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Forum becoming over moderated.

Brother Raul

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Ok let me start this by saying I am not particulary happy and I do want to raise the issue with the blood angels community on bolter and chainsword and I am a blood angels player engaging said community.


So mods please hold off modifying or moving or even deleting this post until there has been some circulation and discussion on the topic by blood angels players and members of that community in this forum.


Recently put a bit of effort into writing a post for my battle brothers amusement. I engage this community on a number of levels and enjoy doing it. The post had BA content straight up and I log into B&C today to see if I have amused my battle brothers. Not only has the post been modified to make it more BA focused but it was then moved for not being BA enough by another moderator.


It seems a bit OTT to me to be honest. I am not mentioning the names of the moderators because I do not wish to offend them or seem ungrateful for the good work they generally do. It might just be my attitude to the forums or online in general.


Did a strategic piece on the Sanguinor that I tried to generate enthusiasm for by trying to be funny and copped a warning for language. You can't express foul language in this forum. I am ok with that. But deliberately pinging auto censor and using %$# isn't foul language, it has no semantic value. I am pretty sure I've mentioned 700 times I am Australian, so please, some cultural sensitivity for my cultural insensitivity?


It just puts me of posting to be honest. I don't think I have had an idea r.e BA and 40k that I haven't shared with this community, for better or worse, and our forum is special and I'd like to keep it that way.




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I think saying "have some cultural sensitivity for my cultural incensitivity" is basically akin to saying "It's just banter" and doesn't give you much to stand on buddy.


If your topic is deemed not worth the BA section as it's too broad and could serve the forum in a better manner elsewhere it'll be moved.


NOT using the cuss smiley is against forum rules. Don't break them. Simple as.


Really I'm not seeing an issue other than "my post didn't get the attention I wanted." I'm sorry, that's just how it looks to me.


I'd never hold off posting though, you have some good posts and topics too. Mods just doing thier job ya know. BA can't be an easy job with the multitude of people naysaying our perfectly fine book.

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@ Brother Charlo; precisely, it is just banter, I am not being offensive. The swearing stuff really doesn't bother me too much at all, my main point was that a post was modified to make it more BA orientated then moved for not being BA enough by 2 different moderators.


That to me seems over moderated. Mods are only ever doing their duty, just on this occasion maybe they over reacted, maybe I am. Maybe just bad timing or post was too borderline, that's all but I wanted to discuss it with the community and I thank you for your views, which as usual I agree mostly with.


As for the attention seeking element I guess for me I write for the BA community, definitely your good self included. I really respect yourself, Jolemi, Morti, Remmy and too many others to mention. If I wanted attention I would have posted where the post was moved to eventually.


I don't have a big online life and aren't savy with a lot of online etiquette, so I apologise if I am out of line.

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The zealous moderating keeps this forum from becoming like the cess pits that are dakka dakka, warseer or worse, the BoLS forums, where even the moderators prided themselves for derailing threads.


The BA forum is for BA topics, when your thread becomes less than 50% BA, or more general, it should go into a different area.


You provide to the forum, so please don't be put-off from posting, but following the rules, and the spirit of the forum is a must.


Also, you don't get let off for not conforming to common decency and sensitivity rules just because of your heritage. Not that being rude is something to be proud of. Something the space wolves don't seem to understand.


Remember, in the 41st Millenium, Australia, as with every country, is nothing but a misspelled memory.




Also, a great amount of painful and hurtful comments can be dismissed by the one making them as "banter". I'd appreciate keeping it civil. Like space wolf jokes.

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If you are unhappy with any aspect of the B&C, be it the moderation or otherwise, the correct process is to use the report function as this will bring the cause of your grievance to the B&Cs Moderation Team faster. The B&C does not condone nor support threads that publicly discuss the actions of the Moderation Team as again, this is what the report function is for. As such, I will be closing this thread following this post.

Positive contributions for the benefit of ones fellow Frater are encouraged and certainly valued. In this instance - a thread entitled 40k and movies - despite the opening gambit being Blood Angels related the rest of the post was not and was moved to Amicus Ades (general 40k discussion) where it would generate more interest and entertain more Frater. This is not the first time nor the last time a thread will be moved if it is felt that it belongs in a different forum. Once in Amicus it was further moderated by a different Moderator to remove the Xenos content as quite simply, that is against the B&C rules.

As for your other comment, expletives are not permitted as the B&C is a family-friendly forum and this is covered in the B&C rules. To quote from the B&C Mission statement:

No swearing - the B&C has a series of perfectly good emoticons available to users to show disapproval, anger and so forth and as this is a family friendly board swearing is neither necessary nor wanted. A word filter is in place to catch offensive words/phrases and it should be noted that attempts to avoid the filter by the use of alternate letters/numbers/asterisks/any other means will be deemed a Warning worthy offence as a clear contravention of B&C policy, in addition such posts will be deleted. When a word is filtered you will see the following: <DELETED BY THE INQUISITION> Should a word/phrase not filtered offend you please report the post in question and the Moderators will consider if they word/phrase should be added to the word filter.

So this was also done in accordance with the rules.

Should you wish to discuss this further, feel free to contact me via PM.


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