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Scryerskull Perspectatus and Vehicle Squadrons

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The Scryerskull Perspectatus lets us select an enemy vehicle on the battlefield, and Skitarii and Cult Mechanicus units re-roll Armour Penetration Rolls. How does this interact with Vehicle squadrons? Does it apply vs. the entire squadron? Does it apply versus a single vehicle, that we may select? How do you guys play this? I appreciate this is a bit of a rules-question, but I figured I'd go straight to the source in terms of people who may actually often use this Relic and have some experience with it.


Thanks comrades!

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I agree, that would be easiest. If the vehicle I wished to target was in the rear of the squadron though (I am thinking specifically the DA formation where it is 3 Land Speeders and 1 Darkshroud as a single vehicle squadron), I'd have to do it one hit at a time until I got to the one I wanted, I guess? I guess there aren't that many vehicle squadrons comprised of different vehicles, now that I think about it...

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