Company overheard the vox-chatter and redeployed to assist the Scions and provide an airlift to the stranded warriors. With the assistance of the 45th, the governor was captured and the renegades killed.
The desert planet of Carrandas Prime had seen numerous attacks in the past from the orks. A casualty of a prior battle was the Stormlord tank ‘Screamin’ Sandy’ that had become mired in a patch of quicksand. The previous crew had managed to secure the vehicle so that the tank was inaccessible to the orks. Knowing the tank’s location, the 45th sent Gold and Gray Companies with their tank support to the abandoned vessel. When MAJ Silva stormed into GEN Macharius’s command post demanding to know what happened to his missing tanks, the colonel took him up in a Valkyrie to the Stormlord. The 45th maintained a perimeter while the tank crews worked furiously to free the tank and get it back to full operation. Knowing what was at stake and with Macharius’s permission, Silva took the rest of his detachment to support the beleaguered troops and assist the crews in pulling out the massive tank. After six days of hard pressed fighting, the Stormlord roared to life and immediately began to punish the orks. Silva laughed out load as the tank rolled through the ork forces and ended up flanking the Imperial front and crushing the orks in a deadly crossfire. With Sky Company providing supply runs, the tank was relentless in its pursuit of the Ork Warlord though it had already crushed him under its tracks long before.
As the size of the Regiment grew, it has taken to grouping the veterans of similar skills into the various companies, some of which are nearly the size of a normal regiment.
Red Company became the new home of several Catachan survivors. Their distinct red bandanas and their refusal to part with them made them a natural choice of the Company. As such, the Company is where all the specialists of Jungle Warfare gather and share skills. Along with their choice of the color red, the Company is notorious for eliminating any commissars assigned to them.
Gold Company is home of the desert worlders. It is also the company that has a cavalry component within the ranks.
The largest company and nearly a regiment in its own right. Most of the fighters are from temperate worlds and the company is the most flexible one in the 45th.


45th Green Company

45th Green Company Alt

The smallest company in the regiment. Blue company prefers to fight on the water and are ill equipped to fight on land. Something that led directly to their regiments being decimated in past battles. For a time, it housed what would later become Sky Company as both operated in blue environments. The swimming element was unable to keep up with the rigors of flight operations and the company was unofficially split along their specializations. The remaining ‘aqua’ Blue company soldiers became an ever more isolated group with an elitist attitude. While there are few operations requiring underwater training, the swimmers of Blue Company are typically first in the water and will dive the deepest and for longer than any other soldier of the 45th.
Formally a part of Blue Company, Sky Company is the airborne element of the 45th. Every veteran of the company has performed at least fifteen grav-chute combat drops and they are fearless at height. Due to the special nature of the 45th, Sky Company is the only company to have assigned vehicles in the form of the Valkyrie and Vendetta Gunships.

45th Sky Company

45th Sky Company Alt


Like Red Company, White Company was set up with Valhallan veterans and has taken on many of their unusual habits, including turning refrigeration units to max in their designated living quarters. In another unusual turn, the specialists of the squads prefer not to use hot weapons like the flamer or plasma gun.
The second largest company after Green Company. Gray Company gets its veterans from all the worlds so heavily polluted by the Manufactoriums that it is not safe to step outside without a rebreather and chem-suit. While Gray Company inspires thoughts of those heroes from Armageddon. There has never been a member of the Steel Legion within its ranks. The only person of note is a Commissar that had served with the Death Corps of Kreig and now serves as Gray Company's Senior Commissar.
Black Company is the fighters who specialize in fighting in the dark. While some squads of the company cannot stand being in the sunshine, the rest are more than capable of fighting during the day. Black Company also acts as the Scouts for the Regiment. With some of the veterans having served alongside the Tanith First and their impressive battle record, Black Company makes it a point of pride to try and emulate the Tanith Scouts to the best of their ability. While this has caused a schism within the ranks and added to the 45th's overall negative impression to the Warlord. Black Company is continually itching to prove their worth and to test their mettle in battle.
The 45th acquired Echo company when the 45th’s Sky Company assisted the Scions during a planetfall. While Sky Company provided a diversion for the Scions to perform a precision strike the Scions came under fierce resistance. The quick reaction and redeployment of Sky Company impressed the Scions and by their codes of honor, they were obligated to return the favor and have been on attachment to the 45th Regiment. While the obligations to the 45th have been satisfied in the past, they have continued to assist the regiment’s Sky Company on other missions as elite specialists.
The 477th Armored Detachment keeps all of the mechanized vehicles used by the 45th. Including the Chimeras and a reclaimed Stormlord that acts as the Regimental HQ for the 45th when they are deployed.
When the 477th was first attached, there was a level of animosity from the Officers of the Armored group. With the 45th officially being titled a ‘light’ infantry regiment, they were not entitled to keep Chimera Transports. However with the influx of Heavy and Mechanized Regiments, their vehicles became the responsibility of the 477th. Many of the drivers were offended to be on ‘chauffeur’ duty and drive troops in a lighter armed vehicle to battle.
This changed on Carrandas Prime when the 45th went off mission to reclaim an abandoned Stormlord thought to have been trapped in liquefied soil on the planet. The 45th’s Gold and Gray Companies established a perimeter and held off attacks for six days while the 477th used every vehicle at their disposal to tow the vehicle free and an airlift of fuel by Sky Company saw the machine return to life. Now with a Super-Heavy tank on their roster, the 477th has warmed to the relationship and has benefited from the acquisition of tanks and vehicles rolled into the 45th. The detachment has actually grown in size to be larger than their armored regiment and the two units interact so that there are enough able soldiers capable of operating any of the equipment assigned to the 477th.  This is particularly true with any sentinel walkers. The walkers may be assigned to the 477th but they are all operated by a pilot of the 45th.
With the huge influx of vehicles into the regiment, many of the Enginseers have followed their charges into the ranks of the 45th or the 477th. With their loyalty ultimately to Mars, the Auxilary have found no trouble in melding into a group and assisting those assigned to the Regiment and the Support Units while they await reassignment from their superiors. Their efficiency and collective knowledge has seen many improvements done to the vehicles and even most of the equipment of the 45th so that they perform at better than optimal levels. There is even a small production line that fabricates conversion kits to allow different powercells to be used in the different lasrifles found within the regiment. Indeed, the collective knowledge and the influence within the 45th has come to the attention of Mars and they are closely monitoring the situation.
With the various recruits from the myriad of worlds, the beliefs of the 45th are very fluid and dynamic especially with regards to the Imperial Creed. 
The one known peculiarity is that with every member being a veteran, each carries a weapon on them at all times. Even when they are off-duty or at the local establishments, they are prepared for combat. The 45th is actually very good at policing its own even with the variety of backgrounds within the unit. Many of the Veterans have seen too much to be worried about the petty bickering and competitions to prove who’s the best. Whatever disagreements may arise, they are usually about how to proceed with a mission. With the bloated size of the Regiment, both sides will typically be sent out on the same mission to truly prove who was correct. The winner would be the first to accomplish the mission and return alive while the loser would have been killed or would arrive too late.
The 45th Imperial Regiment was not raised on a planet. It was the direct result of the near annihilation of several regiments and the merging of the remaining troops and material. With so few survivors of any one regiment, the remnants did not have sufficient numbers to maintain a traditional regiment and so the planetary references were dropped for the Imperial banner. Since the Munitorium does not have the Imperial Regiments on their records, they are supplied by the materials meant to be delivered to the now destroyed regiment. For the 45th, this makes for a logistical nightmare as the in-flux of materials are typically incompatible with the other shipments destined to the regiment.
The Regiment only gets recruits from the reassignment of veterans whose regiments are combat ineffective and not fit for reinforcement. Once the dead regiment is folded into the 45th, the survivors are classified by their skills and assigned a company.

Each time another regiment is folded into the 45th and after they are assigned a company, there is a massive push to get the folded unit into a semblance of a standardized uniform before the unit is called to action. In what is morbidly called the Sundering, the Company will approach the folded Veterans and destroy the Guardsman’s existing uniform to become compliant with the Company. All medals are removed from the uniform but are not discarded and weapons will be judged for their craftsmanship. Faulty weapons and equipment are quickly discarded and better equipment given to the veteran. The Sundering is only complete when the roll-up is “Colored In” whereby the helmet is colored to the assigned company of the 45th. At which point, they have achieved the minimum standards to go into battle with the 45th. To many a Commissar, the hodge-podge look is cringe-worthy but even their fierce reputation is not enough to move the Munitorium into providing enough uniforms to properly outfit one company, let alone the entire 45th. 

The standard uniform colors for the 45th are forest green fatigues with headgear matching the company they are assigned. Many of the veterans have taken to carrying over some element of their past uniform onto the newer one and in the middle of conflict it is not uncommon for newly assigned soldiers to continue to fight in their tattered old wargear until a replacement can be requisitioned from the Munitorium. With the level of individualization of such a large ad-hoc group, the Regiment is typically seen as an eyesore to the top brass when the Regiment is on the parade grounds. If for this reason alone, the regiment rarely performs large scale parade formations and parade uniforms are discarded for standard fighting fatigues.
The 45th has a very simple standard. A White banner with a golden aqua with a lightning bolt in each talon. Above the heads of the aquifer is a scroll with “XLV.” The standard is repeated at the company level with a colored banding around the edge of the standard in their appropriate color.

The regiment as a whole has been awarded a number of medals and honors. But to officers of the 45th, the only medals that matters is those given to individual soldiers. It is rare to see any two warriors of the 45th with similar campaign medals and most of the regiment have numerous medals for their wounds and their valor.


The rank and file eventually become disenchanted with their medals and will discard them into a special bin. The medals are melted down to become some piece of wargear that the 45th will use in battle or to make an aquila for the Company. These specialized aquila may not be pleasing to a member of the Ecclesiarchy but the soldiers of the 45th tend to value these above all else and they are typically revered with a special reverence that only a veteran of a horrific battle will show.


With the various battlecries from all the regiments that have been rolled into the 45th, there is no one battle cry for the entire regiment. Even at the company level there are different battle cries. 
Leo Macharius is rumored to be an illegitimate child of Lord Solar Macharius. Whether it is true or not is lost amongst the untold trillions of sheets of parchment that the Administratum handles daily or lost to the fires of war. Bearing the name of the famous warlord brought a certain stigma that followed Leo his entire life and guaranteed him a life of war amongst the Militarium. Leo was the Sergeant Major of the 93rd Dragoons when it was set upon by a larger Chaos force. Seven regiments were laid waste on that day with Macharius being the highest ranking amongst the survivors.
With word of reinforcements en route in the form the Angels of Vengeance and the Questing Brothers, Macharius organized the remaining forces into an ad-hoc formation and prepared to sell themselves by providing a diversion and allowing the Space Marines to land. The Space Marines seeing the diversion instead changed their drop point and landed in the midst of the fighting. With the marines on the surface, the chaos forces faltered and were in turn destroyed to a man by the companies of marines from the two chapters.
Exhausted from battle, Macharius leaned against the ruins of a building when a Space Marine and some high brass official from the Militarium approached him. He did his best to come to attention when the Astartes gave him a signal to rest. The General that followed the marine huffing and puffing saw the tattered remains of the seven regiments. Barely three companies remained and even those where not at full strength.
The General gave Macharius a field promotion to Captain under the intense scrutiny of the Astartes and gave him orders to assemble his forces for redeployment. In the scramble of reorganizing ‘his’ forces, it became apparent that the General had no inclination of preserving the lives of the survivors. With grim determination, Macharius sought to humiliate the General by proving that his ad-hoc force would be ready and capable of surviving their next battle. By breaking his group into specializations, each team of specialist were able to support the other teams and saw the small rag-tag bunch defeat the leader of their next foe. A lieutenant of the warlord that had destroyed their original regiments and was killed by the marines.
Cirlus Silva had been around tanks since he was a mere boy. He followed his father to every battlefield and oversaw the loading, unloading and maintenance of the tanks of the 477th Armored Division. When he was old enough to join the ranks of the fighting men, he was already a veteran driver and his tanks never suffered a malfunction due to missed maintenance. He was familiar with every vehicle based on the Leman Russ and Chimera chassis. This level of expertise would be the reason for him being detached to the 45th. Circus was bitter for a long while as he saw his immaculately maintained Chimeras toting around the rag-tag soldiers of the 45th. The influx of tanks and transports from the fields of battle were seen as insults as nearly every vehicle needed to be taken apart, cleaned, repaired, resanctified and repainted before he would even consider fielding them again. His meticulous nature rubbed off on all of the tank crews under his command and when they attempted to surprise him with a Stormlord super-heavy tank, Cirlus Silva began to appreciate the efforts of the 45th and the unusual partnership of which he was a part. With the exception of the aircraft, every vehicle was under his care and the 45th did their best to preserve the vehicles that never failed them in battle. He has more vehicles under his command in his detachment than even the Lord Commander of the 477th Armored Division.

  • 2 weeks later...

Update time! There are a number participants in many different forums. Will there be any further participants? Will there be any further completions? Only time will tell.


Let us see the Roll of Honor for 2016!


OATH BEARERS - Codex Space Marines

  1. Brother SP - Unknown Chapter
  2. Brother Tyler - Legio Bolter & Chainsword
  3. Dosjetka - Crimson Praetors
  4. Empurata - Helion Legion (Sons of Guilliman)
  5. Iron Aquifer - Bellatus Cael (Sons of Possibly Dorn)
  6. Lephisto - The Celestial Zealots (Sons of Guilliman)
  7. Olis - Inheritors (Sons of Dorn) - WIP Thread
  8. Retributis - The Sons of Penance (Sons of Dorn)


OATH BEARERS - Blood Angels

  • Charlo - The Sanguine Visions
  • Dolchiate Remembrancer - Crimson Sons of Vengeance - WIP
  • Father Mapple - Blood Suns
  • LRM23936 - The Swords of Camalus
  • Nicodemus Doloroso - Angels Sorrowful


OATH BEARERS - Dark Angels

  • Brother Arkley - Blades of Alaric
  • Grand Master Belial - Caliban Lions
  • SickSix - Dark Swords - WIP Thread


OATH BEARERS - Space Wolves

  1. RikuEru - RAVN SØK - WIP Thread


OATH BEARERS - Adepta Sororitas

  1. Aquilanus - Name Pending
  2. Barabbas Sogalon - Order of the All-seeing Eye
  3. Ficinus - Order of Our Lady of the Perpetual Flame - WIP
  4. *Furyou Miko - Order of the Ruby Blade - WIP
  5. Mard - Name Pending
  6. Noeh - Ashen Wolves of Gersemi - WIP
  7. Spacefrisian - Daughters of Russ - WIP


OATH BEARERS - Adeptus Mechanicus

  1. MoGuy - Forgbworld Halo Prime
  2. Tyriks - Adamant Legion


OATH BEARERS - Astra Militarum

  • Barabbas Sogalon - 1st Boruzian Grenadiers
  • Grand Master Belial - 45th Imperial Regiment


OATH BEARERS - Chaos Space Marines

  • Beachymike123 - Siege Makers
  • Conn Eremon - Broken Void
  • Pylaeides - The True Emperor's Children
  • Thedarkprincesnun - Angels of Despair - WIP


OATH BEARERS - Lost and the Damned

  • Conn Eremon - Broken Void
  • Warsmith Gorrched - Sons of Iron
  • Stepfan - Rumeriazian 8th


OATH BEARERS - Age of Darkness

  • Barabbas Sogalon - 90th Expeditionary Fleet (XIV Legion)
  • Cthonia - 58th Grand Battalion (IV Legion) - WIP
  • Drakrth - Black Horde
  • Hydriatus - 105th Grand Battalion (IV Legion)
  • Immersturm - True Emperor's Children - WIP
  • Ion - 954th Expeditionary Fleet (XVI Legion)
  • KBA - 1209th Expeditionary Fleet (XVI Legion)
  • Kurama - 214th Exploratory Flotilla (XII Legion)


OATH BEARERS – Liber Astartes

  • 4 weeks later...

The Brotherhood of Angels and the E Tenebrae Lux

With the introduction of this year’s ETL, now is the time to considering taking your new chapter out to join the ranks of your other armies or add to its own ranks. It is the hope that you’ll consider entering into the ETL and paint up a single model, character, squad or army in the colors of your Brotherhood of the Angels submission. No painted models are required for submission into the BotA and the competition will end with the ending of new entrants into the ETL. Should you choose to paint up something for the ETL based on your BotA article, please edit the post and include the photo of the completed unit — whenever that may be. 
OATH BEARERS - Codex Space Marines

  • Brother SP - Unknown Chapter
  • Brother Tyler - Fire Claws (aka the Relictors)
  • Dosjetka - Crimson Praetors
  • Empurata - Helion Legion (Sons of Guilliman)
  • Iron Aquifer - Bellatus Cael (Sons of Possibly Dorn)
  • Lephisto - The Celestial Zealots (Sons of Guilliman)
  • Olis - Inheritors (Sons of Dorn) - WIP Thread
  • Retributis - The Sons of Penance (Sons of Dorn)


OATH BEARERS - Blood Angels

  • appiah5 - The Reborn - WIP
  • CaptainHelion - Blood Owls - WIP
  • Charlo - The Sanguine Visions
  • Dolchiate Remembrancer - Crimson Sons of Vengeance - WIP
  • Father Mapple - Blood Suns
  • LRM23936 - The Swords of Camalus
  • Nicodemus Doloroso - Angels Sorrowful


OATH BEARERS - Unforgiven


OATH BEARERS - Space Wolves

  • Grail Ironheart - Night Howlers
  • RikuEru - RAVN SØK - WIP Thread


OATH BEARERS - Adepta Sororitas

  • Aquilanus - Name Pending
  • Barabbas Sogalon - Order of the All-seeing Eye
  • Ficinus - Order of Our Lady of the Perpetual Flame - WIP
  • *Furyou Miko - Order of the Ruby Blade - WIP
  • Mard - Name Pending
  • Noeh - Ashen Wolves of Gersemi - WIP
  • Servant of Dante - Order of the Glorious Reprisal
  • Spacefrisian - Daughters of Russ


OATH BEARERS - Adeptus Mechanicus

  • MoGuy - Forgbworld Halo Prime - WIP
  • Tiger9Gamer - 413th Lucius Expedition Force - WIP
  • Tyriks - Adamant Legion


OATH BEARERS - Astra Militarum

  • Barabbas Sogalon - 1st Boruzian Grenadiers
  • Grand Master Belial - 45th Imperial Regiment


OATH BEARERS - Chaos Space Marines

  • Beachymike123 - Siege Makers
  • Conn Eremon - Broken Void
  • Pylaeides - The True Emperor's Children
  • Thedarkprincesnun - Angels of Despair - WIP
  • Trevak Dal - Nightblades


OATH BEARERS - Lost and the Damned

  • Conn Eremon - Broken Void
  • Warsmith Gorrched - Sons of Iron
  • Stepfan - Rumeriazian 8th


OATH BEARERS - Age of Darkness

  • Barabbas Sogalon - 90th Expeditionary Fleet (XIV Legion)
  • Cthonia - 58th Grand Battalion (IV Legion) - WIP
  • Drakrth - Black Horde
  • Hydriatus - 105th Grand Battalion (IV Legion)
  • Immersturm - True Emperor's Children - WIP
  • Ion - 954th Expeditionary Fleet (XVI Legion)
  • KBA - 1209th Expeditionary Fleet (XVI Legion)
  • Kurama - 214th Exploratory Flotilla (XII Legion)
  • Wolf_Pack - Clan Tabarn'akk


OATH BEARERS – Liber Astartes

  • Brother Tyler - Legio Bolter & Chainsword
  • 2 weeks later...

8th Jotunheim Grenadiers


Founding World: Jotunheim

Main Colors: Nominally Red and White

Specialty: Combined Arms

Battle Cry: By Any Means!

Current Strength: 8,000 men, plus vehicles

Allegiance: Imperium of Man

Origin of the Regiment:

The Jotunheim regiments began as Skaerls to the Space Wolves Chapter. They were charged with defending the Fang, in the Chapter’s absence. This arrangement lasted from the end of the Horus Heresy, until the last years of M38, when the Mechanicus made contact. Soon the Administratum arrived, and instituted the Imperial Tithe, and the Jotunheim Regiments were born. The Ecclesiarchy has almost no presence, or influence on Jotunheim, and the Administratum and Mechanicus have very small roles in Jotunheim’s affairs. The Imperial cult does not exist on Jotunheim, rather they follow the Imperial Truth, as given during the Great Crusade. This is not challenged, as they still have the protection of the Space Wolves.

Founding World:

Jotunheim is a rugged, harsh, and mostly frigid death world. The lower latitudes are dominated by mountain ranges, while the higher latitudes are dominated by frigid plains. The coastlines are dominated by Fjords, though some northern coasts have beaches. The mid latitude mountain ranges have valleys with workable soil, with large tiered megastructures built into the mountainsides. The planet maintains some manufacturing capability, usually only enough to sustain its forces.

Current Activities:

The 8th Jotunheim Grenadiers are currently undergoing rest and refit after the Luthum Campaign. They are currently awaiting orders to redeploy…

Combat Doctrine:

The 8th Jotunheim are a combined arms regiment. As such they employ a wide variety of tactics to close with, and destroy the enemies of the imperium. They will often send airborne and air assault troops ahead of the main force to destabilize the enemy’s front, so the armored spearhead can advance with less resistance. Often times the regiment will use their Vulture support to take out enemy air defenses and armor, in advance of the airborne assault. When all assets are deployed, they work as one cohesive unit, cooperating to ensure that the enemy is destroyed.

Jotunheim Regiments are a bit of an oddity, in that they are allowed to maintain their own Air Assets separate from the Imperial Navy as is customary. This is partly due to their origins predating that separation, and partly due to the high level of integration of Air Assets into their combat doctrine. Their Air assets are limited however, only having Valkyries, Vendettas, Vultures, and Sky Talons at their immediate disposal. They do rely heavily upon the Imperial Navy for fighter support and transit.

Combat History:

Talos IV:

The first battle for the 8th Jotunheim, was an insignificant little world which supplied a small subsector. They had been deployed to assist the Agriworld’s meager PDF, in repelling an Ork invasion. The Orks had seen the world as an easy conquest, but the Imperium could not afford to appear weak in losing that world. The 8th Jotunheim arrived as the PDF collapsed. It took days for the 8th to gain enough ground to land tanks, and so their veterans and air assets held against repeated assaults by the Ork horde. When the Tanks and mechanized platoons landed they were able to mount an offensive, and drive the Orks back. They eventually succeeded in repelling the invasion and scoured the world of all infestation.

Haberdan III:

The 8th Jotunheim’s second major action was seen on the world of Haberdan III. A wind swept, arid ball of dirt near the Eye of Terror. It would have been completely unremarkable, if not for the world’s massive network of aquifers, which gave it a plentiful water supply. The desert world was pockmarked by small oases, which produced food far in excess of what the planet’s meager population could use. The world’s governor was corrupt, overcome with greed, and desire. The governor’s palace became a den of debauchery and excess. This eventually drew the attention of Slaaneshi cults, which took root in the planet’s capital city. Soon, the world became isolated, and the Administatum took notice as its export ceased altogether. The 8th was deployed to bring the world back into compliance.

The 8th landed near one of the small oases, and were greeted with praise and gratitude, much to their surprise. It wasn’t long before the 8th’s Commander had a grasp of the situation. The Capitol city was at fault. The 8th sped through the deserts to the capital, and were confronted by the world’s treasonous PDF. They all bore the mark of Slaanesh, and had apparently been twisted by the influence of Chaos. The 8th used its air assets to insert veterans into the city itself, while the mechanized forces and tanks engaged the PDF outside the city. The Veteran troops went building to building, fighting it out with cultists and traitor PDF. The Jotuns were precise and deadly, as they worked their way through the city.

The Haberdan Heresy lasted three months, as the PDF pulled back inside the city walls, the 8th pursued. The 8th eventually laid waste to the capitol city. It was noted, by an Inquisitorial Acolyte, that their stoic nature and disregard for the Imperial cult, may have resulted in their success, as they had no faith to be challenged, they could not be corrupted.

Regimental Organization:

On Jotunhem, the Regimental structure does not exist. They employ battalions that are grouped together with other elements to form brigades. However with the imperial tithe, they group a smaller number of battalions together and send them off to the Imperial Guard. The 8th Jotunheim is made up of 3 infantry battalions consisting of one headquarters company, 4 infantry companies, and a special troops company. There is 1 aviation battalion consisting of 4 transport companies, and 2 gunship companies, and finally an armored Battalion that contains all of the regiment’s tanks. 2 of the infantry battalions are mechanized (and maintain their own vehicles) while the third is strictly airborne and air assault. The battalions break down as follows:

Infantry Battalion

Hidden Content

Headquarters Company-HHC

  • Engineer platoon
  • Operations Platoon
  • Intelligence platoon
  • Special Troops

Alpha Company – Infantry

  • 1st platoon (rifle)
  • 2nd platoon (rifle)
  • 3rd platoon (rifle)
  • 4th platoon (heavy weapons)

Bravo Company – Infantry

  • 1st platoon (rifle)
  • 2nd platoon (rifle)
  • 3rd platoon (rifle)
  • 4th platoon (heavy weapons)

Charlie Company – Infantry

  • 1st platoon (rifle)
  • 2nd platoon (rifle)
  • 3rd platoon (rifle)
  • 4th platoon (heavy weapons)

Delta Company – Veteran Infantry

  • 1st platoon (rifle)
  • 2nd platoon (rifle)
  • 3rd platoon (rifle)
  • 4th platoon (rifle)

Special Troops Company

  • 1st platoon (Stormtrooper)
  • 2nd platoon (Stormtrooper)
  • 3rd platoon (Stormtrooper)
  • 4th platoon (Stormtrooper)

Armor Battalion

Hidden Content

Headquarters Company-HHC

  • Engineer platoon
  • Operations Platoon
  • Intelligence platoon
  • Special Troops

Alpha Company – Armor

  • 1st platoon (Battle Tank)
  • 2nd platoon (Battle Tank)
  • 3rd platoon (Battle Tank)
  • 4th platoon (Tank Destroyer)

Bravo Company – Armor

  • 1st platoon (Battle Tank)
  • 2nd platoon (Battle Tank)
  • 3rd platoon (Battle Tank)
  • 4th platoon (Tank Destroyer)

Charlie Company – Armor

  • 1st platoon (Battle Tank)
  • 2nd platoon (Battle Tank)
  • 3rd platoon (Battle Tank)
  • 4th platoon (Tank Destroyer)

Delta Company – Artillery

  • 1st platoon (Basalisk)
  • 2nd platoon (Basalisk)
  • 3rd platoon (Wyvern)
  • 4th platoon (Manticore)

Aviation Battalion

Hidden Content

Headquarters Company-HHC

  • Engineer platoon
  • Operations Platoon
  • Intelligence platoon
  • Special Troops

Alpha Company – Transport

  • 1st platoon (Valkyrie)
  • 2nd platoon (Valkyrie)
  • 3rd platoon (Valkyrie)
  • 4th platoon (Valkyrie)

Bravo Company – Transport

  • 1st platoon (Valkyrie)
  • 2nd platoon (Valkyrie)
  • 3rd platoon (Valkyrie)
  • 4th platoon (Valkyrie)

Charlie Company – Transport

  • 1st platoon (Valkyrie)
  • 2nd platoon (Valkyrie)
  • 3rd platoon (Valkyrie)
  • 4th platoon (Valkyrie)

Delta Company – Transport

  • 1st platoon (Valkyrie)
  • 2nd platoon (Valkyrie)
  • 3rd platoon (Valkyrie)
  • 4th platoon (Valkyrie)

Echo Company – Gunship

  • 1st platoon (Vulture)
  • 2nd platoon (Vulture)
  • 3rd platoon (Vulture)
  • 4th platoon (Vulture)

Foxtrot Company – Gunship, Scout/Spotter

  • 1st platoon (Vulture)
  • 2nd platoon (Vulture)
  • 3rd platoon (Vulture)
  • 4th platoon (Vulture)

Special Troops platoons usually contain all of the various advisors and personnel that make integration with the other units possible. In addition to the combat personnel, the regiment also contains a Medicae Battalion, and 2 Maintenance battalions. This allows the 8th to bring everything it needs to function as a cohesive force.


The 8th Jotunheim prides itself on being an elite fighting force, and as such their doctrines reflect that. When in a combat zone, soldiers are expected to be armed at all times, being more than an arm’s length from a weapon is severely punished. Being followers of the imperial truth, soldiers of the 8th do not pray while performing maintenance on their weapons, they simply go about it without much fanfare. Their adherence to the ancient doctrine of the Imperial Truth has garnered much attention from the Ecclesiarchy and the Inquisition, and put them at odds with more staunch elements of the Imperium. Despite this they remain a formidable and professional force, dedicated to the defense of Humanity and the Imperium.


On Jotunheim, service in the PDF is mandatory for everyone. It is from the PDF that the Regiments are drawn, and the 8th was no different. Jotunheim continues to supply the Space Wolves with Skaerls, or Vaeringjar as the Jotuns call them. As such, the Jotuns maintain a high level of proficiency in armed and unarmed combat. Jotunheim has seen a fair amount of warfare since the great crusade, and this has given the PDF much needed experience. Vaeringjar will also return from their service with the Sons of Russ, to share their hard won experience, and become trainers for the next generation of soldiers. The Imperial Guard regiments from Jotunheim are drawn from multiple PDF Brigades and drill continuously until they think and act as one, before they are shipped off world as part of the tithe.

Local Rituals:

The Jotuns prize strength and stamina, and enjoyment of life. Their rituals vary as widely as their geography. They also prize their military traditions, and hold formal feasts at various times throughout the year. Everything is a contest to the Jotuns, their feasts often involve complex protocols, which must be observed, lest the offender be punished by the gathering. Jotun Regiments will also hold games, which feature tests of strength, stamina, and courage. To outsiders these events cast an air of reckless abandon, and a lack of professionalism. However these events are cleverly constructed to drive their soldiers to be the best, and It shows. On average a Jotun soldier is bigger, stronger, faster, and more skilled than the average Cadian Guardsman. The average Jotun Guardsman will push harder and longer than most guardsmen. Jotun rituals are generally an open affair, with members of other regiments being invited to participate, though to date only Catachans and Vostroyans have ever participated.

Regimental Colors:

The Regiments colors are nominally red and white. Soldiers wear camouflaged fatigues suited to whatever environment thy find themselves in. Vehicles are often painted in camouflaged schemes, but will sometimes include red and white markings that will often indicate what number and type of company that vehicle belongs to.

Battle Standards:

The regimental standard features is a very simple design for ease of recognition. The field is red and white diagonally opposed with crossed rifles centered in the field. Above the crossed rifles is the regiment number, and below is a flaming bomb insignia. The Standard is never taken into battle, and is reserved for parades and other such formal functions.

Battle Cry:

The Regiment’s battle cry, loosly translated from their distinct dialect, is “By Any Means!”. It signifies just how far the regiment will go to achieve victory. The regiment has many others, drawing from famous quotes by various unit commanders, and each battalion has its own distinct phrases or mottos or battle cries.

Champions of the Regiment:

Marshal Lars Hammet,

The Inaugural and Current Commander of the 8th. He has seen the regiment through many of its harshest battles. A horribly disfigured man, as a commander he prefers to lead from the front. He has personally seen to death of many an Ork, which resulted in the loss of an arm, the loss of an eye, and severe burns to most of his body. These burns have required that both of his legs be rebuilt and he is more machine than man at this point. Despite this, he continues to command great respect from his men.

Lojtnant Markus Griff,

Lead an airborne platoon during the initial days of the battle for Talos IV. Despite grievous injury his platoon took and held ground while cut off from the rest of his battalion for 4 days without resupply, and under constant attack from Orks. Griff’s platoon dug in and with bayonets fixed and using the Orks own casualties as barricades were able to hold out until reinforcements could push through.

Sergeant Tomas Lundgren,

Commanded a heavy weapons squad during the battle for Telos. His men badly wounded, and with nothing but him and a heavy bolter, to stand between the advancing orks, and his company’s lines, he took up the heavy bolter and single handedly repulsed the ork advance. Using only his wits and grit he personally accounted for over 900 orks killed, during their failed night raid on the Uhlani settlement. His actions not only saved his company from being overrun, but saved the lives of countless imperial citizens.

Korpral Jurgen Hohenfeld

A fireteam leader in one of the Special Operations Greandier squads. He led his 4 man team during a raid on Haberdan. His team became stuck in the capitol city and surrounded by cultists. For three days they evaded detection, all the while reeking untold havoc on the Heretic supply lines. By their own admission they had almost been captured on a few occasions, especially after feeling the allure of the cultists. They stood fast in their dedication to duty however, even as the whispers of chaos attempted to sway them. They soon altered their tactics from simply destroying targets of a military nature, and began putting heretic gatherings to the torch. Their efforts continued for almost a month, before they were able to reunite with the main force. Their guerilla actions were pivotal in capturing the capitol city. Hohenfeld and his team were thoroughly checked out by Inquisitors, Medicae, and even a few Space Marine Librarians and Chaplains, and were not found wanting. Korpral Hohenfeld and his team were named Champions of the Regiment by Marshal Hammet after the Haberdan Heresy was brought to an end.

With this I, Ulrik_Ironfist announce my completion of my vow. I will not, however, be connecting this with my vows for the ETL this year.

This was as close as I could get to their current color scheme, as the painter doesn't do camo:


Cadian 333rd, the “Half-Damned”

▪ FOUNDING WORLD: Cadia, Fortress-world charged with protecting the Imperium from the fell forces of Chaos bottled in the Eye of Terror. You might have heard of it?
▪ MAIN COLOURS: A typical soldier of the 333rd with wear a dark grey uniform with green body armor. This has to do with the world of Veridian Secundus, whose dense forests and longer night cycle made such color beneficial as camouflage. After the Veridian Campaign, the colors were instituted as the regimental standard, with allowances made for future camouflage during deployments.
▪ SPECIALITY: Being an amalgamation of four separate regiments, the 333rd finds itself replete with specialists. Artillerists and tankers often find themselves working with combat engineers, airborne, and line soldiers. While this gives the regiment a strong mixture of skills to draw upon, it also means that cross training will be needed in the future to ensure the regiment can fight as a cohesive whole.

▪ BATTLE CRY: “For the Emperor and Cadia!”
▪ CURRENT STRENGTH: 4,250 soldier, with appropriate support personnel
▪ ALLEGIANCE: To the divine God-Emperor of mankind and the Golden Throne upon Terra.

The regiment now known as the 333rd was originally five separate regiments hailing from the fortress world of Cadia. Veridian Secundus had fallen under the deprivations of Waagh Shazbah and the astropathic call was sent out to reinforce the world against the Ork menace. The majority of the answering force was made up of the Cadian 5th, 18th, 201st, 249th, and 332nd. Two of these regiments were standard line regiments (5th and 201st) while the 18th was an armored regiment, the 201st trained in siege operations, and the 249th, which featured an unusually high concentration of Kasrkin specialists, was skilled at covet operations and aerial insertions (aided by the unusually high number of Valkyrie and Vendetta Assault Carriers attached to the regiment.)

Over the course of the Veridian Campaign, casualties were high across the board. The original estimates of Ork strength were wildly underestimated, by almost 500%. What should have been a standard campaign, even a light outing by some standards, turned into a desperate fight for survival. The sixth regiments sent to Veridian Secundus was one of the rare ratling regiments, and foolish leadership resulted in almost the regiments almost complete destruction by the end of the first month of battle as Ork kommandos proceeded to engage in ‘rat hunts’ against the diminutive marksmen. Most of the 249th’s aircraft were destroyed in the opening weeks of battle as the orks maintained orbital supremacy and quickly secured the skies in their favor. Only the rapid recruitment of local Veridians into the regimental hierarchy, the advanced state of Veridian Secundus’ PDF forces (owed to its multinational state which encouraged boarder wars), and the rapid pace with which the planet went on total war footing helped to turn the tide.

Eventually, twenty Terran months after the Imperium’s initial response, the astartes of the White Consuls chapter answered the planet’s call for aid. A drop assault resulted in the death of the ork warlord and, in the ensuing infighting, the combined PDF and guard forces were able to take the offensive, gaining much ground and restoring the flagging morale that was nearly to its breaking point. Naval reinforcements, combined with the White Consul strike cruiser Bane of Darkness, drove the ork fleet from orbit.

It would be another six months before the war was over but the tide had turned. In the aftermath, every guard regiment had been thoroughly devastated. Almost half of their remaining numbers were not even Cadians, but native Veridians. Much of the leadership cadre was equally destroyed in the war and, upon reflection; it seems the orks had targeted them for assassination following the destruction of the ratlings. In order to maintain fighting effectiveness, the regiments were merged into a single regiment, the newly founded 333rd. The nickname “Half-damned” owes itself as much to the coincidental regimental number as it does to the bitter attitude the hard fought war had instilled in the survivors.

Cadia – The famed world located on the edge of the Eye of Terror, Cadia has long been known for the ability and skill of its shock trooper regiments. Conscripted from birth, all Cadians are members of the planetary PDF (the “Interior Guard”), Imperial Guard regiments, Inquisition, or some other division of the Imperium designed to keep its vast war machine in motion. While many worlds in similarly militaristic circumstances fully industrialize to support their soldiers with war material, Cadia leaves many of its natural places intact for use as training grounds, while the bulk of the population lives in the fortified cities known as Kasr. Induction into the Imperial Guard is seen as an excellent way for Cadian regiments to gain valuable battlefield experience. This experience makes them better, more capable, soldiers, which serves to fulfill Cadia’s obligations to the wider Imperium, secure its reputation for military excellence in the galaxy, and to maintain hundreds of veteran regiments within close proximity of the Eye of Terror. It is not a question of if those regiments will be needed to push back the traitor legion s and secure their homeworld, but a question of when, and Cadia is ready.

Veridian Secundus – A deeply forested world located in the Segmentum Obscurus, Veridian Secundus fulfills its tithes to the Imperium through a combination of logging and regimental conscription. In order to facilitate the latter, Veridian Secundus differs from other worlds by maintaining a multinational status in its domestic affairs, with the planetary governor’s duties restricted to extra planetary affairs, ensuring the delivery of the planetary tithe, and keeping conflict between the planet’s nations from boiling over (the planetary governor is a hereditary position.) He maintains the domestic power to achieve this through connections with the wider Imperium and control over the planets Imperial Guard regiments that are on world for recruitment and resupply.

Similar to Cadia, the urban landscape of Veridian Secundus is largely restricted to fortified cities that are surrounded by wilderness. Unlike Cadia, this wilderness is composed almost entirely of dense forests, whose wood makes up the bulk of Veridian Secundus’ exports.

In the wake of the ork invasion, the planetary governor has established greater control over the varied nation states, seeking to strengthen central authority on the backs of the people’s fear of future ork invasion. In truth, the governor likes the previous system and seeks to maintain it. However, he will not allow any nation to take advantage of this time of chaos and increases his iron grip to prevent such a catastrophe.

PRESENT ACTIVITIES: Following their reconstitution, the 333rd is en route to the Cadia warzone in response to increased traitor legionnaire activity around the Eye of Terror.

COMBAT DOCTRINE: Given the mixed heritage of the 333rd, the regiment has adopted a combined arms approach where each specialist is called upon to support and supplement other portions of the regiment. Specialists are rarely deployed alone; instead an armored company will find itself fighting alongside an infantry bodyguard of line soldiers while commandoes lure enemies into ideal charges by the regiments Rough Rider detachments (which, unlike other portions of the regiment, are entirely formed by native Veridians.) The survivors of the doomed ratling regiment have also been adopted by the 333rd and, while regimental commissars are pulling their hair out trying to curtail increasing incidents of larceny, many soldiers owe their lives to the skilled marksmanship of ratling snipers.

Veridian Campaign – The only battle on the 333rd’s role of honor, technically the regiment did not exist at this time, being formed in the aftermath. Still, all of the founding members of the regiment took part in this campaign and many see it as their baptism in blood. The initial stages of the fighting were composed mainly of defensive warfare in and around the planet’s fortress cities after early attempts proved the ork’s number too vast to attempt offensives. Only after the intervention of the White Consuls were the guardsmen able to begin taking the fight to the orks, bringing ruin upon the beasts too distracted with their own leadership quarrels to notice their doom. By the end, most regiments were down to a fifth of their original strength and many of the survivors were Veridians recruited and trained to replace the loses.

REGIMENT ORGANIZATION: The regiment is largely integrated, with specialists being dispersed along company lines so that all may benefit from their expertise. This leads to a combat role that differs somewhat from the traditional Cadian shock troop regiment, since most companies are capable of greater tactical diversity than is typical. The exceptions to this arrangement are the regiment’s final two companies, which are dedicated to the ratlings and rough riders specifically. The ratlings are never fielded en masse and are typically assigned to companies working in reconnaissance or defensive formations. The rough riders, composed entirely of Veridians, are similarly deployed where they can do the most benefit, in a case by case basis. Most often, this means reconnaissance in force and deployment as mobile reserves.

BELIEFS: The Cadian 333rd reveres the God-Emperor of Mankind, as is only proper, but does so with a cynical take that has taken the regiments clergy time to accept. Invoking the Emperor in swears and curses are typical, and not meant as blasphemy. Much of this attitude is left over from the Veridian Campaign, where ever soldier saw his friends and family die at the hands of greenskins. The appalling casualties has many in many in the regiment grumbling that they may be cursed, further granting appeal to the regimental nickname “Half-damned.”

While the current regiment owes much of its numbers to recruits drawn from Veridian Secundus, further recruits are expected to be from Cadia, particularly given the regiments deployments taking them closer to their beloved homeworld.


Terran Vigils

▪ FOUNDING WORLD: Terra – Capital of the Imperium of Man
▪ MAIN COLOURS: Gun-Metal Black Armour, Gold Trim, Crimson Clothing
▪ SPECIALITY: High Altitude Insertion
▪ CURRENT STRENGTH: 300 Personnel

▪ ALLEGIANCE: High Lords of Terra and the Inquisition

The Terran Vigils is a Militarum Tempestus Scion Regiment that was raised by the High Lords of Terra following the Age of Apostasy. Like other Scion Regiments, the recruits for the Terran Vigils come from orphans left behind by loyal Imperial subject. Unlike other Scion Regiments, the aim of the Terran Vigils is not to act as an elite strike force for the Astra Militarum, but to ensure the stability and dominance of the High Lords of Terra. Following Vandire’s fall, it was determined that political stability was paramount to the future of Terra’s survival as the political centre of humanity and, as such, provincial influences of populists and demagogues could not be allowed to interfere or allowed to fester. Following the reestablishment of the High Lords, it was decided to use the raw material of the countless orphans of pilgrims, administrators and officers who populate Terra and to train them to further the aims of the combined offices of the High Lords. To ensure that no one office could subvert this, the Terran Vigils act under the auspices of the Inquisition, specifically the mysterious Ordo Vigilus.


The regiment’s members all hail from the cradle of humanity; Terra. Whether their parents were simple administrators filing endless paperwork as part of the Administratum, pilgrims travelling through the void for one glimpse of the Imperial Palace or staff officers toiling at the command centres of Segmentum Solar, the Scions are all the products of the stuff which empires are built and maintained from. The orphans are trained across the dozens of Schola Progenium which dot Terra and Luna’s surfaces.

In the 41st Millennium, the Terran Vigils have found themselves ushered one end of the Imperium to the other. Terra does not remain the centre of Imperial power simply due to history; Segmentum Ultima is a picture of stability and power in a sea of trouble and the shear might of the forces held near the Eye of Terror within the Segmentum Obscurus could allow an ambitious man to challenge ancient Terra and Mars. No, power grows out of a barrel of a gun for both friends and enemies within the Imperium and the High Lords have no interest in sharing. The Terran Vigils, being an unofficial Militarum Tempestus Regiment and attached to the Ordo Vigilus, operate unseen and unheard. They are the surgical blade of the Terra, cutting the cancer of usurpers, populists and demagogues from the heart of the Imperium.

The Terran Vigils operate in small teams with an often fanatical focus on achieving their mission. Squads of 5-10 Scions deploy, usually from high altitude, armed with specialized weapons for assassination, demolition or seizing key terrain. Command Squads accompany the sections into battle primarily in a command and control role with a secondary focus on suppressing fire. The unit has access to Taurox Primes which provide fire-support and transport for the dismounts.

As the unit operates clandestinely under the cover of the Inquisition, they are often supported by Inquisitorial assets. When deploying in this way, the Inquisition will often secure the line of departure and the entire Scion force will insert from the high-altitude.


- Raid on Nova Terra M37: Resurgent elements of the Ur-Council begin to speak against the rule of Terra. The Terran Vigils along with a force of Blood Angels descend on the planet and assassinate the leaders while they are having a Vox conference with seditionists in other systems.


-Free-Boota War M38: The Terran Vigils are dispatched to a lightly inhabited world 20 AU from Armageddon. The High Lords had been made aware that a disgruntled minor noble from Armaggedon had hired and smuggled in an Ork Free-Boota force to tip the local balance of power in his favour. The High Lords do not care about these petty noble squabbles but cannot allow Orks to touch human soil so near to Terra. The Terran Vigils execute the minor noble fight the Orks to a stand-still but are not certain if they were destroyed or merely driven back.


-Decapitation at Gathalamor M41: Falling upon and slaughtering an Administratum Vox relay, a Necron Tomb awakens on Gathalamor, only a short distance from Terra. Sensing that others within the Imperium could see this as an ill-omen or sign of weakness, the High Lords dispatch Inquisitor Alexander Fabian and the Terran Vigils to quietly eliminate this threat. Fabian conducts a feint with his bodyguard while the Scions mounted in Taurox-Primes and a Warband riding in a Landraider Redeemer flank the Necron forces. In short order, the Scions reduce a C’Tan and a Monolith to slag with close-range Melta Guns and end the rise of the Necron dynasty.

The Terran Vigils has a small Regt HQ which commands its battle companies organized along task lines:

Regt HQ


Vox Casters

Liaison Officer to Ordo Vigilus


Assault Company

Command Squad with Hot-Shot Volley Guns

3xScion Squad with Plasma Guns


Support Company

Command Squad with Hot-Shot Volley Guns

2xScion Squad with Melta Guns

1xScion Squad with Flamers


Fire Support Company

4xTaurox Primes

Unbeknownst to the members themselves, during their training in the Schola Progenium, the Ordo Vigilus had selected the initiates who had pushed the boundaries of the Drill Abbots as far as possible without corporal punishment being the outcome. Each Scion of the Terran Vigils has one foot firmly planted on the side of insubordination and the other on the side of fanatical loyalty. This suits the goals of the Regiment since it is run on behalf of all the High Lords, many of whom may have any number of schemes in the works against their peers. By having soldiers of a certain disagreeable nature, the High Lords are assured that, at minimum, the unit cannot be a tool of one Lord against another.

Like all Scions, the members of the Terran Vigils went through the gauntlet which is the Schola Progenium. Upon graduation and selection, initiates are brought together and trained throughout the remaining biomes of Terra. They are trained from the tips of the Hive Spires, to the depths of the now empty oceans and everywhere in between. As the Scions are political tools, they are not barracked as standard soldiers but exist amongst the Hive denizens, blending it and providing intelligence on the powder-keg which is the Terran populace. When hailed by the Ordo Vigilus, the members report individually to the Lion’s Gate Spaceport where they are shuttled into orbit to prepare for action.

As a matter of course, the Scions of the regiment do not have any particular affinity for the Imperial Cult, the Omnissiah, the machinations of the Adminstratum, the Imperial Guard or Navy. Strangely, especially for Terra itself, the Scions are largely apolitical and spend their off-time living as the locals do, reporting what they hear and quietly preparing for the next battle. The only distinction that the Terran Vigils impose is a brand of the unit’s symbol on the inner bicep which is received upon joining the unit.



Tempestor Patrik Doiron – In a dark turn of events following the Raid on Nova Terra, a sizable number of Blood Angels fell to the Black Rage just as the Terran Vigils and Blood Angels were returning to Terra for debrief. The incensed Astartes caused the intra-planetary shuttle to crash into a lower Hive in the Astoria region of Terra. Fighting for their lives, the Terran Vigils fought a delaying battle against the fallen Sons of Sanguinus until a Death-Company Chaplain could arrive on the site to calm his brothers. At the peak of the combat, Tempestor Doiron and his Plasma squad were being hunted by Assault Marines; under assault, his squad cut two down as they charged. Once locked in combat, the Tempestor parried the frenzied blows of the Marine and sunk his combat knife into the neck joint of the Astartes’ helmet.



ETL V is now in full swing and it is time for this competition to wind down. As per the last update, I mentioned that this competition will close with the closing of new entrants to the ETL. This has been set to June 15th. This allows those of us who haven't finished more time to complete our entires.


So here is where we stand with entrants and completions:


OATH BEARERS - Codex Space Marines

  1. Brother SP - Iron Heralds - WIP Thread
  2. Brother Tyler - Fire Claws (aka the Relictors)
  3. Dosjetka - Crimson Praetors
  4. Empurata - Helion Legion (Sons of Guilliman)
  5. Iron Aquifer - Bellatus Cael (Sons of Possibly Dorn)
  6. Lephisto - The Celestial Zealots (Sons of Guilliman)
  7. Olis - Inheritors (Sons of Dorn) - WIP Thread
  8. Retributis - The Sons of Penance (Sons of Dorn)


OATH BEARERS - Blood Angels

  • appiah5 - The Reborn - WIP
  • CaptainHelion - Blood Owls - WIP
  • Charlo - The Sanguine Visions
  • Dolchiate Remembrancer - Crimson Sons of Vengeance - WIP
  • Father Mapple - Blood Suns
  • LRM23936 - The Swords of Camalus
  • Nicodemus Doloroso - Angels Sorrowful


OATH BEARERS - Unforgiven


OATH BEARERS - Space Wolves

  1. Grahl Ironheart - Night Howlers
  2. RikuEru - RAVN SØK - WIP Thread


OATH BEARERS - Adepta Sororitas

  1. Aquilanus - Name Pending
  2. Barabbas Sogalon - Order of the All-seeing Eye
  3. Ficinus - Order of Our Lady of the Perpetual Flame - WIP
  4. *Furyou Miko - Order of the Ruby Blade - WIP
  5. Mard - Name Pending
  6. Noeh - Ashen Wolves of Gersemi - WIP
  7. Servant of Dante - Order of the Glorious Reprisal
  8. Spacefrisian - Daughters of Russ


OATH BEARERS - Adeptus Mechanicus

  1. MoGuy - Forgbworld Halo Prime - WIP
  2. Tiger9Gamer - 413th Lucius Expedition Force - Thread
  3. Tyriks - Adamant Legion


OATH BEARERS - Astra Militarum


OATH BEARERS - Chaos Space Marines

  • Beachymike123 - Siege Makers
  • Conn Eremon - Broken Void
  • Pylaeides - The True Emperor's Children
  • Thedarkprincesnun - Angels of Despair - WIP
  • Trevak Dal - Nightblades


OATH BEARERS - Lost and the Damned

  • Conn Eremon - Broken Void
  • Warsmith Gorrched - Sons of Iron
  • Stepfan - Rumeriazian 8th



OATH BEARERS - Age of Darkness

  • Barabbas Sogalon - 90th Expeditionary Fleet (XIV Legion)
  • Cthonia - 58th Grand Battalion (IV Legion) - WIP
  • Drakrth - Black Horde
  • Hydriatus - 105th Grand Battalion (IV Legion)
  • Immersturm - True Emperor's Children - WIP
  • Ion - 954th Expeditionary Fleet (XVI Legion)
  • KBA - 1209th Expeditionary Fleet (XVI Legion)
  • Kurama - 214th Exploratory Flotilla (XII Legion)
  • Wolf_Pack - Clan Tabarn'akk


OATH BEARERS – Liber Astartes

  1. Brother Tyler - Legio Bolter & Chainsword
  • 3 weeks later...

At long last, the competition that was kicked off on Liber Day has finally come to an end. It was a glorious competition this year that saw a massive growth to surrounding forums with lots of participation in each. The event was a success and will likely be repeated in the future. Those who did not get their entries in on time are welcome to post at a later date or wait for the next year's competition. 


Feel free to post in the threads your comments, recommendations and suggestions for next year's competition or PM me.


And now for the Roll of Honor:


CODEX SPACE MARINES - Out of 10 Participants the following have emerged victorious! 

  1. Brother SP - Iron Heralds
  2. Empurata - Helion Legion (Sons of Guilliman)
  3. Iron Aquifer - Bellatus Cael (Sons of Possibly Dorn)
  4. Race Bannon - Red Shoulders (Sons of Corax)


BLOOD ANGELS - Out of 8 Participants the following have emerged victorious! 



DARK ANGELS - Out of 6 Participants the following have emerged victorious! 


SPACE WOLVES - Out of 2 Participants the following have emerged victorious! 

  1. Grahl Ironheart - Night Howlers

ADEPTA SORORITAS - Out of 8 Participants the following have emerged victorious! 

  1. Noeh - Ashen Wolves of Gersemi
  2. Servant of Dante - Order of the Glorious Reprisal
  3. Spacefrisian - Daughters of Russ


ADEPTUS MECHANICUS - Out of 4 Participants the following have emerged victorious! 

  1. Kelborn - Household Valcorian
  2. Tiger9Gamer - 413th Lucius Expedition Force - Thread
  3. Tyriks - Adamant Legion


ASTRA MILITARUM - Out of 6 Participants the following have emerged victorious! 


CHAOS SPACE MARINES - Out of 5 Participants the following have emerged victorious! 


LOST AND THE DAMNED - Out of 3 Participants the following have emerged victorious! 


AGE OF DARKNESS - Out of 9 Participants the following have emerged victorious! 


LIBER ASTARTES - Out of 1 Participants the following have emerged victorious! 


HUZZAH! to all emerged victorious!


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