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The Inner Circle in collaboration with the Liber Astartes presents:

Brother Astartes!

Lord Dante has requested representatives from each chapter of Sanguinius to provide a brief data summary of their chapter’s history and past glories to be added to the vast data banks of the Administratum and on Baal.

So arm yourselves with your quills and your cogitators!
Activate your savants and servitors!
Gather your banners of honor and let loose the Brotherhood of Angels!

The Brotherhood of Angels (BotA) is a Dark Angels Forum Event aimed at participants creating unique DIY chapter histories. In other words, you enter the event by submitting a written description of a chapter that you have created. This year we are spreading out to different forums to see what other wondrous DIY forces are out there!

1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner:

I, <<your name>>, chapter master of the << name of your chapter>>, in the name of SANGUINIUS, make this oath of moment to submit a complete history of my chapter and it's honored brothers.

There are multiple threads for the various factions. Participants are free to enter in one or more groups. Each thread is for the IA Articles for that type. PLEASE NOTE: I am NOT a Moderati and CANNOT move posts from one thread to another.

CODEX SPACE MARINES - Successors of the Ultramarines, Imperial Fists, Iron Hands, Raven Guard, Salamanders and White Scars
BLOOD ANGELS - Successors of the Blood Angels
DARK ANGELS - Successors of the Unforgiven
SPACE WOLVES - Successors of the Space Wolves
ADEPTA SORORITAS - Home to the various Orders of the Sisters of Battle
ADEPTUS MECHANICUS - Home to the various Forces, Titan Legions and Knights Houses of the Administratum and their Dark brethren
ASTRA MILITARUM - Home to the various Imperial Guard Regiments
CHAOS SPACE MARINES - Home of the myriad of Chaos Marine Warbands
LOST AND THE DAMNED - Home of the myriad of Traitor Guard Regiments
AGE OF DARKNESS - Home of the different groups of Legion Astartes
LIBER ASTARTES - Home for all other IA Creations (Inquisitors, Death Cults, Individual Characters)

2. Write a completely new Index Astartes Article, based on the structure below, on the Chapter/Unit/Warband/Order you have created (or update a submission from a previous competition). WIP threads are encouraged along with spell-check and grammar checking in Word or Pages.

3. Submit it before the conclusion date of Midnight on May 31, 2016 June 15, 2016 (GMT). The completed IA must be posted in full in this thread. Links will NOT be considered complete.

1. The article should have a minimum of 2000 words.

2. It should include the livery of your chapter/unit/warband/order using the appropriate Painter. A sketch or image of the Chapter/Regiment/Order/Warband Badge is also strongly encouraged.

3. The submission should be of your own creation.

The article should include the following sections, most of which are self explanatory.


GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): First Founding or a Successor (can be another DIY Chapter)
FOUNDING: 3rd through 26th or Unknown
CHAPTER MASTER: Current Leader of the Chapter
CHAPTER WORLD: If not Fleet based.
FORTRESS MONASTERY: OPTIONAL - Is the Fortress known by any special name
FLAGSHIP: If Fleet based
MAIN COLOURS: What are the colors of the Chapter?
SPECIALITY: OPTIONAL - Do they excel in a certain type of combat?
CURRENT STRENGTH: Typically it will be 1000 Battle Brothers unless they have suffered losses in a recent campaign.
KNOWN DESCENDANTS: Are they mentors or a predecessor to another chapter?
ALLEGIANCE: OPTIONAL - Primarily used if they have turned from the Primarch or the Emperor.

What made that Chapter come into being; Are they a Successor of a Successor? If there is a reason the Chapter Colors were chosen, it may be included in this section.

Description of the home world or fleet that the chapter considers to be home.

Narrative about the Chapter at the dawn of the 41st Millennium

How do they fight? Special Formations (Like the Death Company)? Armor Heavy? Air Assault? Night Fighters? Intolerances on Aversions?

- Battle

Short descriptions of famous battles and outcomes in chapter history. Try to provide at least three different battles.

Are they Codex Adherent? If they are not Codex Adherent, do they have any special organizations? Are the Reserve Companies organized like Battle Companies? What about the Specialists? This section will probably contain the SM Painter images of the different armor paint schemes of the various companies and specialists.

Description of the chapters fleet strength and vessel names.

Unique beliefs and practices.

How neophytes are recruited and trained.

Any rituals in their home world/base.

OPTIONAL - An image, description or sketch of the Chapter Banner or Standard and its significance. If not posted in a prior section, this would also be a good place to show the chapter badge and its origin.

Description of specific awards, honorariums and honors.

"Poke 'em in the eye!" or "Repent! For tomorrow you die!"

Description of origin and current status

OPTIONAL - Characters of renown within the chapter(As many as you wish)

Once you make your oath you may wear the following banner in your signature


Once you complete your submission you may wear the following banner in your signature:


Octaguide 2.0
40K Timeline
BBCode Guide
B&C Painters

Thought Experiment
+ + + PRAISE BE THE LION + + +

OATH BEARERS - Blood Angels

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2. Write a completely new Index Astartes Article, based on the structure below, on the Chapter/Unit/Warband/Order you have created (or update a submission from a previous competition). WIP threads are encouraged along with spell-check and grammar checking in Word or Pages.

Yup! You are free to update a previous IA article.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well here is what I have so far. Would any of you brethren be kind enough to read it over and let me know if these written sections need more details?


Crimson Sons of Vengeance




▪ FOUNDING: 9th founding(early M35)

▪ CHAPTER MASTER: Commanding Chaplain Alvoro(mid to late M35)

▪ CHAPTER WORLD: Kavillion Secondus

▪ FORTRESS MONASTERY: OPTIONAL - Is the Fortress known by any special name

▪ MAIN COLOURS: Deep Red(Primary), Bone(Secondary), Black or Gold trim

▪ SPECIALITY: Alpha strikes that open up close combat opportunities


Force Leader/Chaplain: What are you to the Angel Above?

Response: His Sons!

FL/C: What are you to the enemy?



▪ CURRENT STRENGTH: 1150 strong counting Death Company, Sanguinary Guard, Neophytes and Chapter Serfs

▪ KNOWN DESCENDANTS: Not currently.

▪ ALLEGIANCE: Inquisitorial mistrust but loyal to the Emperor and supremely loyal to the Blood Angels and Sanguinius



The chapter was created after the warp storm which developed in the Dolchiate Sector had grown to swallow an entire solar system into it. They are to be the guardians of the sector and principally reside within the Semyon System which befell a massive tragedy some millennia ago. There are rumours that some members were either involved or very closely linked with the tragedy due to the high detail often spoken of in the songs or poetry they write, however these have yet to be confirmed by a living soul or trustworthy source.



Kavillion Secondus is an agri world about twice the size of Terra with a slightly augmented gravity level. It is a world of much warfare and bloodshed having just recently been reconquered in the name of the Emperor. It resides in the Symeon System and is the only inhabitable world of the system. It is neighboured by a death world and a ferro world. A shadow resides over the entire system with the husk of what remains of Kavillion Prime, a world which had an Exterminatus declared upon it some very near to the tragedy that befell the entire sector, being torn apart by the gravities of each world of the system.



In M41, the Crimson Sons of Vengeance find themselves fighting on all fronts in the Dolchiate Sector. The first company is spread thin across hundreds of battlefields. The second company is attempting to push back tyranids as they devour humanity from within with genestealer cults spread across the sector’s worlds, the third and fourth companies have been scarcely heard from in over a millennia with the first rumoured to being engaged with various eldarkin in and out of the webway and the other having travelled deep into Warp Storm Rott. The fifth company doing all it can to quench riots and mass murders from erupting planet wide as the Tau, spreading their vile lies and confusion, overtake world after world. The Sanguinary Guard are seldomly seen as they have sworn to protect the sanctity of the corpse of Kavillion Prime. The reserves can barely be called that as they move from battlefield to battlefield without rest or respite.



The Crimson sons, much like any sons of the angel, favour close quarters fighting. They have however molded each company of the chapter to match the designated opponents on the battlefield.

Therefore, each battle company operates much like a fleet based force, while the specialist companies bring their expertise to the field when called upon.



- Battle



Short descriptions of famous battles and outcomes in chapter history. Try to provide at least three different battles.



Are they Codex Adherent? If they are not Codex Adherent, do they have any special organizations? Are the Reserve Companies organized like Battle Companies? What about the Specialists? This section will probably contain the SM Painter images of the different armor paint schemes of the various companies and specialists.



Description of the chapters fleet strength and vessel names.



Unique beliefs and practices.



How neophytes are recruited and trained.



Any rituals in their home world/base.



OPTIONAL - An image, description or sketch of the Chapter Banner or Standard and its significance. If not posted in a prior section, this would also be a good place to show the chapter badge and its origin.



Description of specific awards, honorariums and honors.



Force Leader/Chaplain: What are you to the Angel Above?

Response: His Sons!

FL/C: What are you to the enemy?




Description of origin and current status



OPTIONAL - Characters of renown within the chapter(As many as you wish)

Update time! There are a number participants in many different forums. Will there be any further participants? Will there be any further completions? Only time will tell.


Let us see the Roll of Honor for 2016!


OATH BEARERS - Codex Space Marines

  1. Brother SP - Unknown Chapter
  2. Brother Tyler - Legio Bolter & Chainsword
  3. Dosjetka - Crimson Praetors
  4. Empurata - Helion Legion (Sons of Guilliman)
  5. Iron Aquifer - Bellatus Cael (Sons of Possibly Dorn)
  6. Lephisto - The Celestial Zealots (Sons of Guilliman)
  7. Olis - Inheritors (Sons of Dorn) - WIP Thread
  8. Retributis - The Sons of Penance (Sons of Dorn)


OATH BEARERS - Blood Angels

  • Charlo - The Sanguine Visions
  • Dolchiate Remembrancer - Crimson Sons of Vengeance - WIP
  • Father Mapple - Blood Suns
  • LRM23936 - The Swords of Camalus
  • Nicodemus Doloroso - Angels Sorrowful


OATH BEARERS - Dark Angels

  • Brother Arkley - Blades of Alaric
  • Grand Master Belial - Caliban Lions
  • SickSix - Dark Swords - WIP Thread


OATH BEARERS - Space Wolves

  1. RikuEru - RAVN SØK - WIP Thread


OATH BEARERS - Adepta Sororitas

  1. Aquilanus - Name Pending
  2. Barabbas Sogalon - Order of the All-seeing Eye
  3. Ficinus - Order of Our Lady of the Perpetual Flame - WIP
  4. *Furyou Miko - Order of the Ruby Blade - WIP
  5. Mard - Name Pending
  6. Noeh - Ashen Wolves of Gersemi - WIP
  7. Spacefrisian - Daughters of Russ - WIP


OATH BEARERS - Adeptus Mechanicus

  1. MoGuy - Forgbworld Halo Prime
  2. Tyriks - Adamant Legion


OATH BEARERS - Astra Militarum

  • Barabbas Sogalon - 1st Boruzian Grenadiers
  • Grand Master Belial - 45th Imperial Regiment


OATH BEARERS - Chaos Space Marines

  • Beachymike123 - Siege Makers
  • Conn Eremon - Broken Void
  • Pylaeides - The True Emperor's Children
  • Thedarkprincesnun - Angels of Despair - WIP


OATH BEARERS - Lost and the Damned

  • Conn Eremon - Broken Void
  • Warsmith Gorrched - Sons of Iron
  • Stepfan - Rumeriazian 8th


OATH BEARERS - Age of Darkness

  • Barabbas Sogalon - 90th Expeditionary Fleet (XIV Legion)
  • Cthonia - 58th Grand Battalion (IV Legion) - WIP
  • Drakrth - Black Horde
  • Hydriatus - 105th Grand Battalion (IV Legion)
  • Immersturm - True Emperor's Children - WIP
  • Ion - 954th Expeditionary Fleet (XVI Legion)
  • KBA - 1209th Expeditionary Fleet (XVI Legion)
  • Kurama - 214th Exploratory Flotilla (XII Legion)


OATH BEARERS – Liber Astartes


I, Chapter Master Oberon, in the name of Sanguinius make this oath of the moment to submit a complete history of my chapter,The Reborn and its honored brothers.

And I give you The Reborn, a Blood Angels sucessor that uses Codex: Space Marines rules



Reborn First Company Veteran Space Marine

White power armor with yellow insets, backpack and helmet, white phoenix chapter badge

Veteran of Osma III as indicated by the stripe on his helmet

GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): Lamenters (modified)
FOUNDING: Unknown (Unofficial founding)
FORTRESS MONASTERY: Lux Aeterna (formerly the Battle Barge Martyr)
MAIN COLOURS: White, Yellow
SPECIALITY: Tyranid Huntes
BATTLE CRY: Death shall reclaim none today!
CURRENT STRENGTH: 327 Battle Brothers, 87 Initiaties

Osma III was a fairly recently established forge world of the Imperium located in the Ultima Segmentum. The planet came under intense attack from a splinter of the Hive Fleet Kraken invasion during 993.M41. The Lamenters’ eighth reserve company aboard the Battle Barge Martyr was tasked with the world’s defense, and the costly campaign resulted in mutual annihilation of the Tyranid splinter and the Lamenters task force. The Lamenters drove their battle barge into the heart of the hive fleet in a final attempt to cut off the remaining forces from the Hive Mind and succeeded in their endeavor at the cost of their lives. This attempt resulted in the battle barge as well as a good chunk of the Tyranid fleet in crashing into the planet surface, completely ruining the planet’s ecology. The remaining Imperial forces promptly dismantled and moved most of the forge facilities, abandoning the world to its fate. Today, the planet is an almost uninhabitably dangerous irradiated hybrid jungle of tyranid-indigenous life, where cannibalistic tyranid lifeforms and surviving indigenous deadly predators live off of each other, and the remaining post-apocalyptic tribal human settlements.

Unbeknownst to all but very few, there were Lamenter survivors. For their efforts, the company have been granted pardon by the Lords of Terra at the cost of severing ties with all Blood Angels successors and keeping their fate secret. Thus, a new Blood Angels successor was founded with close ties to Ordo Xenos, to be deployed against further Tyranid incursions. The new chapter, named the Reborn, operates from the remnants of their crashed Battle Barge, now a fortress monastery renamed to Lux Aeterna, and recruits from the remaining human settlements, and is slowly growing back to full chapter strength thanks to the Blood Angels geneseed’s advantages in creating new Space Marines.. Reborn are now one of Ordo Xenos’s most reliable Tyranid defense counter measures.

The chapter is deployed primarily to Xenos battle zones to take part in operations of limited scopes rather than full fledged campaigns, differentiating itself from the Deathwatch mainly through its expertise at crippling and capturing, rather than totally annihilating, the Xenos. The Reborn's affinity in Tyranid warfare has made them a particularly handy asset for the Inquisition as a means of acquiring live specifimens for inspection and experimentation. The chapter is often deployed in surgical strikes against identified Tyranid synapse points for disruption, then extracted upon collection of required specimens. Lately, the chapter has also been successfully used in shock assaults against and live capture of Eldra targets.

The Reborn are well versed and deeply experienced in warfare against Xenos, particularly Tyranids. The chapter have forsaken their gene-seed's aggressive traits and instead embraced a balanced combat approach. Their combat doctrine is one of long range superiority and surgical assault. They never engage in battles of attrition and always opt for a clever strategic retreat when possible. Signs of The Flaw are rare among The Reborn and almost isolated to newly initiated Astartes. Whether this is a result of the Lamenters' supposedly cursed geneseed or whether it is the result of Ordo Xenos's meddling in the chapter's genetics is unclear. As a result, the chapter do not keep a regular Death Company. Instead, Initiates who succumb to the Black Rage are promptly handed of to Ordo Xenos for inspection and termination.

- Battle of Osma III
All records expunged from Librarium

The Reborn are strictly codex adherent. However, their low numbers mean they currently maintain one veteran company (1st Company), two battle companies (2nd and 3rd Companies), one reserve company (7th Company) and one scout company (10th Company).

The Chapter uses its former Battle Barge as its current Fortress Monastery on the surface of Osma III. The remnants of the Chapter's fairly limited fleet is composed primarily of Strike Cruisers that assist in Orbital Deployments and Nova Cruisers commissioned from the Ordo Xenos for protection against enemy Capital Ships.

Strike Cruiser: Revenant

Strike Cruiser: Banshee

Nova Frigate: Wraith

Nova Frigate: Wight

Nova Frigate: Spectre

The Reborn see themselves as the closest of the Blood Angels successors to the embodiment of Sanguinius himself.

The Reborn recruit from among the post apocalyptic human tribes that live in the remains of the former forge structures at the edge of the planet's irradiated jungles. These settlements provide ample and hardy warriors who have been hardened by the challenges of a predatory, mutated flora that has been further twisted by Tyranid genes.

The Reborn have reinterpreted the Blood Angels' traditional process of Space Marine creation whereby the Initiate is interred within a Sarcophagus as the Initial Death. The time spent in the Sarcophagus is the chapter's way of honoring the sacrifice of leaving their heritage behind, and emerging as Astartes Reborn, a marine who has already died once, and fears death no more.


Battle Standard of the 3rd Battle Company

The Reborn's contributions to Ordo Xenos's efforts go largely unregistered, uncredited and easily unaccountable. The chapter neither asks for nor receives awards or decorations from its current allegiance. The Reborn have recently begun experimenting with Xenos technology salvaged from their live capture operations.

  • Death shall reclaim none today!
  • Born from the grave you now confront me!
  • The line is drawn here!
The Reborn had only a handful of survivors following the battle of Osma III, and largely rely on the use of a modified Lamenter's gene-seed supplied by Ordo Xenos. This gene-seed for whatever reason does not allow the maturing of progenoids in full Astartes, the organ always fails to develop further gene-seed to initiate new recruits. This makes harvesting full Lamenter gene-seeds from fallen founding veterans of the First Company a task that the chapter goes to great lengths to achieve in any circumstance, as they are the chapter's only way to obtain gene-seed on their own. How the Ordo Xenos creates the modified gene-seed is not fully known, bu the chapter's Sanguinary Priests are theorizing that the gene-seeds delivered by the Ordo Xenos is being harvested using the recruits that have succumbed to the Black Rage and delivered to Ordo Xenos for termination. The Priesthood has begun secretly experimenting on some fallen initiates, locked away in stasis vats, in the hopes of reproducing what few pure Lamenter gene-seed they have.

  • Chapter Master Oberon (Counts as Lysander)
  • Chief Librarian Atlas (Counts as Tigurius)
  • Chaplain Prometheus (Counts as Cassius)
  • Captain Io, Second Company (Counts as Sicarius)
  • Captain Metis, Third Company (Counts as Pedro Kantor)

I, CaptainHelion, Chapter Master of the Blood Owls, in the name of SANGUINIUS, make this oath of moment to submit a complete history of my chapter and it's honored brothers.


▪ FOUNDING: 11th Founding
▪ CHAPTER MASTER: Commander David Tegg
▪ MAIN COLOURS: Silver and Scarlet
▪ BATTLE CRY: "Placidius!", "For Placidius, for Sangiunius, for the Lord of Mankind!"
▪ ALLEGIANCE: Battlegroup Voltamedes


A member of the 11th Founding, the Blood Owls Chapter was formed in M35, by order of the High Lords of Terra from gene seed of the line of Sanguinius, and assigned to the Placidius system, where they were tasked with the safe keeping of the Voltamedes Sector, a sector centered around the Voltamedes system, a nexus of safe warp lanes and home to the Shrineworld, a planet-wide shrine to a number of the Imperium's greatest saints. Due to both the Shrineworld and the confluence of warp lanes, the Voltamedes Sector has had a bloody history, filled with invasions of both Xenos warlords and Arch-traitors alike.

Steriges is the third, and only geologically stable, moon of the gas giant Placidius IX. It is here that the Fortress Monastery of the Blood Owls is to be found. A network of vast structures, half buried in the dark grey regolith of the airless and barren moon, the Monastery is unassuming from above, resembling more an overgrown mining outpost of the Adeptus Terra than a fortress. But looks are deceiving, and the Monastery is one of the most defensible structures within three Sectors, with banks of macrocannons capable of obliterating a small moon within moments and innumerable turbolance batteries. The structures themselves are hardened to withstand orbital bombardment, and it is said that nothing short of a Low-Orbit bombardment from a Victory Class Battleship could destroy the Monastery. No fleet of even remotely that power has ever succeeded in battling past the outer orbits of the Placidius system, so this remains conjecture.

The Blood Owls recruit from the two inhabited worlds of the Placidius system, Placidius V, a heavily populated agri-hive world, and Svalbaan, a frigid feudal world. Placidius V produces a significant portion of processed food goods to the sector economy, and is ruled by a planetary parliament, composed of representatives from each of the hives and the major agri-collectives. The local Ministorum, Administratum, Militarum and Mechanicus also have representatives in the parliament, which is headed by a Governor who serves a ten year term, and is elected from the local noble houses.

In contrast, Svalbaan is ruled nominally by an Administratum appointed Governor, but true local power lies in the hands of the various Noble houses of the planet. With a tech level just below blackpowder weaponry, and a culture of eternally feuding nobility, brutal grinding wars are a matter of life. Despite the frigid climate of the planet, thanks to food imports from Placidius V, most of the planet’s population are not occupied in subsistence farming, as is the norm for a feudal planet, but are instead engaged in a constant state of warfare for their feudal lords. The life of a warrior serf is typically brutal and short, with weapons training beginning almost before the child can stand, and ending more often than not with a gory death moments into their first battle, barely a week after conscription upon their 14th birthday. The rare few that survive their required ten years of service are usually granted leave to return to their families, where they will marry and produce the next generation of warrior serfs. The most talented of the survivors are on occasion granted a fiefdom of their own.

The Blood Owls are currently recovering from the severe loses taken as a result of their involvement in the 32nd Voltamedes Shrine War (M41:952), but are once more engaged in the defence of Voltamedes against the Tzeenchian Chaos Space Marine warband, the Verdant Hate, in the 33rd Voltamedes Shrine War. Chapter Master Tegg has been careful to limit their engagement to a taskforce, lest they be drawn once more into a potentially devastating war. Other Blood Owl task forces have been sent to the wars in the Ergotus Sector, the Dominarian Sector, and the Baal system, among others.

The Blood Owls are, by and large, a Codex-Adherent chapter, albeit one with the predilection for fast, close quarters fighting and airborne manoeuvres shared by their Gene-sires. As children of Sanguinius, the Blood Owls have a deep appreciation for artistry and craftsmanship, which manifests in a sort of tactical hyper focus. While the chapter itself maintains the Codex-Adherent generalist nature, a given task force will focus on the mission specific doctrinal requirements, practising the specific needs to perfection, at the exclusion of more generalist methods. This causes friction when a task force returns to the chapter, and must reintegrate into the whole. However, whether a quirk of chapter culture or of their geneseed itself, this hyperfocus has proved nearly impossible to avoid. Therefore, chapter specialities have varied wildly from decade to decade, as different task forces return to the fold, causing the whole to diverge to accommodate the new.

- The Liberation of Dielon Prime
A distress call telling of a Daemonic incursion on the Hive World of Dielon prime is detected by a passing Blood Owl strike-force, and forwarded to Steriges. Chapter Master Volan Rebek dispatches the Third Company, led by then-Captain David Tegg. The Third Company joins with a Dark Angels force, hunting in the sector for a Chaos Space Marine warband, and combine forces. The incursion is revealed to be linked to the very warband the Dark Angels were hunting. Once the warband is destroyed, the Dark Angels disappear, leaving the Blood Owls to finish the final extermination of cultists and the few lingering daemons, but later gift a relic bolt pistol to the Blood Owls by way of thanks and in recognition of the assistance given.

- The Purge of Makesport
-During the eradication of a tendril of Hive Fleet Jormundgr, the 2nd Company, led by Captain Maykos Tyrrn, stop in the deep space port station of Makesport. During the brief stop, Epistolary Karus Karn reports odd shadows and ripples in the warp. Compelled to investigate, Tyrrn that the criminal syndicate that unofficially governs the station, tolerated by the Inquisition due to their efficacy at governing, has fallen to Chaos worship. Over the next two months, the 2nd Company wage a campaign of extermination. The surviving inhabitants of the station are sent to rehabilitation and rehoming on Placidius V, under the watch of agents of the Ordo Hereticus, and new colonists are sent to the station at the behest of the Adeptus Terra. Once the transition is completed, Tyrrn takes the 2nd Company, and returns to the hunt for the Tyranids.

- The Smolbor Twuh Waaagh
At the dawn of M39, a near unprecedented seven space hulks exited warpspace into the Golmerin System, igniting a vast, system-wide conflict among the native Ork clans. Due to the nature of the conflict, the Ordo Xenos mark this conflict as ‘low risk’, with the likelihood of any single Ork warband gaining control of even one of the space hulks long enough to launch a Waaagh being extremely low. In M40:341, this decision was proven dramatically wrong. The Warbos Smolbor Twuh, having gained control of the remaining three space hulks launched his Waaagh against the neighbouring systems. The Waaagh was stopped through a series of lightning strikes by a Blood Owl strikeforce led by 3rd Company Captain Rebek that crippled Twuh’s transportation, leaving the Waaagh’s remaining forces stranded and easy prey for the combined forces of the Blood Owls and the Verhoveran 1003rd.

-Prior to the 32nd Voltamedes Shrine War (M41:952), the Blood Owls were a Codex Adherent Chapter, aside from those differences embraced by all of Sanguinius’ sons; those of the Sanguinary Priesthood, the Sanguinary Guard, and the walking damned of the Death Company. Unlike many of their brother chapters, the Owls do not have those of their brothers that have fallen to Black Rage executed should they fail to find a glorious redemption in battle. Instead, members of the Death Company are fitted with stasis collars, which are triggered at battle’s end, and they are transferred to long-term stasis, until the next battle, where it is hoped they shall find their redemption. Because of this, the Blood Owls often field higher numbers of Death Company that would be expected for a chapter of their size and geneseed degradation.

-Subsequent to the 32nd Voltamedes Shrine War, the Chapter was reorganised by Chapter Master Tegg, into six battle companies, each responsible for the training of their of scout cadre. With recruitment from Placidius V and Svalbaan accelerated as high as the Sanguinary High Priest Nestor Xerus believes safe, and no Company below half strength, the Chapter is no longer on the edge of extinction.

Due to an unusual mineral composition in the Placidius system, gold is much more abundant than the galactic norm, and silver is significantly rarer. Because of this, the local cultures have swapped the two metals’ cultural significance, awarding silver the status commonly held by gold. As a result, silver is the colour of honour in the Blood Owls, rather than gold. Veterans are granted the right to silver helms as a mark of respect for their service, a respect extended to the brethren of the Death Company, in respect for the sacrifice which all scions of Sanguinius must one day face. The Sanguinary Guard are likewise clad wholly in silver, as is the armour of the Chapter Master. At times in the chapter’s history, this honour has been extended to a brother of particular valour and honour, though this is quite uncommon.

-The Blood Owls recruit from the two inhabited worlds of the Placidius system; Placidius V and Svalbaan. Every five years, a grand tournament is held by the noble houses of each world, with numerous games and events being held. The central events are known as the Aspirant’s Trials, a series of harsh and gruelling tasks that are completed by less than one in twenty participants. Those that complete the Trials are accepted into the Blood Owls, bringing great honour to the noble house who claim the fealty of the aspirants.

Upon recruitment, the aspirants undergo a set of tests and interviews, supervised by the chapter’s Sanguinary Priesthood and Reclusiam. Should the tests show no problems, the aspirants enter the Scholarium Sanguinius. The Scholarium is an intensive, year long course, training the aspirants in the core tenets of Blood Owl philosophy, coupled with a physical training regime designed to work the aspirants to the edges of their ability. For most aspirants, this is their first encounter with scholastic life, with many unable to read or write prior to entering the Scholarium. After graduating the Scholarium, the aspirants are ensanguinated with the blood of the chapter’s Priests, and entombed in the Golden Sarcophagus used by the scions of Sanguinius. Two years after the Trials, the aspirants are removed from the sarcophagi, and welcomed into the Blood Owls as brothers.

After being welcomed into the chapter, neophytes are entered into basic training, where they are taught the fundamentals of chapter warfare, and assigned to a scout squad. Training continues as the neophytes’ geneseed is monitored for irregularities, and as the neophytes learn to use their new implants and abilities. Once the scout squad is performing to the level expected by the Master of Recruits and their squad sergeant, they are dispatched to serve under the command of one of the Company captains, who will oversee the remainder of their training, and assign them to full marine status when they are ready.


-The geneseed of the Blood Owls is typical of those of the lineage of Sanguinius. There has been no loss of any of the 19 organs, no degradation, and implantation into neophytes has an acceptable ratio of success. In fact, were the Flaw of Sanguinius not a factor, it is of little doubt that the Blood Owls geneseed would have been used to sire several successor chapters. However, this is not the case. The Blood Owls are afflicted with the Flaw, and they possess no special resistance nor any unique knowledge that would allow their Priesthood to stave off its effects. It is to stave off the slow death that is the Flaw that the Blood Owls recruit as many neophytes as they do, but it is a spectre that will not disappear. In recent centuries, the Sanguinary Priesthood has become more and more active in their investigations into a cure, working closely with the Priesthoods of other Blood Angel successors, but it is to no avail. As such, the geneseed is not considered to be viable for consideration for the High Lords of Terra.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

The Brotherhood of Angels and the E Tenebrae Lux

With the introduction of this year’s ETL, now is the time to considering taking your new chapter out to join the ranks of your other armies or add to its own ranks. It is the hope that you’ll consider entering into the ETL and paint up a single model, character, squad or army in the colors of your Brotherhood of the Angels submission. No painted models are required for submission into the BotA and the competition will end with the ending of new entrants into the ETL. Should you choose to paint up something for the ETL based on your BotA article, please edit the post and include the photo of the completed unit — whenever that may be. 
OATH BEARERS - Codex Space Marines

  • Brother SP - Unknown Chapter
  • Brother Tyler - Fire Claws (aka the Relictors)
  • Dosjetka - Crimson Praetors
  • Empurata - Helion Legion (Sons of Guilliman)
  • Iron Aquifer - Bellatus Cael (Sons of Possibly Dorn)
  • Lephisto - The Celestial Zealots (Sons of Guilliman)
  • Olis - Inheritors (Sons of Dorn) - WIP Thread
  • Retributis - The Sons of Penance (Sons of Dorn)


OATH BEARERS - Blood Angels

  • appiah5 - The Reborn - WIP
  • CaptainHelion - Blood Owls - WIP
  • Charlo - The Sanguine Visions
  • Dolchiate Remembrancer - Crimson Sons of Vengeance - WIP
  • Father Mapple - Blood Suns
  • LRM23936 - The Swords of Camalus
  • Nicodemus Doloroso - Angels Sorrowful


OATH BEARERS - Unforgiven


OATH BEARERS - Space Wolves

  • Grail Ironheart - Night Howlers
  • RikuEru - RAVN SØK - WIP Thread


OATH BEARERS - Adepta Sororitas

  • Aquilanus - Name Pending
  • Barabbas Sogalon - Order of the All-seeing Eye
  • Ficinus - Order of Our Lady of the Perpetual Flame - WIP
  • *Furyou Miko - Order of the Ruby Blade - WIP
  • Mard - Name Pending
  • Noeh - Ashen Wolves of Gersemi - WIP
  • Servant of Dante - Order of the Glorious Reprisal
  • Spacefrisian - Daughters of Russ


OATH BEARERS - Adeptus Mechanicus

  • MoGuy - Forgbworld Halo Prime - WIP
  • Tiger9Gamer - 413th Lucius Expedition Force - WIP
  • Tyriks - Adamant Legion


OATH BEARERS - Astra Militarum

  • Barabbas Sogalon - 1st Boruzian Grenadiers
  • Grand Master Belial - 45th Imperial Regiment


OATH BEARERS - Chaos Space Marines

  • Beachymike123 - Siege Makers
  • Conn Eremon - Broken Void
  • Pylaeides - The True Emperor's Children
  • Thedarkprincesnun - Angels of Despair - WIP
  • Trevak Dal - Nightblades


OATH BEARERS - Lost and the Damned

  • Conn Eremon - Broken Void
  • Warsmith Gorrched - Sons of Iron
  • Stepfan - Rumeriazian 8th


OATH BEARERS - Age of Darkness

  • Barabbas Sogalon - 90th Expeditionary Fleet (XIV Legion)
  • Cthonia - 58th Grand Battalion (IV Legion) - WIP
  • Drakrth - Black Horde
  • Hydriatus - 105th Grand Battalion (IV Legion)
  • Immersturm - True Emperor's Children - WIP
  • Ion - 954th Expeditionary Fleet (XVI Legion)
  • KBA - 1209th Expeditionary Fleet (XVI Legion)
  • Kurama - 214th Exploratory Flotilla (XII Legion)
  • Wolf_Pack - Clan Tabarn'akk


OATH BEARERS – Liber Astartes

  • Brother Tyler - Legio Bolter & Chainsword
  • 3 weeks later...

Actually, Captain Semper tossed a spanner in the works. The BotA is tied to the ETL as both are Inner Circle Events. In my last update, I mentioned that this would end with the closing of new entrants to the ETL. That has been pushed back to Jun 15th. So you now have a little more time.

Actually, Captain Semper tossed a spanner in the works. The BotA is tied to the ETL as both are Inner Circle Events. In my last update, I mentioned that this would end with the closing of new entrants to the ETL. That has been pushed back to Jun 15th. So you now have a little more time.


Haha, editted my bump to read "the last three weeks" ;)



ETL V is now in full swing and it is time for this competition to wind down. As per the last update, I mentioned that this competition will close with the closing of new entrants to the ETL. This has been set to June 15th. This allows those of us who haven't finished more time to complete our entires.


So here is where we stand with entrants and completions:


OATH BEARERS - Codex Space Marines

  1. Brother SP - Iron Heralds - WIP Thread
  2. Brother Tyler - Fire Claws (aka the Relictors)
  3. Dosjetka - Crimson Praetors
  4. Empurata - Helion Legion (Sons of Guilliman)
  5. Iron Aquifer - Bellatus Cael (Sons of Possibly Dorn)
  6. Lephisto - The Celestial Zealots (Sons of Guilliman)
  7. Olis - Inheritors (Sons of Dorn) - WIP Thread
  8. Retributis - The Sons of Penance (Sons of Dorn)


OATH BEARERS - Blood Angels

  • appiah5 - The Reborn - WIP
  • CaptainHelion - Blood Owls - WIP
  • Charlo - The Sanguine Visions
  • Dolchiate Remembrancer - Crimson Sons of Vengeance - WIP
  • Father Mapple - Blood Suns
  • LRM23936 - The Swords of Camalus
  • Nicodemus Doloroso - Angels Sorrowful


OATH BEARERS - Unforgiven


OATH BEARERS - Space Wolves

  1. Grahl Ironheart - Night Howlers
  2. RikuEru - RAVN SØK - WIP Thread


OATH BEARERS - Adepta Sororitas

  1. Aquilanus - Name Pending
  2. Barabbas Sogalon - Order of the All-seeing Eye
  3. Ficinus - Order of Our Lady of the Perpetual Flame - WIP
  4. *Furyou Miko - Order of the Ruby Blade - WIP
  5. Mard - Name Pending
  6. Noeh - Ashen Wolves of Gersemi - WIP
  7. Servant of Dante - Order of the Glorious Reprisal
  8. Spacefrisian - Daughters of Russ


OATH BEARERS - Adeptus Mechanicus

  1. MoGuy - Forgbworld Halo Prime - WIP
  2. Tiger9Gamer - 413th Lucius Expedition Force - Thread
  3. Tyriks - Adamant Legion


OATH BEARERS - Astra Militarum


OATH BEARERS - Chaos Space Marines

  • Beachymike123 - Siege Makers
  • Conn Eremon - Broken Void
  • Pylaeides - The True Emperor's Children
  • Thedarkprincesnun - Angels of Despair - WIP
  • Trevak Dal - Nightblades


OATH BEARERS - Lost and the Damned

  • Conn Eremon - Broken Void
  • Warsmith Gorrched - Sons of Iron
  • Stepfan - Rumeriazian 8th



OATH BEARERS - Age of Darkness

  • Barabbas Sogalon - 90th Expeditionary Fleet (XIV Legion)
  • Cthonia - 58th Grand Battalion (IV Legion) - WIP
  • Drakrth - Black Horde
  • Hydriatus - 105th Grand Battalion (IV Legion)
  • Immersturm - True Emperor's Children - WIP
  • Ion - 954th Expeditionary Fleet (XVI Legion)
  • KBA - 1209th Expeditionary Fleet (XVI Legion)
  • Kurama - 214th Exploratory Flotilla (XII Legion)
  • Wolf_Pack - Clan Tabarn'akk


OATH BEARERS – Liber Astartes

  1. Brother Tyler - Legio Bolter & Chainsword


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