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500pt/1000pt World Eaters

Bolt Slinger

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So most members of our group are in the process of starting to play Heresy, I am one of them.

We agreed that we’d start small and only play with painted armies only, so by starting with 500 points, we’ll keep it affordable and everyone can keep up painting his army. We agreed that if we are playing 500 points or less, we wouldn’t need a second troop choice, one would suffice.

I want to start playing World Eaters, I’ll be facing Emperor’s Children, Death guard, Iron Hands and (Dark) Mechanicum.


These are the First two lists I came up with, I’d gladly get some feedback from you guys, seeing if this is feasible or not.  


500 pts


Legion Centurion, Artificer Armour


Legion Tactical Squad, Artificer Armour, Power Fist, 12 Marines, Vexilla (CC weapons obviously)



Contemptor Mortis, two Kheres Assault Cannons


1000 pts (Berserker Assault)


Legion Praetor, Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Paragon blade


Full Legion Tactical Squad, Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Vexilla (CC weapons)

Full Legion Tactical Squad, Artificer Armour, Power Axe, Vexilla (CC weapons)


two Apothecaries

Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought, two Kheres Assault Cannons


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For the 500pt list, I'd drop defintiely the power fist on the tac for a weapon on the consul and maybe drop the vexilla for something else.


For 1,000pts I guess 40 marines is less crippling but still quite unwieldy. I'd consider alternatives to footlosgging. At such limited points it might be tricky but a dreadclaw with despoilers could be a good hammer/anvil.

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Thanx for the feedback
As for the 500pt list I'll give the Centurion twin lightning claws, and drop the powerfist on the sarge, as well as the vexilla.
For the 1000pt list I completely forgot about the extra troop choice, so I'm thinking of going for the Pride of the legion, swapping one tactical squad for a veteran squad, 8 strong, taking two power weapons and meltabombs. Taking a dreadclaw as fast attack choice would make the list more flexible, thanks.
I'll write up the new lists and post them later on.

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