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Iron-Fire + Reductor 3K


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Decided to mess around with the Iron Warriors as I have just about every other legion recently...


Basically the plan is to just obliterate the enemy at every range. Tacs become pretty great when you factor in they get furious charge in the enemy zone and fearless near counters plus those rhinos let them get in position to drop the counters down. Plus Nuncio Voxes for extra barrage fun.
Pert, Siege Breaker and Tyrants teleport down within the Damocles bubble and start causing absolute Havoc. On turn ONE because of Perturabo. Siegebreaker also means if Pert splits off the unit keeps it's tank-hunter prowess.
Damocles and Pert provide yet more barrage.
Thrallax can operate in two ways - they either sit around the artillery and stop any infiltrators or deep strike to pop some AV/ 2+/ backfield unit/ act as counter food.
Reductor units benefit from Iron fire because sworn brothers. It also means I can forgo the Magos' shooting to buff the laser vindicator to hilarious levels. 3 shots twin linked, with +3 to the damage table, rolling two dice picking the highest and rerolling fails.
Oh and the Tech priests unit is T5 and he can tank with his 2+/3++, plus has two tank hunter/ wrecker conversion beamers in.
Scorpius and Quad Mortars (with Phosphex fun to slow enemy assault elements) decimate massed infantry that the other barrages miss.
On turn one I could potentially drop down...
  • 3 Medusa Shells: Normal S10 or Phosphex
  • 12 Phosphex or Thudd Rapier Shots
  • 3 Conversion Beamers
  • 1 Phosphex Bomb
  • 1 Damocles Barrage
  • 3 Perterabo Barrage
  • 4 Blasts from the Scorpius
  • 10 BS5 Krak Missiles (BS5 Because Pert!)
  • 20 Combi-Bolter Shots
  • 1 Photon Thurster

Iron Within. Iron Without.


+++ IronFire (3000pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2030pts) ++

+ HQ (260pts) +

Damocles Command Rhino (100pts)

Legion Centurion (160pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 2x Phosphex Bombs, Thunderhammer]
····Consul [siege Breaker]

+ Troops (480pts) +

Legion Tactical Squad (240pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Nuncio-Vox, Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]

Legion Tactical Squad (240pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Nuncio-Vox, Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]

+ Elites (555pts) +

Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery (240pts) [3x Legion Rapier, Phosphex Canister Shot]

Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad (315pts) [3x Chainfist, 4x Tyrant Terminator]
····Tyrant Siege Master [Combi-weapon]

+ Heavy Support (245pts) +

Legion Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron (130pts)
····Legion Vindicator Tank [Laser Destroyer Array]

Legion Whirlwind Scorpius (115pts)

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [iV: Iron Warriors, Traitor]

+ Lord of War (490pts) +

The Primarch Perturabo (490pts) [After Istvaan]

++ Mechanicum: Taghmata Army List (Allied Detachment) (970pts) ++

+ HQ (375pts) +

Magos Reductor (375pts) [Archmagos Reductor, Conversion Beamer, Cyber-familiar, Mastercraft a single weapon]
····Tech-Priest Auxillia [6x Servo-automata]
········Adept [Augury Scanner, Conversion Beamer, Magos Auxilia, Reductor]
········Adept [Conversion Beamer, Reductor]

+ Troops (175pts) +

Thallax Cohort (175pts) [Destructor, Photon Thruster, 3x Thallax]

+ Heavy Support (420pts) +

Ordo Reductor Artillery Tank Battery (420pts) [Medusa cannons]
····Ordo Reductor Artillery [Hull-mounted Heavy Bolter]
····Ordo Reductor Artillery [Hull-mounted Heavy Bolter]
····Ordo Reductor Artillery [Hull-mounted Heavy Bolter]

+ Legion +

Legio [Ordo Reductor]

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If I understand Ironfire correctly, it works with advancing forces. I suppose that my biggest issue is the lack of forward elements. The Tacs will be demeched rather quickly, unless you start the game and turbo-boost up front. But maybe I am reading something wrong.


Either way, I think it is fine in terms of pure firepower, but you do not have a lot of redudancy. You are fairly weak against Drop Pods and Outflanking, both of which will damage your Gunline irreparably. Maybe less pie plates and more dudes is the safer approach?


You could also play your Thud Guns solo for more flexibility. You have the slots.


Personally, I think the pie plates that Legions bring is solid enough and you do not need Reductor. Some Battle Automata in the Elite slot might be better.

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Hmm maybe you are right.


I like reductor for the quality of fire it brings to the list. The reductor Medusas get Phosphex and normal shells for flexibility. Also the Magos can buff the firebase to help with any potential AV problems.


The tech priest retinue could maybe do with going, but then the Archmagos Prime is high and dry by himself. Conversion beamers are fickle weapons too.


What purpose could bots serve? And what other forward elements would you suggest?

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