Grand Master Belial Posted March 17, 2016 Share Posted March 17, 2016 The Inner Circle in collaboration with the Liber Astartes presents:THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE ANGELS 2016Sons of the Lion!Supreme Grand Master Azrael has called for a Gathering of Angels at the Rock. Representatives from each of the various successor chapters are requested and with them is a brief data summary of their chapter’s history and past glories to be added to the vast data banks of the Unforgiven.So arm yourselves with your quills and your cogitators!Activate your savants and servitors!Gather your banners of honor and let loose the Brotherhood of Angels!INTRODUCTION:The Brotherhood of Angels (BotA) is a Dark Angels Forum Event aimed at participants creating unique DIY chapter histories. In other words, you enter the event by submitting a written description of a chapter that you have created. This year we are spreading out to different forums to see what other wondrous DIY forces are out there!HOW TO ENTER:1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner:I, <<your name>>, chapter master of the << name of your chapter>>, in the name of THE LION, make this oath of moment to submit a complete history of my chapter and it's honored brothers.There are multiple threads for the various factions. Participants are free to enter in one or more groups. Each thread is for the IA Articles for that type. PLEASE NOTE: I am NOT a Moderati and CANNOT move posts from one thread to another.CODEX SPACE MARINES - Successors of the Ultramarines, Imperial Fists, Iron Hands, Raven Guard, Salamanders and White ScarsBLOOD ANGELS - Successors of the Blood AngelsDARK ANGELS - Successors of the UnforgivenSPACE WOLVES - Successors of the Space WolvesADEPTA SORORITAS - Home to the various Orders of the Sisters of BattleADEPTUS MECHANICUS - Home to the various Forces, Titan Legions and Knights Houses of the Administratum and their Dark brethrenASTRA MILITARUM - Home to the various Imperial Guard RegimentsCHAOS SPACE MARINES - Home of the myriad of Chaos Marine WarbandsLOST AND THE DAMNED - Home of the myriad of Traitor Guard RegimentsAGE OF DARKNESS - Home of the different groups of Legion AstartesLIBER ASTARTES - Home for all other IA Creations (Inquisitors, Death Cults, Individual Characters)2. Write a completely new Index Astartes Article, based on the structure below, on the Chapter/Unit/Warband/Order you have created (or update a submission from a previous competition). WIP threads are encouraged along with spell-check and grammar checking in Word or Pages.3. Submit it before the conclusion date of Midnight on May 31, 2016 June 15, 2016 (GMT). The completed IA must be posted in full in this thread. Links will NOT be considered complete.ENTRY CRITERIA:1. The article should have a minimum of 2000 words.2. It should include the livery of your chapter/unit/warband/order using the appropriate Painter. A sketch or image of the Chapter/Regiment/Order/Warband Badge is also strongly encouraged.3. The submission should be of your own creation.STRUCTURE OF THE ARTICLE:The article should include the following sections, most of which are self explanatory.CHAPTER NAMESUMMARY▪ GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): First Founding or a Successor (can be another DIY Unforgiven Chapter)▪ FOUNDING: 3rd through 26th or Unknown▪ CHAPTER MASTER: Current Leader of the Chapter▪ CHAPTER WORLD: If not Fleet based.▪ FORTRESS MONASTERY: OPTIONAL - Is the Fortress known by any special name▪ FLAGSHIP: If Fleet based▪ MAIN COLOURS: What are the colors of the Chapter?▪ SPECIALITY: OPTIONAL - Do they excel in a certain type of combat?▪ BATTLE CRY:▪ CURRENT STRENGTH: Typically it will be 1000 Battle Brothers unless they have suffered losses in a recent campaign.▪ KNOWN DESCENDANTS: Are they mentors or a predecessor to another chapter?▪ ALLEGIANCE: OPTIONAL - Primarily used if they have turned from the Lion or the Emperor.ORIGIN OF THE CHAPTER:What made that Chapter come into being; Are they a Successor of a Successor? If there is a reason the Chapter Colors were chosen, it may be included in this section.CHAPTER HOME WORLD/FLEET:Description of the home world or fleet that the chapter considers to be home.PRESENT ACTIVITIES:Narrative about the Chapter at the dawn of the 41st MillenniumCOMBAT DOCTRINE: How do they fight? Special Formations (Like the Deathwing and Ravenwing)? Armor Heavy? Air Assault? Night Fighters? Intolerances on Aversions?ROLL OF HONOR:- BattleDescriptionShort descriptions of famous battles and outcomes in chapter history. Try to provide at least three different battles.CHAPTER ORGANIZATION:Are they Codex Adherent? If they are not Codex Adherent, do they have any special organizations? Are the Reserve Companies organized like Battle Companies? What about the Specialists? This section will probably contain the SM Painter images of the different armor paint schemes of the various companies and specialists.FLEET ASSETS:Description of the chapters fleet strength and vessel names.BELIEFS:Unique beliefs and practices.RECRUITMENT:How neophytes are recruited and trained.LOCAL RITUALS:Any rituals in their home world/base.CHAPTER BANNERS OR BATTLE STANDARDS:OPTIONAL - An image, description or sketch of the Chapter Banner or Standard and its significance. If not posted in a prior section, this would also be a good place to show the chapter badge and its origin.HONORS, RELICS, DECORATIONS AND AWARDS: Description of specific awards, honorariums and honors.BATTLE CRY:"Poke 'em in the eye!" or "Repent! For tomorrow you die!"GENE-SEED:Description of origin and current statusCHAMPIONS OF THE CHAPTER:OPTIONAL - Characters of renown within the chapter(As many as you wish)REWARDS:Once you make your oath you may wear the following banner in your signatureOnce you complete your submission you may wear the following banner in your signature:SOME HELPFUL GUIDES:Octaguide 2.040K TimelineBBCode GuideB&C Painters Thought Experiment+ + + PRAISE BE THE LION + + +OATH BEARERS - Unforgiven Brother Arkley - Blades of Alaric - Zealots of the Emperor - Sons of Thanatos Grand Master Belial - Caliban Lions Mehman - Clerics - WIP Thread Phoebus - Swords of Aldurukh - WIP Thread SickSix - Dark Swords - WIP Thread Volt - Anges de Vindication - WIP Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted March 18, 2016 Author Share Posted March 18, 2016 Time to defend the honor of the First and write up an IA worthy to be encased in TDA. I, Grand Master Belial, chapter master of the Caliban Lions, in the name of THE LION, make this oath of moment to submit a complete history of my chapter and it's honored brothers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dusara217 Posted March 19, 2016 Share Posted March 19, 2016 So, I came up with a Legion called the New Order, which was founded by Fallen Angels. I would post it in the Warbands area, but the New Order literally spends all of its efforts on Chaos (even creating alliances with Xenos within Sectors that Order members have Rogue Trader status in), since it was founded by Zahariel of the Order, who had made an oath to the Watchers in the Dark to fight the very same enemy their Cabal fought (Chaos). Should I post it here? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted March 19, 2016 Author Share Posted March 19, 2016 Yes, here will be fine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SickSix Posted March 26, 2016 Share Posted March 26, 2016 I, SickSix, chapter master of the Dark Swords, in the name of THE LION, make this oath of moment to submit a complete history of my chapter and it's honored brothers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted April 4, 2016 Share Posted April 4, 2016 'Grand Cross Lothar Arkley stared at the viewscreen, The Rock the bastion of the Dark Angels and welcome home to all their Successors. It has been too long since Lothar had stepped foot on his ancestral home, his Chapter might be different but the Lions genes made him what he was. He answered Lord Azrael's summons of all the Successors. Long forgotten brothers to be reunited in a common cause. The hail came as Lothar was lost in thought, the figure appeared on the viewscreen that infectious smile of the Angels of Venegance Grand Master. 'Greeting old friend' He spoke. 'Well met my brother' Replied Lothar. It was good to be truly home... I, Brother Arkley, Chapter Master of the Blades of Alaric, in the name of The LION, Pure Son of the Emperor, make this oath of moment to submit a complete history of my Chapter and it's honoured Brothers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phoebus Posted April 4, 2016 Share Posted April 4, 2016 Out of curiosity, do entries have to adhere to the above standard? Would any standard do so long as it includes the above information? I ask because the article I plan on submitting would be in the form of an inquisitorial report submitted by none other than Bastalek Grim! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted April 5, 2016 Author Share Posted April 5, 2016 On 4/4/2016 at 11:58 PM, Phoebus said: Out of curiosity, do entries have to adhere to the above standard? Would any standard do so long as it includes the above information? I ask because the article I plan on submitting would be in the form of an inquisitorial report submitted by none other than Bastalek Grim! No, they do not have to follow the standard. There has been others in previous competitions that have taken liberty with the format. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phoebus Posted April 5, 2016 Share Posted April 5, 2016 Thank you, Grand Master. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted April 6, 2016 Author Share Posted April 6, 2016 Update time! There are a number participants in many different forums. Will there be any further participants? Will there be any further completions? Only time will tell. Let us see the Roll of Honor for 2016! OATH BEARERS - Codex Space Marines Brother SP - Unknown Chapter Brother Tyler - Legio Bolter & Chainsword Dosjetka - Crimson Praetors Empurata - Helion Legion (Sons of Guilliman) Iron Aquifer - Bellatus Cael (Sons of Possibly Dorn) Lephisto - The Celestial Zealots (Sons of Guilliman) Olis - Inheritors (Sons of Dorn) - WIP Thread Retributis - The Sons of Penance (Sons of Dorn) OATH BEARERS - Blood Angels Charlo - The Sanguine Visions Dolchiate Remembrancer - Crimson Sons of Vengeance - WIP Father Mapple - Blood Suns LRM23936 - The Swords of Camalus Nicodemus Doloroso - Angels Sorrowful OATH BEARERS - Dark Angels Brother Arkley - Blades of Alaric Grand Master Belial - Caliban Lions SickSix - Dark Swords - WIP Thread OATH BEARERS - Space Wolves RikuEru - RAVN SØK - WIP Thread OATH BEARERS - Adepta Sororitas Aquilanus - Name Pending Barabbas Sogalon - Order of the All-seeing Eye Ficinus - Order of Our Lady of the Perpetual Flame - WIP *Furyou Miko - Order of the Ruby Blade - WIP Mard - Name Pending Noeh - Ashen Wolves of Gersemi - WIP Spacefrisian - Daughters of Russ - WIP OATH BEARERS - Adeptus Mechanicus MoGuy - Forgbworld Halo Prime Tyriks - Adamant Legion OATH BEARERS - Astra Militarum Barabbas Sogalon - 1st Boruzian Grenadiers Grand Master Belial - 45th Imperial Regiment OATH BEARERS - Chaos Space Marines Beachymike123 - Siege Makers Conn Eremon - Broken Void Pylaeides - The True Emperor's Children Thedarkprincesnun - Angels of Despair - WIP OATH BEARERS - Lost and the Damned Conn Eremon - Broken Void Warsmith Gorrched - Sons of Iron Stepfan - Rumeriazian 8th OATH BEARERS - Age of Darkness Barabbas Sogalon - 90th Expeditionary Fleet (XIV Legion) Cthonia - 58th Grand Battalion (IV Legion) - WIP Drakrth - Black Horde Hydriatus - 105th Grand Battalion (IV Legion) Immersturm - True Emperor's Children - WIP Ion - 954th Expeditionary Fleet (XVI Legion) KBA - 1209th Expeditionary Fleet (XVI Legion) Kurama - 214th Exploratory Flotilla (XII Legion) OATH BEARERS – Liber Astartes Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Volt Posted April 6, 2016 Share Posted April 6, 2016 I, Volt, chapter master of the Anges de Vindication, in the name of THE LION, make this oath of moment to submit a complete history of my chapter and it's honored brothers. WIP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phoebus Posted April 10, 2016 Share Posted April 10, 2016 I, Phoebus, Grand Master of the Swords of Aldurukh, in the name of THE LION, make this Oath of Moment to submit a complete history of my Chapter and it's honored brothers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted April 10, 2016 Share Posted April 10, 2016 Here is my revised 2016 Index Astartes article...Changes have been made in the following areasHomeworldCombat DoctrineOrganisationFleet AssetsAppearance and IconographySelected BattlesHeroes of AntiquityMasters of the ChapterIndex Astartes GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR):- DARK ANGELSFOUNDING:- 3rd [005.M32] [iron Manticores] 5th [523.M33] [27th]CHAPTER MASTER:- LOTHAR ARKLEYCHAPTER WORLD:- New MannheimFORTRESS MONASTERY:- THE Leviathan(Water going Leviathan)MAIN COLOURS:- RED - STONE ROBESSPECIALITY:- TERMINATOR VETERANS - 2ND COMPANY BIKES/SPEEDERS - FALLEN HUNTERSBATTLE CRY:- CHAPLAIN 'In the name of the Lion!' - REPLY 'We are his Blade'CURRENT STRENGTH:- 800+, 4th & 6th Company rebuilding from heavy losses.KNOWN DESCENDANTS:- NONE KNOWN The Blades of Alaric Space Marines Chapter [imageright][/imageright]Origins At the time of the Iron Manticores creation the High Lords were not as suspicious of using Dark Angels gene-seed as they are now so they were created without much issue, originally designated to patrol systems near the Ghoul Stars, The Unforgiven provided the officer cadre to take control of the Chapter, this task fell to the Angels of Vengeance in turn the Master of the 6th Company Cassiel. Part of the mandate included four hundred Astartes already waiting it was noted these Marines were more like initiates than fully fledged Space Marines, it was rumoured that they might have been cloned or vat grown. Why they were rushed was based on speculation of a xenos invasion that never happened.. After twenty four standard years the Iron Manticores proved themselves to be very capable, Once they were battle ready they slowly earned their place with the rest of the Unforgiven as they learned their warcraft. The Chapter was eventually able to fight on its own with no support, with their new fleet they were about to set out to the Ghoul Stars when Inquisitor Cythro Darvoto of the Ordo Herecticus had requested the Unforgiven to provide support in his campaign against the Brast system accused of worshipping Chaos and Daemon summoning, even though the Dark Angels and most of the other Unforgiven were sceptical none more so than Chief Librarian Suriel of the Angels of Absolution who swore the Inquisitor was hiding something, but Cassiel was eager to once again prove his worth as the Grand Master and in extension the Iron Manticores. So with that the whole chapter mobilised for war. What was unknown to Cassiel at the time was Darvoto was using the Chapter for his own ends to recover a set of four artefacts corrupted by Chaos, what these artefacts did was not fully known at the time. The campaign went well to begin with, Chaos cults in the Brast system were wiped out to a man, the first artefact was recovered, it proved to be the catalyst of the Chapters downfall. The second and third artefacts were found in quick succession, the influence of Chaos becoming more and more apparent, local casualties from war started to rise exponentially, the Inquisitor did his best to get the Iron Manticores to commit more acts of violence and depravity, Cassiel was at the forefront encouraging his marines to debase the citizens while defiling corpses body parts and skin were used as gory trophies, Cassiels excess became more and more depraved. When his Master of Sanctity questioned Cassiel he was killed in cold blood. Cassiel had used the first artefact a sword to take his life, the blade screamed as it took his life. As the fourth and final artefact was found most of the Chapter had fallen to the worship of Chaos God Slaanesh any that did not accept this were killed or were supposedly killed, it took so little time to corrupt the Chapter. The true nature of these artefacts where to unleashing a Daemon Prince known as the Dancer of Souls. Each one being a personal item of the Dancer when he was mortal. Unknown to Darvoto and the Iron Manticores a group of three Inquisitors had informed the Dark Angels of this Inquisitors crimes and his heresy which was their concern, as for the Manticores were one of their Successors they said it fell to them to reign in their wayward brothers. This task fell to Jaxartes the Supreme Grand Master of the Angels of Vengeance taking overall command. Jaxartes took this very personal considering Cassiel used to be the Master of his 6th Company, Jaxartes mobilised his whole chapter with other elements of the Unforgiven he had over two thousand space marines. With a fleet of seven Battle Barges, ten Strike Cruisers and various escorts the Fleet when searching for answers. Once the Task Force has caught up with the Iron Manticores, Jaxartes demanded Cassiel to transport to his flagship, he refused and ordered his fleet to open fire on the Blade of Vengeance, with his fall complete Cassiel started to fight a losing battle his fleet would not stand a chance even one of his own strike cruisers would turn on their Grand Master. Jaxartes was not interested in killing him in a Void battle so steps were taken to disable Cassiels Battle Barge and board it, upon boarding the ship the corruption of Chaos was more apparent, the two met in combat on the bridge. Cassiel swelled with power from the warp proved to be even match for Jaxartes but he fell to his former Master, over the next few days nearly all of the remaining Iron Manticores were killed, the Inquisitors ordered Exterminatus on the planet below where Darvoto was completing his ritual. The task force were never fully told what the Artefacts could do and it would be guessed they were more concerned with the Iron Manticores destruction given the knowledge some with privy to. All records of the Chapters fall were wiped from Imperial records only the Unforgiven and the three Inquisitors have this knowledge. As for the few Iron Manticores that did not turn their back on the Imperium they were found free from taint but would refuse to speak to anyone of this, there is very little to prove they even existed. There probably exists some documentation with the Manticores that survived the fall to corruption. Twenty seven years after the incident the ships of the 1st Legion carrying the remains of the 27th Order transitioned back to normal space in the Caliban System after being missing for over two thousand years. The Strike Cruiser Black Sword of Vengeance was the first to make contact with their lost brothers. After initial suspicion and given the recent history of the Iron Manticores, the Unforgiven were rightfully wary. But this time it was a reason for celebration they were indeed the lost 27th Order, they disappeared after jumping from Macragge during the Heresy. It took them some time to adjust to being out of their own time. Alloken the Supreme Grand Master along with Jurgen Becke came up with the plan of the 27th taking over the Iron Manticores history and provide the tithes due to the Chapter, as first Jurgen was against this, He thought it was the 27th's right to lead the Dark Angels themselves, it was not until his friend Karsten the main Librarian of the 27th explained to him that their place was not at the Rock or as Dark Angels, but as long as they were Sons of El'Jonson their name did not matter. With the help of Inquisitor Lythan one of the original ones from the Brast Incident, the Blades of Alaric took the mantle of the Iron Manticores. The Blades would then say they are the few Manticores that fought against their corrupted brothers but were not slain in a ritual. Having been deemed free of taint by the Unforgiven chapters involved in the conflict. They were given permission to rebuild. They changed their name and colours to purged that reminder of their past and to avoid any complications when an Inquisitor remembers there was a kill order for the Manticores. The 're-minted' Blades would have been under close contact with the Unforgiven (which is true as the Blades were probably scrutinized heavily upon their return) and as such they rebuilt quickly with the Unforgiven looking on. The Blades have since kept in contact with the Unforgiven to prevent another Manticore Incident and have served with distinction ever since. So it was after this the 27th Order became a member of the Unforgiven with the full knowledge of what that entailed, but even Jurgen was not told everything, even Alloken did not know his Primarch slept in the depths of the Rock. This fateful meeting also started a deep brotherhood with the Angels of Vengeance in particular with Jaxartes and Jurgen, Both recognising a common ground between them, Whereas Jaxartes was impetuous, Jurgen was patient, were Jaxartes was outspoken, Jurgen was diplomatic. They consider themselves part of the Unforgiven and will pursue the Fallen to the ends of the galaxy. But they do not do this for the reasons that the Dark Angels do. They follow more closely to the Angels of Vengeance they are fanatical in the destruction of Traitors of any kind. Origins of the Order of the Golden Blade The Order of the Golden Blade was an Order of Knights that had existed for thousands of years, its original roots can be traced back to ancient Terra, They were a small offshoot of the Jermani techno-barbarians. When man went to the stars some seen this as chance to create in their eyes an ideal world. There are few examples of this still alive in the Galaxy, New Mannheim was one example of this. After their return and subsequent rebirth they were to finally take the name of the Blades of Alaric, this was is in reference to the original Knight who founded the Order of the Golden Blade on Terra over thirty nine millennia ago. Home World When the new “Iron Manticores” followed the path Karsten said was the Emperors will even though the 27th were not superstitious Jurgen did not doubt Karsten. So began a journey to their new home world that would take them fifty six years. But it became clear why the 27th were drawn to the planet. The population is descendants of Germanic Tribes that went to the stars during the Dark Age. The planets original name was Javadar, but once the 27th declared the planet their home world they changed the name to the ancient Germanic town of New Mannheim in honour of their ancestors from Terra who ended up on Calibans southern continent during the Dark Age of Technology. New Mannheim is located located close to eastern most point in Segmentum Obscurus, in the Uhulis Sector, Dimmamar would be considered the nearest Imperium planet. New Mannheim is an ocean world over eighty percent of the world is water. Three land masses cover the northern part of the world. This area is formed into three countries. Mitte On the eastern side of the planet, fertile grasslands cover most of the continent of Mitte, the people of the country are well known for their artistic endeavours, their works of art have been distributed all over the Imperium. Mitte was also the landing site where the Blades of Alaric made planet fall. A memorial to this event was made and placed at the site. Sandhofen The continent of Sandhofen is situated north of Mitte, Sandhofen took the full force of a volcanic natural disaster rendering the vast majority of the land uninhabitable as most of it collapsed into the sea, The country has now been split into three smaller islands. It was estimated that over five hundred thousand people lost their lives in the disaster. The people of Sandhofen were stubborn and they chose to rebuild their towns instead of abandoning the land of their birth, A new capital of Sandhofen was created near the site of the extinct Volcano, New industry was established in mining the Obsidian made from the disaster. The Blades of Alaric also use western most island as well as New Mannheim's Moon to train the Chapter scouts. Ketsch The mountainous Ketsch was the home of the King of New Mannheim, When the last King died it was voted by the people for the Grand Cross to become what he always were since planet-fall the World Protector and Ruler, Industrious and hard working people have created a post industrial world. The capital has become very technological signs of change are seen more so in Ketsch, the Kings Palace is situated in the capital Friesenheim. The Knight orders have have died out over the past few millennia, there are still Barons and Dukes but most of this is Title and Prestige, the biggest honour for any family is to have a son become one of the Blades of Alaric. With the passing of the Orders and the Monarchy the Blades of Alaric have adopted most of their traditions in to the Chapter, The orders may die out on the planet but with the Blades they will survive forever. With this the Military of Ketsch has adopted to a more modern way of warfare, New Mannheim's first Astra Militarum regiment was created in 091.M37. Military service of a period of ten years from the age of eight is standard in Ketsch, Mitte and Sandhofen have been known to send their children to the Military Academies. It is known that to get into higher office is only achievable after service. Fortress Monastery The Blades of Alaric do not use any of the continents as a base instead they sail the great ocean known as the Golden Meer, in what can only be described as a water-going Leviathan/submersible, The Leviathan. The Leviathan is a marvel of human creation, it can be compared to the Raptorus Rex Star Fortress of the Fire Hawks. A relic of the Dark Age of Technology the Leviathan was purposely made for water, how this Leviathan ended up on New Mannheim is a mystery never to be known. It was discovered submerged in the Northern Golden Meer by the Chapter when they were surveying for a suitable locations for the Chapters Fortress. Jurgen declared Rites of Acquisition and claimed the ancient Leviathan. It took over fifteen years to make the vast Fortress battle ready. When the Priesthood of Mars found out about the discovery of the Submersible they requested the Chapter to allow a permanent team led by a Magos Explorator to study the Relic. An agreement was made given the Blades access to various wargear including various Dreadnought Armour, Terminator Armour and some Rare Tanks. Over the past seven thousand years the Blades of Alaric have benefited extremely well with this agreement. Combat Doctrine Like the Dark Angels, the Blades of Alaric share a stubborn streak on the battlefield, but this is tempered even they know when its time for them to leave. They prefer to use assault vehicles like Land Raiders. The Chapter also prefers to use Droppods or Thunderhawks instead of Rhinos, if land transport is required then Razorbacks are more likely to be deployed. The Chapter will use overwhelming fire-power in the form of Whirlwinds and Thunderhawk Gunship bombing runs once the enemies are reeling from that the 2nd Company will scout ahead for ripe targets to allow the 1st Company Terminators to finish the enemies Command structure. In battles where the assets of the 1st and 2nd are not always available Battle Companies will rely on the Predator Spearheads backed by Vindicators. Always at the forefront are the Battle Company Veterans. The Blades keep some of the tradition the 27th were famed for in the Great Crusade, the backbone of their Armies are the Tactical Squads. Organization The Blades of Alaric are set up like a Codex Chapter with the exception of the 1st and 2nd Companies like the Dark Angels. The Chapters Inner Circle also functions in a similar way Dark Angels but not as convoluted. The Chaplains and Librarians will be the ones to interrogate Fallen caught. They have no knowledge of Luther being on the Rock. All Knight Commanders, Chaplains, Librarians, All of 1st Company and all First Knights of the other Companies have knowledge of the Fallen. Another unique formation in the Blades of Alaric are the Twelve, also known as the Knight Protectors, they are the Grand Cross's Honour Guard. There is never more than Twelve, it is rare for these mighty warriors to take to the field as a full unit and it only happens when the Chapter takes to the field as a whole for the most part The Grand Cross is accompanied by at least two of these one of them is always the Master Protector. Membership of the Twelve is limited to 1st Company only but as always exceptions are made. The Chapters Paladin usually comes from this formation too, were as the Paladin seeks out the enemy Champions the Twelve's only concern is their Liege. The 1st Company are known as the Jäger der Gefallenen (Fallen Hunters), a name they adopted when the elements of the fate of Caliban was told to them this name is not common knowledge to the rest of the Chapter its only upon induction to the 1st is the name revealed, to standard Brothers and the rest of the Imperium they are the Bladesworn. The original Master of the 27th's 1st Company swore vengeance on his traitorous Brothers, the Fallen Hunters like the Deathwing and 1st Company of the Angels of Vengeance are ruthless and relentless in their pursuit of the fallen willing to take on even the most suicidal mission. Although the Grand Cross will not throw his most elite veterans on a fools errand. Like the Deathwing of the Dark Angels the 1st Company of the Blades of Alaric operate only in Terminator Armour, unlike the Deathwing, the Blades of Alaric do not have the Knights as part of the structure, instead they are the Knight Sergeants of each squad, these veterans have lived through centuries of war next to the Masters of the Chapter they are the future leaders of the Chapter, nobody becomes a Knight Commander or even the Chapters Grand Cross without at least a few decades as a Knight Sergeant in the 1st Company. The 2nd Company will pursue their quarry with relentless determination, it was this that Seppel the first Knight Commander of the 2nd to name his company the Höllenhunde (Hell Hounds). In ancient mythology on Terra one of the duties of these fearsome mythological beasts was to hunt for lost souls which given their duty it seems the suitable name. Each Grand Cross has come to rely heavily on these zealous warriors, its not unknown for the 2nd to be used as a forward scout force when the 10th Company are not available. The 2nd Company like other Unforgiven have the Black Knights although in the Blades of Alaric these are known as The Cerberus. The 3rd Company are also known as Vengeance Blades after The Angels of Vengeance & The Blades of Alaric fought in a twenty five years crusade to find three Fallen from the Heresy. The then current Angels of Vengeance Grand Master commended the remains of the 3rd Company with the sacrifice they made in capturing the three, This action further solidified the close Brotherhood both Chapter shared from the start. All survivors were awarded their Crux Terminatus for their steadfast duty and their sacrifice. The remainder of the chapter is organised exactly like a Codex Chapter, with the 3rd, 4th and 5th companies being Battle Companies, the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th being Reserve Companies. The 10th is the Scout Company. Standard organisation of a Battle Company is as followed. Knight Commander Command Squad (Knight Champion, Company First Knight (Veteran Sergeant), Standard Bearer, Apothecary and Weapon Specialist.) Land Raider or Droppod Chaplain Librarian (All Companies will have a Librarian attached to them) Company Veterans (Numbers vary per Company) Six Tactical Squads + Rhinos or Droppods Two Assault Squads + Rhinos, Droppods or Jumppacks Two Devastator Squads + Rhinos, Droppods The Twelve – Knight Protectors When the 2nd Grand Cross fell in battle the rest of the Knight Commanders issued a decree to create a unique unit with the sole responsibility of protecting the Grand Cross in battle, it was argued this was the job of the Paladin but as it was pointed out the Paladin was to single out enemy Champions, and not to protect the Grand Cross. After Emmerich was given the honour of being the Chapters third Grand Cross he would be the first to be guarded by these Protectors, at any one time there are always two of these stalwart Knights close to the Grand Cross, one of them will always be the Master Protector. In the entire history only two Master Protectors failed in their duty to protect their Grand Cross, Gero the first to fail gave his life in a heroic last stand protecting the body of his Lord his honour restored in his sacrifice. Lambert was the second, dying seconds after. When a new member is inducted to the Twelve they first learn of these two Heroes and the weight such a position carries in the Chapter, some consider the 1st Company and eventual promotion to possibly a Grand Cross the highest honour, however to the Knight Protectors there is no greater honour. When they are not protecting the Grand Cross as a whole, it is not unknown for a Knight Protector to be assigned to a Knight Commander from the Battle Companies, they can take on duties such as Body Guard, Commanders of elite forces usually the Company Veterans, they offer sage council, their other duties include guarding the Geneseed Vault deep inside the Leviathan permanently and oversee the Librarians to make sure none fall to possession or anything worse, thankfully there is only one record in the Chapters history of this. One thing of note even though each member of the Twelve have knowledge of the Fallen their duty as Protectors comes first. Fleet Assets The Blades of Alaric have been fortunate and have an impressive fleet they employ in the defence of their Homeworld and local systems. Although this can be attributed to the relationship the Chapter has to the Adeptus Mechanicus permanently aboard the Leviathan. In the current fleet they boast four Battle Barges, eleven Strike Cruisers, various Escorts. Herald of Caliban - Battle Barge - Flagship This venerable vessel has saw action all the way back to the Great Crusade, most of the time it is stationed near New Mannheim, it only goes to war when the Chapter are united in conflict. The Chapter are loath to use it otherwise. New Mannheim’s Pride - Battle Barge This is the personal ship of Knight Commander Johan the Chapters void war specialist, as well as the standard Bombardment Cannons the ship is fitted with Fusion Beamers. Golden Blade of Alaric - Battle Barge This Battle Barge is the newest vessel in the Blades fleet, it was commissioned just over one thousand years ago, it was given to the Blades as payment for the Chapters sacrifice when defending an Adeptus Mechanicus Titan Transporter and its escorts. The Magos of the Forge World considered the price a pittance compared to the God Machines. Jaxartes Revenge - Battle Barge Named after the Supreme Grand Master of the Angels of Vengeance, during the time the 27th returned they thought with Angels of Vengeance in numerous battles, when Jaxartes fell in battle the Blades honoured his memory by naming this ship after the legendary Master. Recruitment Most of the Chapter's recruits used to come from the Knight Orders that served the King, As the world adopts a more modern way of life the Knight Orders have been slowly dying out. Recruitment has been focused on the Military Academies. It has been noted by the Chaplains of the Chapter that it has provided a greater flux of suitable recruits compared to the Knightly Orders which in turn has led to the Scout Company being of a considerable size more so that standard Codex traditions. However a few brave individuals have swam out to The Leviathan earning a place in the Chapter and its rich history. One such individual is the current Grand Cross Lothar. Appearance and Iconography The main colour of their armour is dark red, it is considered unique among the Green, Bone and Black of most of the members of the Unforgiven. But there is no mistaking their lineage. The chapter icon has been changed from the Dark Angels standard icon to the Single Sword with a Decagrammaton sigil, Company markings are as standard Unforgiven. Icons such as Skulls are usually in gold, Crux Terminatus are stone. Chest Eagles are painted bone. The robes of the Chapter are usually in a Cream/Stone colour with yellow or green trim. The 1st Company has adopted the Deathwing icon as a symbol of brotherhood but also as a reminder of the schism the Legion suffered. The 2nd Company is unofficially still Ranvenwing but Seppel the first Commander adopted the Hellhound as a symbol, The Order of the Ravenwing is with being a member of Cerberus the highest honour any 2nd Company member could be awarded outside Command. Robes are worn mostly as a ceremonial thing but some Officers will wear them in battle. As the Iron Manticores they used the head of the mythical beast and their symbol, Green Chest Eagles. Robes where Ice Blue in colour. Beliefs The Blades of Alaric like most Space Marine Chapters venerate the Emperor as the father of all marines, and the Lion as his most gifted son. With these beliefs and the Monastic order of Knights that serve as the New Mannheim Knight Orders . But one might wonder how the Chapter will be shaped in years to come with the decline of the Orders as the planet becomes more advanced. The Imperial Creed has never fully caught one with the natives of New Mannheim, There are pockets of people who worship the Emperor as a God, but it is rare these are accepted into the Chapter. They have a deeply stubborn streak and prideful. They work very well together with Angels of Vengeance and will fight to the bitter end with their fellow Unforgiven brothers. Gene-seed To the outside observer the Blades of Alaric are descendant from the Angels of Vengeance, but the truth being that they were a Lost 1st Legion Order they have Dark Angel Gene-Seed and that is considered some of the purest. Battle-cry Pre Heresy - “Never Falter, Never Fail... We are the 1st” KNIGHT COMMANDER/CHAPLAIN 'In the name of the Lion!' - REPLY 'We are his Blade' Selected Battles 678.M33 March Home The first battle the Chapter faced after leaving the Rock was a small moon in the Dectus Sector, an Ork Warboss known as Grimkilla. After three months of combat the Chapter Champion Mathias met the Warboss in personal combat and slaying the Warboss. So began the Chapters eternal war. 984.M33 The Grudge of Dogs During a combined force assault on a Chaos held world near Cadia, the Blades of Alaric 4th Company fired on a Space Wolves encampment after the Wolves commander ordered Imperial Guard artillery to fire on a chaos held location Scout elements of the 10th Company where present and killed. The Blades of Alaric refuse to help or fight with the Space Wolves. “The Arrogance of these dogs and I will put them down like dogs, My Chapters losses mean nothing to them.” Knight Commander Moritz of the 4th 829.M35 The Sheran Rift The 5th Company's Battle Barge (Obsidian Blade) under the Command of Knight Commander Rainer were caught under a surprise attack by a small Chaos force led by a Chaos Battle Barge known as the Ecstasy of the Soul. After losing most of her escorts the Obsidian Blade was able to score a kill shot on the Ecstasy's engines crippling the ship. Seven suits of the rare Cataphractii Terminator Armour were salvaged and have been restored to its former glory by the Techmarines of the Chapter and sanctified by a Magos Techpriest of the Mezoa Forgeworld. 771-774.M37 The Rage of the Unforgiven Five Companies representing the Unforgiven launch an all out assault on a renegade Imperial world, rumours are abound as sighting of the greatest traitor himself Cypher. It was noted Cypher himself was not present but there was a Fallen Angel instigating riots. Arakiel was captured and died during his interrogation at the hands of Unforgiven. 101.M39 The Culling of Hathre The Blades of Alaric are asked to provide backup to Ordo Xenos Inquisitor Yeth Bandt in his mission to prove Dark Eldar had infiltrated the Imperial World of Hathre, The Inquisitor orders exterminatus on the planet. The 5th Company and elements of the 2nd and 9th are wiped out to a man. The Battle Barge New Mannheim's Pride escapes the system to report to Grand Cross Dietrich. 203-206.M39 Dietrich's Vengeance Dietrich the 58th Grand Cross calls upon a Angels of Vengeance fleet that was in a nearby system, The Angels of Vengeance proved to be instrumental in capturing the rogue Inquisitor. After a three year chase the Inquisitor is cornered and captured. Dietrich gave him no quarter as he killed the Inquisitor with his bare hands. Bandt's skull was cleaned and polished, Dietrich engraved the names of his dead brothers into it. It is now considered a relic. 054.M40 Traitors Game The 5th Company’s first major battle after Hathre comes in the form of a Crusading Black Templar force giving chase to a Black Legion splinter fleet led by Karatos the Reaper. The battle comes to the fore on the bridge of the Black Legions command ship. Marshal Arnfried and Knight Commander Jurgen kill Karatos. Both chapters earn each others respect and exchange gifts. 910.M40 Space Hulk Theoculus The Theoculus space hulk turns up in the Uhulis Sector, swarming with Orks, with the combined might of the whole Chapter the Orks are defeated and the Hulk destroyed, but the Blades of Alaric suffered heavy losses to the 4th, 5th and 7th companies. 559.M41 All Records Deleted 743.M41 Record deleted at request of Ordo Xenos 972-997.M41 Crusade of Three The combined force of the 3rd Company of the Blades of Alaric and the 4th Company of Angels of Vengeance respectively scoured the Lathe Trinary system for twenty five years to find three of Fallen. High causalities were inflicted to the 3rd and 4th, but the 3 were caught. Thirty two Marines survived. 982.M41 Massacre on Geath Prime Considered the darkest day in the long history of the Chapter. Grand Cross Lothar answered the pleas of a local Imperial World under attack by sending the 4th, 6th and elements of the 1st. A Chaos Battlegroup under command of a Sorcerer Lord simply known as The Occulus. One hundred and sixty two marines died in one night sacrificed to the warp. Twenty seven Brothers of the 6th spat on their oaths. The thirty one survivors have sworn bloody vengeance on the traitors. It was noted this had been the second time in a thousand years the Blades have taken heavy loses. 995.M41 Hunt for The Occulus After the massacre on Geath, the Blades of Alaric 1st, 2nd & 3rd Companies & along with elements from the Angels of Vengeance 1st 2nd & 4th Companies, Launch a devastating attack on Cyuinse IV suspected location of The Occulus. The Sorcerer Lord and his elite cadre escape his forces take overwhelming losses. Three Oath-breakers confirmed dead. 999.M41 Game of Shadows New Mannheim's Pride under the command of Johan and the 3rd chase down a damaged Eldar Cruiser of some unknown Craftworld. On closer inspection a small Tyranid splinter force is discovered. Knight Commander Johan with the help of Revered Knight Kilian kill the Hive Tyrant. This is the first recorded encounter of Tyranids by the Chapter. Minimal losses taken. Heroes of Antiquity Jurgen Becke - 1st Grand Master, Known as The Grand Cross. Bearer of the Golden Blade Jurgen was a Grand Master in the Great Crusade, he was the Commander of the 27th Order of the 1st Legion, He was known for his tactical ability he was truly a Son of the Lion. He was present as a child when his Father took a knee to pledge to the Lions new Order on Caliban. He developed a great hatred for Orks most especially an Warboss known as Grimkilla. He was also the one who had chosen to use the Sword with the Grammaton marking iconography after they settled on New Mannheim. He also amended the titles of his Masters to be more in line with his original Order on Caliban. Jurgen died at the hands of Dark Eldar after three hundred and thirty five years of leading the Blades of Alaric upon their return from the Warp. Torsten – Paladin of the 27th – The Axeman of Alaric Torsten would be the first to admit he would never be a Master of his chapter, or even a Sergeant. His talent lay in combat. He was never seen on the battlefield without his custom Power Axe a relic from the Great Crusade. Torsten's life was cut short when he fought a Chaos Space Marine known as Kyrax the Bloodied a foul Champion of Khorne. Anton - 1st Grand Preceptor – Grand Master of the Chaplains Anton was one of the oldest Marines in the 27th before the Heresy, he was known as a plain speaking man, only saying what was required. He was known for his ability to inspire his fellow Brothers. He would be known as the main architect in integrating New Mannheim's traditions into the chapter. He was over six hundred years old at the time. But this grizzled old veteran lived for another two hundred and thirteen years. Giving his life to save a young scout. Karsten - 1st Grand Seeker – Chief Librarian Karsten was given the honour of becoming the youngest Chief Librarian of any of the Unforgiven, His main talent was his visions he was the one who spoke up about their fateful warp jump, he also led the 27th to their new Homeworld. his prescience was almost legendary he has saved so many lives of his brothers with his forewarning and precognition. His legacy to the Blades of Alaric has been in form of predicting each of his successors to his position from Malte (his direct Successor) to the current Chief Librarian Konrad and beyond. Nico Volk - 1st Master Surgeon – Chief Apothecary Nico was another Great Crusade Veteran originally from Terra he had been a member of Jurgens Command Squad/Bodyguard. After the return he was the only choice to become the Chapters Chief Apothecary. Wolfram - 1st Knight Commander of Jäger der Gefallenen (Fallen Hunters) – Voice of New Mannheim A giant of a man was Wolfram, but was soft spoken. He was given the title of Voice of New Mannheim due to his skill in diplomacy, but as with every Astartes his talent was in war. Always to be found at the vanguard of a battle. He carried his huge two Handed Mace a relic of the Great Crusade. He was chosen to succeed Jurgen. Seppel - 1st Knight Commander of Höllenhunde (Hell Hounds) – The Huntsman - Hound of Alaric If Jurgen is the Mind and Wolfram is Diplomat, Seppel is the Rebel he was very unorthodox in his way of waging war, Seppel was considered very zealous, he knew most of the secrets of his chapter and holds no guilt but he stopped at nothing to hunt down any and all members of the Fallen. He was given the title of The Huntsman after his capture of the Fallen had risen to over five. The title of The Huntsman is only given to the Knight Commander of the 2nd Company, and only seven have ever earned it. Masters of the Chapter Grand Master - World Protector Grand Cross Lothar Arkley (64th Grand Cross) Lothar has been the Grand Cross for over two hundred and twelve years, he became a scout in 512.M41. He was fourteen when he swam out to the Leviathan, he survived more to his quick thinking in making himself a suit made from Seatiger skin. His quick thinking and tactical acumen seen him rise up the ranks faster than most. After his years as a scout he was promoted straight into the 4th Company. It was not long before he attracted the attention of the Master Bastian. Within sixty years he was Bastian's First Knight. Then he became the Knight Commander of the 4th by 703.M41 then Grand Cross by 787.M41 When Manfred the 63rd Grand Cross died, Most Masters expected Bastian to succeed him to the surprise of other Masters Bastian and Manfred had already chosen Lothar to be the new Grand Cross. A task he has proven time and time again he was made for. Chief Librarian – Scion of Karsten – Keeper of the Book of Antiquity Grand Seeker Konrad Like all his predecessors Konrads fate was predicted by the chapters first Chief Librarian Karsten. He also knows who will replace him and when. But this one constant continues to give the chapter hope that in the future the Blades of Alaric will be there to hunt the traitors of the Unforgiven. Konrad given his fate can be considered reckless, but his skills and talents in war make him indispensable. Forever at the forefront of battle, Lothar has relied on Konrads talents over the years. He is also the Keeper of the Book of Antiquity, this contains the name of every Brother of the chapter. Grand Master of Chaplains – Master of Traditions Grand Preceptor Brun Vosberg Brun has only been the Grand Preceptor for seven years after the previous Grand Preceptor spat on his oaths at the Battle of Geath Prime. Brun was the Chaplain of the 4th Company. On promotion to Grand Preceptor he petitioned Lothar for vengeance against his old Master. His vengeance was granted thirteen years later when Brun killed Kolman who had become a Champion of the Changer of Ways. With vengeance stated Brun turned back to his duties as the Master of Traditions to make sure the ancient ways of the people of New Mannheim are honoured to this day. Chapter Standard Bearer - Voice of Alaric Sacred Lukas Lukas has been the bearer of the Chapters Standard for over two hundred years, he was the the First Sergeant of the 5th Company during a battle supporting Naamans Vengeance. He slayed two Ork Nobz one of which had killed the previous 5th Company Standard Bearer, He carried the 5th Company’s banner for the rest of the war. Not once did his beloved 5th Company’s banner touch the earth again. The honour to carry the Chapters Sacred Banners was given to him by Lothar after the previous bearer was killed. Whenever the chapter deploys en-mass Lukas can always be seen stood at the side of Lothar, his stern features unmoving like the statues of the chapters heroes of old as the Chapters Banner stands proud in his hands. Master of the Forge Grand Creator Markus Severin Markus is the oldest living marine of the Blades of Alaric, more machine than man now, at nine hundred and thirteen years old. He has been the Grand Creator of the Forge for six hundred and seventy two years. His greatest work has been the making of the Dreadnought chassis he has called Legion it took over three hundred years of work, this chassis has never been occupied. He says only one of the Chapters mightiest heroes can ever be considered to be entombed in it. Chapter Champion – Master of the Sword Paladin Lanzo Mattias One of the most unique things about the Blades of Alaric is the Rank of Paladin, this can be traced back to the days on Caliban and as far back as Ancient Terra. Lanzo is the current Paladin of the Chapter and he as been for over three hundred years after Bastian was made the Knight Commander of the 1st, he has never been bested by any of his Brothers. Some say he has been the greatest Paladin the Blades ever had. He answers to the Grand Cross only. He is a Paragon of Virtue & Honour, many enemy Champions have fell to his Sword. Every fifty years since he ascended to this position he will take one scout to be his pupil, only the best swordsman will ever be chosen. Lothar in his youth studied under Lanzo, but was still unable to best the Swordmaster. Chief Apothecary – Master Surgeon Conrad Falco It has been many years since Falco has been to battle, his obsession of monitoring the purity of the Chapters Gene-Seed has been his life's work. It is Falco who has the last say on the suitability of a new recruit. Only the best New Mannheim have to offer will ever become Adeptus Astartes. Some Knight Commanders have questioned his high call for purity. Master Protector – Shadow of the Cross **** has been Lothars Master Protector for over one hundred and thirty years when his Mentor died protecting Lothar from a Dark Eldar Dark Lance, **** was given the honour of becoming the next Shadow, this has been a duty he was born for. It was no mistaking his star was on the rise, he would have been a Knight Commander at the earliest opportunity if he regrets his path it does not show, over the years he has prevented a number of attempts on Lothars life when the enemies of the Chapter have tried to assassinate him. Master Victualler – Logisticiam Dietmar Baldur Dietmar was given the duties of the Master Victualler after a Eldar plasma grenade destroyed most of his body, he has lost both his legs, most of the left side of his body, he refused to be put in a Dreadnought he still wanted to serve the chapter, his body was wrecked but his mind was sharp as ever. The chapters Master Surgeon Conrad was able to save him while Markus was able to make bionics to rebuild him, He is not considered a front line Master any more. His 1st Sergeant Alexis was promoted to Knight Commander after the required time in the 1st Company. Master of the 1st - Gefallen Jäger (Fallen Hunters) Lord Knight. Regent of New Mannheim Knight Commander Bastian Anzo If there was ever a Hero of the Blades of Alaric to signify the honour of the Chapter Bastian is it, he has been the Master of the Fallen Hunters for three hundred and forty eight years, he is humble, stoic and patient. He stands as a giant in his Terminator armour, his huge weapon the Axe of New Mannheim gripped firmly in his hand as a symbol of office as the Lord Knight. The weapon was made by Markus himself. Before his ascension to the 1st Company he was the Paladin for over one hundred years. He is instrumental in Lothar becoming Grand Cross an act he is proud of as a father is to a son. Master of the 2nd – Knight Commander of Höllenhund (Hell Hounds) – The Huntsman Knight Commander Kaspar Ludolf If Bastian shows the stoic side of the chapter, Kaspar is the opposite. He is brash, impetuous and hotheaded, it has been joked he is more like an Ork of the Evil Suns than an Astartes of the Emperor. It seems that the rebellious streak of the Master of the 2nd is a common trait going right back to Seppel. And this is a reputation he plays into, he usually takes to battle on his custom bike, tearing head-on into the enemy chasing them down like dogs. His behaviour has been questioned by other Masters of the chapter but nobody can deny his unorthodox tactics can and do win battles. He is also the Grand Champion of the Hunt, an event where other members of the The Hellhounds compete hunting down one of the rare predators of New Mannheim but instead of Bikes, Bolters and Power Armour the 2nd use Horses, Primitive weapons & armour. Master of the 3rd – Master of the Fleet – The Blade of Vengeance Knight Commander Johan Johan was the First Sergeant of the 3rd Company when his mentor and friend was killed during the Hunt of the Occulus, his promotion was never in doubt. He is also the chapters pre-eminent Master of Void War even his mentor would ask for his opinion in Void War. He like all the Masters of the Chapter carries a Weapon from the Order of the Golden Blade. His weapon is a Thunder Hammer dating back into ancient times. Johan's company was the first Company of the Chapter to come into contact with the Tyranids, during a battle with a Hive Tyrant Johan scored the killing blow after Revered Brother Kilian broke the creatures back with his power fist. It is widely accepted he will be the next Grand Cross. Johan's personal ship is the New Mannheim's Pride Master of the 4th Knight Commander Franz Haas Franz is one of the new Masters to come into Command after the Massacre of Gaeth he has taken an Oath of Vengeance against his former brothers. He denies himself any accolades until the the last twenty three traitors are dead. A stubborn man he has come to blows with Master Eckhart when the former commented on his tactics during a recent war-game with the 5th Company it was only by the interruption by Bastian that stopped the disagreement becoming fatal. Bastian could not fault Franz the betrayal of some of his closest brothers has hit him hard. But his bitterness could cause more issues later and for how long Bastian can prevent Franz from being stripped of command is anyone’s guess. Master of the 5th – Master of the Marches – Eye of Alaric Knight Commander Eckhart Haas As the Master of the Marches it is Eckhart's responsibility to make sure the territory of the Blades of Alaric is secure. A task he is well suited to, the 5th Company spends most of its time on the Star Fortress orbiting New Mannheim. Recently he has came to blows with Franz, he worries for his brother as not only are they brothers in arms but brothers by blood, both were accepted into the Chapter when they were fourteen and fifteen respectively. He can only hope his vengeance comes soon before hatred consumes him. Master of the 6th – Master of the Arsenal – The Reclaimer Knight Commander Merten Merten is another new Master to the Blades of Alaric, he was the a Knight Sergeant in the 1st Company for numerous years. Promotion to the 6th Company Knight Commander was given to him as he was considered a man of vision. He has taken to rebuilding the 6th Company with all his talent. It has been remarked he has the makings of being a Hero of Legend in the Chapters history. Master of the 7th – Master of the Watch – The Guardian Knight Commander Alexis Alexis was Dietmars only choice for his replacement, He was his 1st Sergeant for over 150 years. Due to tradition he could not take his place as the Master of the 7th without serving at least fifty years in the 1st Company. Alexis served the 1st with great honour and was given the Company he had led de-facto after the severe injuries Dietmar suffered. Some might say there were more experienced 1st Company members but the truth of the matter is Alexis had earned his Company and his brothers would follow him into the Eye if he asked. Master of the 8th – Master of Alban – Master of Condemnation Knight Commander Keller Alban is the moon that orbits New Mannheim, it is also the home of the 8th & 10th Companies. Keller is the Master of Fortress Alban. Keller is known to be a staunch supporter of the Codex Astartes and with his talent in tactics he makes war games for the other companies to hone their skills whether its in close combat or tank tactics Keller has a plan. Master of the 9th – Master of the Leviathan – The Old Eye Knight Commander Gerhard Roth As the Master of the Leviathan Gerhard spends most of his time on New Mannheim the grizzled old veteran has been in the 9th Company for over four hundred years. He is one of the most unorthodox commanders as he carries a Heavy Bolter as his main weapon, his Weapon of the Order of the Golden Blade is a Combat Knife named The Reapers Edge. He has refused any promotion to any Battle Company, his answer is always he belongs with his brother Devastators. His current command squad has been together for over two hundred years. Master of the 10th – Master of the Recruits – The Forger Knight Commander Reiner Carsten Reiner has been the guiding hand in his chapter for over one hundred years, he is known to be one of the finest marksmen of the chapter only other to be better is his protégée Lars. Between Reiner and Keller the Chapters future is in very good hands. Weapons of the Golden Blades Like the Heavenfall Blades of the Dark Angels and the other Unforgiven ancient weapons the Blades of Alaric do have their own versions of this weapons. Each weapon is remade to suit the Master of the Company with the exception of the Grand Cross who will only use the Blade of Alaric. The Blade of Alaric – Grand Cross Lothar Arkley The Manticores Claw was give to the Grand Master Cassiel by the Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels on creation of the Iron Manticores. After the Chapter was destroyed the weapon was sundered and remade to suit Jurgen the 1st Grand Cross of the Blades. The Axe of New Mannheim – Knight Commander Bastian Anzo 1st Company The weapon of choice of Bastian, where most of his contemporaries use blades Bastian prefers the brutal power of his axe. The Huntmans Blades – Knight Commander Kaspar Ludolf 2nd Company Kaspar requested two daggers be his weapons, his skill with the short blades is known within the chapter, he is one of the best Weapon-Masters of the Chapter. He was Lanzo's second pupil. The Hammer of Alaric – Knight Commander Johan Torsten 3rd Company This huge thunder hammer was used by the previous Master of the 3rd, Johan refused to reforge the great hammer. The Traitors Doom – Knight Commander Franz Haas 4th Company This Mace is Franz's answer to the brothers who spat on their oaths, He has the Mace blessed by his company Chaplain every battle. The Spear of Ketsch – Knight Commander Eckhart Haas 5th Company Eckhart requested his weapon to be a Spear, an unusual weapon for a Space Marine but well suited to the young Commanders fighting style when he takes to the air on his jumppack. Leviathan Blade – Knight Commander Merten 6th Company Merten's sword is in the typical style of the Unforgiven it is 2 handed but Merten has learned to use it 1 handed. The Obsidian Axe - Knight Commander Alexis 7th Company Once the 7th was handed over officially to Alexis, Dietmar presented his former Sergeant a new Axe worthy of his protégé. Hammer of Sandhofen - Knight Commander Keller Jost 8th Company Keller's hammer is a huge 2 handed power hammer, considered to be Techmarine Kelan's finest work. The Reapers Edge - Knight Commander Gerhard Roth 9th Company Due to Roth's use of the Heavy Bolter he wanted his first combat knife as a Scout remade so the Reapers Edge is born. Enemies have underestimated Roth's skill with a such a simple blade. Claws of New Mannheim - Knight Commander Reiner Carsten 10th Company Since his time in the 1st Company, Eamon was a master with Lightning Claws so when he was promoted to Master his weapon of choice was not in doubt. Special Units & Addendum Paladin – Other honorific titles are usually shunned with the exception of Master of the (Weapon) This ancient title goes back to the Great Crusade, each 1st Legion Order would have its own Paladin or Champion as it was known in other Legions, the most famous of these stalwart warriors was Corswain. The Blades of Alaric keep this tradition alive, but its not unknown for other members of the Unforgiven to nominate a Paladin for a particular campaign. Paladins are the Chapters Honour, they fight with purpose and fervour, they are Veterans of countless battles, When a Paladin offers counsel it is foolish to ignore their advice. It is not unknown for these warriors to refuse any battle accolades, deeds are what makes them not rewards. The current Paladin of the Blades of Alaric is Lanzo. He is also known as Master of the Sword. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted April 11, 2016 Author Share Posted April 11, 2016 I'm Lovin' It! Awesome job there Brother Arkley! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted April 12, 2016 Author Share Posted April 12, 2016 CALIBAN LIONS SUMMARY▪ GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): Dark Angels▪ FOUNDING: Unknown▪ CHAPTER MASTER: Hubertus Gotthold▪ FLAGSHIP: The Rock – Mortis Angelis▪ MAIN COLOURS: Black and Dark Blue▪ SPECIALITY: None▪ BATTLE CRY: “We are the Lions of Caliban! Let them hear us!” <<Marines roar>>▪ CURRENT STRENGTH: 876 Battle Brothers▪ KNOWN DESCENDANTS: The Sabers of the Lion▪ ALLEGIANCE: The Caliban Lions are close allies to the Dark Angels and their Successors. ORIGIN OF THE CHAPTER:The true origins of the chapter are clouded in secrecy which is not unusual for the Unforgiven. The Caliban Lions do not dabble in rumors and do not ponder their origins. They do not need to think of their past for they will soon encounter it with the Fallen Dark Angels. Their greatest duty is to the Hunt and reclaiming those Dark Angels that have fallen. The Chapter remains primed to react to any signs of the Fallen. Whereas the rest of the Unforgiven are Xenophobic, the Caliban Lions care not about the Xenos and only take the field against the machinations of Chaos. They continuously drill and study to battle the followers of the Chaos Gods and even their Unaligned brethren. Their studies have allowed them to prepare others of the Unforgiven for what they might face. The Dark Angels call on those that are upon the Rock to assist in the training of their scouts by taking on the role of Chaos Warriors and battling the scouts. Something they already do with their own scouts. CHAPTER HOME WORLD/FLEET:The Caliban Lions maintain a small fleet that follows the Rock closely. When they depart to track down a potential lead, a small flotilla departs containing roughly 100 marines from the various companies. Their ships are painted black and mimics the behavior of the fabled Lion of Caliban. The Masters of the Vessels keep their ships in the sensor shadows created by the Rock and its massive fleet. Even when they are away from the Rock, they work to sneak up and pounce on their prey. Keeping close to the many stellar phenomena that will give sensor augurs a difficult time in locating and coming up with weapons solutions for their weapons. Something the Navigators on board the Caliban Lion ships have perfected is finding the Rock no matter where it goes. The eldritch energy from the fateful event that saw Caliban ripped apart still plays havoc with the shields surrounding the Rock. To a Navigator familiar with the Rock, this is a unique signature that can be seen by the Navigators and allow them to guide their ships back to the Rock. This knowledge has seen the Navigator House rise in power and is under the protection of the Unforgiven and they are bound to serve only the Unforgiven. PRESENT ACTIVITIES:The Caliban Lions are still deeply involved with the 13th Crusade with nearly two-thirds of their forces engaged. The remaining third remain with the Rock but ships are regularly arriving and departing with fresh supplies and even a few prisoners for the Interrogator Chaplains on the Rock. COMBAT DOCTRINE: The unique organization of the chapter has allowed the chapter to be very flexible in their combat roles but it does tend to quash the rise of any special skills like those seen in the Deathwing or the Ravenwing. In many regards, the Dark Angels are superior to the Caliban Lions with one exception. The Lions are dedicated Chaos hunters and against the forces of Chaos the Lions work in a concert that is not possible for the Dark Angels. Only the Angels of Absolution and the Disciples of Caliban can rival the Caliban Lions when it comes to the Forces of Chaos and it most cases, they will usually be working together. The Caliban Lions have made it a point to be known for their practices in stalking and pouncing on their prey at the opportune moment. This typically means that few in any tanks are ever deployed in combat and most of those operate in defensive or command roles. Many of the Chapter’s Razorbacks have the dual function of acting as a field apothecarium to assist wounded brothers. The tanks are often too noisy and cumbersome to follow the Lions as they attempt to stalk their prey. This is offset by the chapter’s use of aircraft to help transport the Lions to their designated zones and to redeploy as necessary as well as provide air cover. Being a fleet based chapter, there is a large number of Thunderhawk Gunships and Storm Eagle Assault Gunships in the inventory of the Caliban Lions along with several Caestus Assault Rams. The chapter has only recently acquired the Dark Talon and Nephilim Jetfighter from the Forges supplying the Dark Angels and has yet to field them in significant numbers in combat. Typically, it is a lone Dark Talon being escorted by two nephilim jet fighters carrying a prisoner in stasis back to the Lion’s HQ and ultimately to the Rock. ROLL OF HONOR: - The Hunt for Beroth Shortly after the Lion’s Mane was commissioned to become the Flagship of the Lions, word was received of a Fallen Dark Angel acting as a Pirate in a nearby sector. The Lion’s Mane aborted entry into the shipyards of the Rock and immediately set out in pursuit with a several other Dark Angel vessels carrying 6 squads of Deathwing. As crews had started work preparing areas to become the flagship, work was continued at a fevered pace with the rubble from the demolition being jettisoned to make the vessel appear crippled. Acting as bait, the rest of the fleet kept hidden and far enough away from the ship to draw the pirate out. After three days, the Pirate fleet attacked the vessel. Once engaged and the Lion’s Mane appearing to be easy prey, the rest of the fleet stormed in to surround the pirates. The cruiser herself had played wounded long enough and fought back viciously at close range firing volleys of torpedoes along with boarding craft to take as many ships as possible. With Beroth on the Lion’s Mane, the Deathwing transported over to the cruiser and caught the Fallen Angel in a deadly crossfire. Bloody and defeated, Beroth was captured and taken to the Rock while the Lion’s Mane took the ship yard for retrofit and repairs. Several of the battle scars from that battle were later used as specialized areas within the ship. - The Fall of Rio Noite The Hive of Rio Noite kept a dark secret for nearly a thousand years. Amongst all the slums and darkened areas of the underhive was a hot bed of debauchery that brought forth the attention of the Prince of Pleasure. Small cults to Slaanesh would arise in the varying districts of the hive. The cults kept a low profile for many generations and took the occasion of Imperial Day to allow their celebrations to be seen by others. The frivolity was allowed to continue as it posed no danger to the inhabitants or the aristocracy despite the protestations of the Ecclesiarchy. Word of the celebrations had gotten to the ears of the Lions and they used the occasion to train their scouts and silently cull the cults. Every Lion from the Sixth Pride and lower had infiltrated the hive and found several of the cults. On the Night Prior to Imperial Day as celebrations were starting, the Lions pounced and the morning revealed the bloody bodies of thousands of cult worshipers. Those cultists that had survived the night tried in vain to fight an outlet for their anger only to hear the detonation of several massive melta devices that destroyed the supports for the hive and sent it crashing into the depths of its thermal sinks. The Lions executed any survivors though very few survived the destruction of the hive city. - Facing the Hydra The Caliban Lions hold a grudging respect for the Alpha Legion and their method of operations. This was earned during a campaign in a far flung system. The Lions had thought they had discovered the actions of the Legion only to find out that they were drawn to it. Over the course of twenty years and seven star systems the Alpha Legion led the Lions around to gain a measure of their capabilities. Where the Lion’s thought they were stalking their prey only had them chasing at elaborate plots of misdirection and falsehood. Many of the adaptations of the Lions were countered and thwarted several times over. Even a change of leadership was ineffective at altering the course of events. In frustration, the Lions began to attack random targets for no reason at all and it was only then that they were able to surprise the Alpha Legion to bring in three of their number before the call of the Hunt took them away. CHAPTER ORGANIZATION:The Caliban Lions have only ever loosely held onto the precepts of the Codex Astartes. Instead of organizing into Companies, the Chapter has modified the structure into levels of knowledge and renamed each level a Pride after their namesake. The only place the Chapter could ever come together in formation is on the Rock and even then the Prides would be uneven in their numbers. The Terminators in the First Pride number close to one hundred and fifty and the Second Pride number close to two hundred while those in the Seventh and Eighth Pride number less than sixty each. Only the space available on the Strike Cruisers keep the chapter from ballooning outside the one thousand battle brother limit established by the Codex Astartes. In honoring the traditions of ancient Caliban. Each squad shows their Pride and then their Sergeant’s heraldry on their Right Shoulder. The skills of the Sergeant dictate which squad type he will lead and select brothers to fill his ranks from those available in his Pride or recently elevated from a lower Pride. Whereas the Dark Angels confine the knowledge of their shame to the First Company. The Lion’s share the same knowledge when they reach the Fifth Pride. The knowledge available to a brother in the Ravenwing is known to those in the Eighth Pride. This is their strength and power. When the Dark Angels need more than a few squads of Deathwing to bring in a potential Fallen, the Caliban Lions are ready with nearly half a chapter available to assist their Primogenitors Master Terminator Apothecary Chaplain Librarian Techmarine Scout Tactical Marine FLEET ASSETS:The Chapter maintains a fleet of 11 Strike cruisers, 23 Gladius Class Frigates and 35 Hunter Destroyers. The Strike Cruiser “Lion’s Mane” acts as the Flagship and central command of the Chapter when they are away from the Rock. It houses the Librarian Conclave for the Chapter as well as the main vault for the chapter’s gene-seed. It is also the central vessel for the training of Scouts. With such unusual passengers, the Lion’s Mane rarely sees combat and can be found not far behind in the wake of the Rock. However, when the Rock engages in battle, the Lion’s Mane will be there to protect and defend the planetary remnant and, if necessary, sacrifice itself to protect the Rock. Indeed, the Caliban Lions have needed a new Flagship three times in their history for which they still have records. The remaining Strike Cruisers contain the rest of the equipment and personnel of the chapter. The chapter does not have access to any Forges and relies heavily on the Dark Angels and other Unforgiven Chapters for equipment and war material necessary to continue the hunt. BELIEFS:Elevation to the First Pride is of Paramount importance to a Caliban Lion in a lower pride for it is only once they have entered the First Pride that they may be selected as a Sergeant in a lower pride or become a Veteran and wear the vaunted suits of Terminator Armor. In either case, the stylized scabbard representing the Broken Lion Sword is present on all of them and is acknowledged by the Deathwing as their equals. For the Caliban Lions, the story of how the sword was broken is the final revelation and shows the Redemption possible to the Unforgiven should they complete their task. After joining the First Pride, the Redemption of the Unforgiven becomes their driving force. RECRUITMENT:Always being present near the Dark Angels has the chapter at a disadvantage when it comes to recruits as the Dark Angels will always have priority when recruiting. The Caliban Lions recruit wherever they can, even from worlds who supply other chapters with recruits. The Librarians of the chapter are often drawn to the recruit or the Watchers in the Dark will be involved in pointing out the Neophyte and bringing them to the chapter. The aspirant will usually be approached by a Chaplain, a Librarian and a Command Squad. The boy will then be evaluated by those present and then brought to the chapter. While the Lions may have been led to the candidate, the purpose the aspirant will serve is not typically clear. Indeed, several times a Recruitment Squad will be lead to a fully grown adult with skills beneficial to the Chapter such as an Artificier, Scribe or Naval Officer. LOCAL RITUALS:The Chaplains of the Caliban Lions have a sacred duty to be the gatekeepers for each Pride and to be the ones to elevate a marine to the next pride. When a marine has been selected for elevation. The Chaplain and his squad will search out the marine as though they are hunting a Caliban Lion. Isolating him before trapping him with the squad. He will then be inducted into the Chaplain's squad and taught the knowledge of the higher pride. The marine will remain in the Chaplain's squad until cleared to join a squad in the pride. During that time he will be evaluated and monitored by the Sergeants of the new pride seeking to fill their squad. CHAPTER BANNERS OR BATTLE STANDARDS: With the Chapter being organized as Prides, there are no dedicated Company Banners and only the Chapter Banner is ever taken to battle with the Chapter Master. With one exception, should there be any Standard of the Dark Angels on the field; the Caliban Lions will case their banners and fight without them. Each Sergeant wears their individual banner as a cape instead of on a banner pole. This not only is in line with their portrayal of the Lions of Caliban but also means that the Sergeants will always be at the forefront of the battle with their squad following behind. HONORS, RELICS, DECORATIONS AND AWARDS: The Caliban Lions shun many of the frivolous awards common in the other chapters. They only recognize a few awards and most are practical and usable in war. Like all members of the Unforgiven, every battle brother and scout wears a combat blade sheathed at all times. Those who have been elevated to the First Pride will have the broken blade stylized on their scabbards with a good possibility that the blade inside is also broken. The only other noticeable award is the standardized Crux Terminatus for those who are capable of fighting in Tactical Dreadnought Armor. While it is common to see Purity Seals in other Unforgiven Chapters, the Caliban Lions have abandoned their use and let their actions in battle show their purity. BATTLE CRY: “We are the Lions of Caliban! Let them hear us!” <<Marines roar>> GENE-SEED:Dark Angels Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SickSix Posted April 15, 2016 Share Posted April 15, 2016 I finally made it over the 2,000 word mark. But have to get it formatted nicely. As soon as I do I'll post it here. The latest version can be found in the link in the OP. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted April 15, 2016 Share Posted April 15, 2016 I, Alexei Pash, Lord Confessor of the Zealots of the Emperor, in the name of THE LION, make this oath of moment to submit a complete history of my chapter and it's honoured brothers. Name: Knights of Vengeance / Zealots of the Emperor Founding Chapter: Angels of Vengeance Founding: 11th 892.M35 Chapter Master: Lord Confessor Alexei Pash Homeworld: Vaska Fortress-Monastery: Spire of Pravda Main Colours: Bone & Dark Gray Speciality: Chaplains / Company Veterans Battle Cry: Your sins are many! Estimated Strength: 600+ Origins As has been documented the High Lords of Terra do not like to use the pure geneseed of the Dark Angels so as to why they sanctioned the use this time round is a question that they refuse to answer. The honour of founding the Chapter fell to Supreme Grand Master Conrad Cabriel of the Angels of Vengeance. With enough geneseed to make 200 Space Marines. Conrad selected his 6th Company to found the new Chapter. Under the leadership of Kadmiel the Knights of Vengeance as he named them, set out from the Rock in the Battle Barge Ferrum Angelus to find a world to claim for their new Homeworld. When the Knights of Vengeance made planet fall the then Lord Confessor of Vaska confronted the Space Marines and stood toe to toe with Kadmiel. So impressed with the fire and steel in his eyes, not once did he turn his gaze. Kadmiel declared rites of conquest after hours of negotiations. Homeworld Vaska is located in Segmentum Obscurus, its a mountainous ice planet. The population are fanatics in their belief in the Emperor being a God, normally this would not be a suitable Astartes but the people are tough and zealous. The planet has very little in the way of overground travel, most Cites and Towns are connected by vast underground tunnels only the most fanatical travel above ground this includes all the Confessors. There is no name for the continents, the City States control their own territory. As of 999.M41 there are 23 States. The largest of these is Kazan with a population of 150 million people. There is very little on the surface of the planet, most cities and towns are built underground, they are very similar to Hives on worlds like Necromunda. With the planet being frozen massive machines dot the planet pumping fresh water into the Cities. Priests known as Confessors travel from Town to Town, City to City, preaching the Word of the Emperor, from the smallest village to the biggest cities all have churches dedicated to the Emperor. It is rare to find any non believer. It is not unknown for Chaplains to perform these walks, the current High Chaplain Luka Makari spent over 30 years on his pilgrimage before returning to the Chapter. The Chapters Fortress-Monastery is a cliff side complex on the eastern mountain range near Kazan. Combat Doctrine The Knights of Vengeance wage war like Fanatics, the Chapter has a very high proportion of Chaplains, they make great use of Flame based weapons. Company Veterans are known to take to war carrying ornate flamers. Land Raider Redeemers play a big part in their warfare, usually to transport all veterans. Devastators are usually armed with Multi-Meltas. Like all other members of the Unforgiven the Knights of Vengeance make extensive use of Terminators in their 1st Company. And their 2nd Company functions like Ravenwing. Beliefs As more recruits came from Vaska, there was a trend developing in the Chapter. This came to the attention of the other Unforgiven chapters that the Knights of Vengeance were becoming more and more zealous in their worship of the Emperor as a God. Seeing this as a threat in putting worship above what is considered more important than hunting the Fallen. The Angels of Vengeance Supreme Grand Master put forth a cleansing solution for the Knights. The Knights were given the ultimatum to surrender their Inner Circle for mind wiping or to be destroyed, the current Supreme Grand Master at the time took the first option. After a few centuries the Chapters Inner Circle is nothing but myth and rumour. With this their status of one of the Unforgiven is non-existent. As the Chapter grew more zealous it has been noted that they are not to dissimilar to the Adepta Sororitas, in fact its not surprising to find the Zealots of the Emperor there, The Chaplains of the Chapter have also been known to study under various members of the Ecclesiarchy who visit Vaska. Any connection to the Dark Angels and their Unforgiven brethren has long since vanished in the sands of time. Gene-seed The Zealots of the Emperor were given stocks of the Angels of Vengeance, which is turn is the 1st Legion. Next to the Ultramarines there is no purer Gene-seed. Organisation Before the mind wipe the Chapter functioned exactly like their parent Chapter the Angels of Vengeance, after this the organisation of the Chapter changed quite dramatically. Now the Zealots make heavy use of Chaplains it it not surprising to have the Chapter Master also be a Chaplain, Terminators are still used for close range fire favouring Heavy Flamers. Their Ravenwing company has now become a Battle Company. Fleet Assets Ferrum Angelus – Battle Barge and Flagship The Zeal of Vaska – Battle Barge Various smaller strike craft. Heroes of Note Lord Confessor Alexei Pash Alexei has been the current Chapter Master since 724.M41, Considered to be one of the finest Weapon Masters the Chapter has ever had. He is also one of the most senior Chaplains, when one of the Chaplains becomes the Chapter Master he also takes on the title of Lord Confessor. Of all the weapons he uses his weapon of choice is the Black Star Mace, a relic from the Angels of Vengeance. Alexei embodies the Chapters zealous behaviour, His worship of the Emperor gives him the belief he will not fall to heretics or fall in his duty. Notable Battles 243.M37 - The Fall of Yudine VI Joint forces of the Order of the Blessed Saint and the Knights of Vengeance answer a distress call from a Cardinal of the Ecclesiarchy, Chaos forces led by a Plague Lord called Gellux Foulblood. The Knights of Vengeance took to the forces of Nurgle with Fire and Zeal. It was noted by the Cannoness Felicia that the Knights were true zealots of the Emperor, something the Chapter Master took to heart. After the battle the Chapter Master held council with his senior Captains and they agreed to change their name to something more fitting their beliefs and ideals, so they became known as the Zealots of the Emperor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted May 1, 2016 Author Share Posted May 1, 2016 The Brotherhood of Angels and the E Tenebrae Lux With the introduction of this year’s ETL, now is the time to considering taking your new chapter out to join the ranks of your other armies or add to its own ranks. It is the hope that you’ll consider entering into the ETL and paint up a single model, character, squad or army in the colors of your Brotherhood of the Angels submission. No painted models are required for submission into the BotA and the competition will end with the ending of new entrants into the ETL. Should you choose to paint up something for the ETL based on your BotA article, please edit the post and include the photo of the completed unit — whenever that may be. OATH BEARERS - Codex Space Marines Brother SP - Unknown Chapter Brother Tyler - Fire Claws (aka the Relictors) Dosjetka - Crimson Praetors Empurata - Helion Legion (Sons of Guilliman) Iron Aquifer - Bellatus Cael (Sons of Possibly Dorn) Lephisto - The Celestial Zealots (Sons of Guilliman) Olis - Inheritors (Sons of Dorn) - WIP Thread Retributis - The Sons of Penance (Sons of Dorn) OATH BEARERS - Blood Angels appiah5 - The Reborn - WIP CaptainHelion - Blood Owls - WIP Charlo - The Sanguine Visions Dolchiate Remembrancer - Crimson Sons of Vengeance - WIP Father Mapple - Blood Suns LRM23936 - The Swords of Camalus Nicodemus Doloroso - Angels Sorrowful OATH BEARERS - Unforgiven Brother Arkley - Blades of Alaric - Zealots of the Emperor Grand Master Belial - Caliban Lions Phoebus - Swords of Aldurukh SickSix - Dark Swords - WIP Thread Volt - Anges de Vindication - WIP Thread OATH BEARERS - Space Wolves Grail Ironheart - Night Howlers RikuEru - RAVN SØK - WIP Thread OATH BEARERS - Adepta Sororitas Aquilanus - Name Pending Barabbas Sogalon - Order of the All-seeing Eye Ficinus - Order of Our Lady of the Perpetual Flame - WIP *Furyou Miko - Order of the Ruby Blade - WIP Mard - Name Pending Noeh - Ashen Wolves of Gersemi - WIP Servant of Dante - Order of the Glorious Reprisal Spacefrisian - Daughters of Russ OATH BEARERS - Adeptus Mechanicus MoGuy - Forgbworld Halo Prime - WIP Tiger9Gamer - 413th Lucius Expedition Force - WIP Tyriks - Adamant Legion OATH BEARERS - Astra Militarum Barabbas Sogalon - 1st Boruzian Grenadiers Grand Master Belial - 45th Imperial Regiment OATH BEARERS - Chaos Space Marines Beachymike123 - Siege Makers Conn Eremon - Broken Void Pylaeides - The True Emperor's Children Thedarkprincesnun - Angels of Despair - WIP Trevak Dal - Nightblades OATH BEARERS - Lost and the Damned Conn Eremon - Broken Void Warsmith Gorrched - Sons of Iron Stepfan - Rumeriazian 8th OATH BEARERS - Age of Darkness Barabbas Sogalon - 90th Expeditionary Fleet (XIV Legion) Cthonia - 58th Grand Battalion (IV Legion) - WIP Drakrth - Black Horde Hydriatus - 105th Grand Battalion (IV Legion) Immersturm - True Emperor's Children - WIP Ion - 954th Expeditionary Fleet (XVI Legion) KBA - 1209th Expeditionary Fleet (XVI Legion) Kurama - 214th Exploratory Flotilla (XII Legion) Wolf_Pack - Clan Tabarn'akk OATH BEARERS – Liber Astartes Brother Tyler - Legio Bolter & Chainsword Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted May 2, 2016 Share Posted May 2, 2016 So, is there still time for a new guy to join? Wait, of course there is! I'll throw in my lot, too. I, Mehman, Chapter Master of the Clerics, in the name of THE LION, make this oath of moment to submit a complete history of my Chapter and its honoured brothers. Which timezones' Midnight do we have until our IAs are due? I assumed one time and I don't have an IA to show for it . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted May 3, 2016 Author Share Posted May 3, 2016 Welcome aboard! I am using Greenwich Mean Time (London) for the cut off. On the board settings, when you set the clock to the time zone it'll be the 0 hour difference. For East Texas, you are looking at a 6 hour difference so you would need to be done by 6 pm on May 31st. For the Military minded, that is pretty close to Zulu time. (Daylight Savings plays havoc with that. If I needed any time in Zulu, I set a watch and never touched it again except to sync it.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted May 25, 2016 Author Share Posted May 25, 2016 UPDATE TIME! ETL V is now in full swing and it is time for this competition to wind down. As per the last update, I mentioned that this competition will close with the closing of new entrants to the ETL. This has been set to June 15th. This allows those of us who haven't finished more time to complete our entires. So here is where we stand with entrants and completions: OATH BEARERS - Codex Space Marines Brother SP - Iron Heralds - WIP Thread Brother Tyler - Fire Claws (aka the Relictors) Dosjetka - Crimson Praetors Empurata - Helion Legion (Sons of Guilliman) Iron Aquifer - Bellatus Cael (Sons of Possibly Dorn) Lephisto - The Celestial Zealots (Sons of Guilliman) Olis - Inheritors (Sons of Dorn) - WIP Thread Retributis - The Sons of Penance (Sons of Dorn) OATH BEARERS - Blood Angels appiah5 - The Reborn - WIP CaptainHelion - Blood Owls - WIP Charlo - The Sanguine Visions Dolchiate Remembrancer - Crimson Sons of Vengeance - WIP Father Mapple - Blood Suns LRM23936 - The Swords of Camalus Nicodemus Doloroso - Angels Sorrowful OATH BEARERS - Unforgiven Brother Arkley - Blades of Alaric - Zealots of the Emperor Grand Master Belial - Caliban Lions - WIP Mehman - Clerics - WIP Thread Phoebus - Swords of Aldurukh SickSix - Dark Swords - WIP Thread Volt - Anges de Vindication - WIP Thread OATH BEARERS - Space Wolves Grahl Ironheart - Night Howlers RikuEru - RAVN SØK - WIP Thread OATH BEARERS - Adepta Sororitas Aquilanus - Name Pending Barabbas Sogalon - Order of the All-seeing Eye Ficinus - Order of Our Lady of the Perpetual Flame - WIP *Furyou Miko - Order of the Ruby Blade - WIP Mard - Name Pending Noeh - Ashen Wolves of Gersemi - WIP Servant of Dante - Order of the Glorious Reprisal Spacefrisian - Daughters of Russ OATH BEARERS - Adeptus Mechanicus MoGuy - Forgbworld Halo Prime - WIP Tiger9Gamer - 413th Lucius Expedition Force - Thread Tyriks - Adamant Legion OATH BEARERS - Astra Militarum Barabbas Sogalon - 1st Boruzian Grenadiers CoffeGrunt - 4th Tarosian Grand Master Belial - 45th Imperial Regiment - WIP librisrouge - Cadian 333rd Ubique - Terran Vigils Ulrik_Ironfist - 8th Jotunheim Grenadiers Regiment OATH BEARERS - Chaos Space Marines Beachymike123 - Siege Makers Conn Eremon - Broken Void Pylaeides - The True Emperor's Children Thedarkprincesnun - Angels of Despair - WIP Trevak Dal - Nightblades OATH BEARERS - Lost and the Damned Conn Eremon - Broken Void Warsmith Gorrched - Sons of Iron Stepfan - Rumeriazian 8th OATH BEARERS - Age of Darkness Barabbas Sogalon - 90th Expeditionary Fleet (XIV Legion) Cthonia - 58th Grand Battalion (IV Legion) - WIP Drakrth - Black Horde Hydriatus - 105th Grand Battalion (IV Legion) Immersturm - True Emperor's Children - WIP Ion - 954th Expeditionary Fleet (XVI Legion) KBA - 1209th Expeditionary Fleet (XVI Legion) Kurama - 214th Exploratory Flotilla (XII Legion) Wolf_Pack - Clan Tabarn'akk OATH BEARERS – Liber Astartes Brother Tyler - Legio Bolter & Chainsword Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 25, 2016 Share Posted May 25, 2016 Mmm should I do another.... Mmmm :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phoebus Posted May 27, 2016 Share Posted May 27, 2016 Grand Master Belial, I finally started a WIP thread for my entry. With any luck (and some cooperative children), the minimum will be complete by the deadline. The graphics and illustrations I hoped for, however, will not. Such is life. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 28, 2016 Share Posted May 28, 2016 Updated mine, mainly Force Org charts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phoebus Posted May 30, 2016 Share Posted May 30, 2016 Out of curiosity, given that my proposed Chapter was Unforgiven, was the right place for the WIP thread the Liber Astartes forum, or the Dark Angels forum? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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