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1500 ZM Scars


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So I have a campaign weekend coming up which will include 1500 point ZM games.

We are using the combatant rules. What do you think of the list below?


Pride of the legion




Iron halo

Power fist

Paragon blade

Cyber hawk


Command squad x4



Melta bombs

Power axes

Combat shields


Terminator squad

Cataphractii armour

4 power fists

1 chain fist

4 combi plasma

Plasma blaster


Plasma support squad x10


Arti armour

Melta bombs


Jetbike squad x6

2 volkite

Melta bombs


Power glaive


Was thinking if the praetor goes with the normal jetbike squad then that gives me 4 hard hitting units. The cyber hawk will make those plasma squads pretty nasty



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Why do I lose skilled rider? ZM rules say that dangerous terrain tests have to be taken regardless of other rules. But I will still actually be taking the test but actually auto pass so skilled rider is still relevent.


As for the pride of the legion but ai am seriously short on infantry. As in those 2 squads is all I own lol so cant think of another way of doing a legal list


Cheers for the help Dallo. Look forward to your reply

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The exact wording is "Bikes, Jetbikes, Artillery, Cavalry and Walkers treat all dif cult terrain they encounter within

a Zone Mortalis as dangerous terrain as well. Should any of these use a turbo boost, they must take a Dangerous Terrain test regardless of the ground they cover. This overrides any normal rules they possess to the contrary"


To me, that means at those units must take dangerous terrain tests, regardless of any special rules which effect the tests. I understand your point, that they ARE taking the tests, and they just auto pass, but it feels gamey to me. Check with your player group beforehand, and everything should be fine.


Makes sense with the infantry. Just be prepared for them to do absolutely nothing some missions. I had a squad of terminators running towards the action for the entire game, because they came on from my board edge. Or just don't put them in reserves.



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Cheers Dallo. We have always played the rules as written so unlesss it turns out to be really OP which it hasnt yet I have no worries. I do understand your point of view on it though this very scenario prompted to have this very discussion among iur group as we play a fair bit of ZM.


I could run Chogorian brotherhood but as you say then if the termies and support squad are in reserve they may do nothing and I figure thats too much of a risk which is why I opted for Pride. Im temted to try and squeeze in a Navigator and put him with the termies for the -1 to balistic skill against them power. What do you think would it be worth it?

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So the game went really well. I lost a single jetbike unit and tabled my opponents. This list struggles with Dreadnoughts though and the base size on the Jetbikes is a real issue so I'm going to change it up a bit. The combination of cyber hawk and moving my distance was brutal with the plasma support squad. They killed a praevian, 2 castelax, 10 man vet squad and a Praetor. Actuall felt a little guilty..... only a little



Cataphractii armour

Paragon blade

Cyber hawk

Pride of the legion



Cyber familiar


Terminator squad

Cataphractii armour

4 power fists

1 chain fist

4 combi plasma

Plasma blaster


Plasma support squad x10


Arti armour

Melta bombs


Outriders x6

Twn linked melta guns


Outriders x6

Twin linked melta guns


The smaller base size will be much easier in ZM and the twin linked melta guns should deal with any dreads and also go for any other targets.

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