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Forming an army from my collection - Ultramarines


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Hey hey,

So I bought a heap of stuff, and I've been furiously assembling and undercoating it all. I have yet to play a 30k game, so forming an effective army from my collection could end well, or not. Basically my 30k Ultramarines collection is themed with an armoured/mechanised formation in mind, which becomes obvious when you see the list below. Also, I buy what I like the look or idea of, rather than the most effective gaming units. Anyways, below is a list of what I have:


Praetor in Cataphractii armour (from the Calth box)

Master of Signal

Legion Champion

5x Cataphractii Terminators with lightning claws with Spartan

3x 10-man Tactical squads with Rhinos

5x Invictarus Suzerains

Contemptor with assault cannon

Glaive Super-heavy



Fire Raptor

Damocles Rhino (awaiting correct RHS panel whistlingW.gif )

2 Land Raiders (in transit)

5x Destroyers (in transit)

Whirlwind Scorpius (in transit)

So, what I'm asking of the more experienced members is, what would be some good lists I can make from these models, at various point levels? (1000, 1500, 2000, 3000 & 4000) I'm not planning on buying anything else any time soon. Any help would be appreciated guys!


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Well, Big G with 5 Invictarii and a Consul (Chaplain sounds decent) in a Land Raider is a solid start to build around. Altetnatively, you can stick Big G with the TDA in the Spartan. Personally, I am not a big fan of Spartans, but since you own one, it is fair game.


Tacs in Rhinos are always useful as Troops. Do not forget to stick a Bolter on their Rhinos though to tag enemy units and activate the UM LA rule.


What I am lacking a bit is fire support. The Scorpius is great, but will only go so far. Thud Guns, Heavy Supports and a Sicaran are a good call. However, your Glaive might fit that role as well, but you would need to sacrifice Big G, which I am mot sure is worth it. He is a great force multiplier.


Basically, aim for a defensive list with firepower and defensive melee ;)

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