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Help with colour schemes


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Hi guys I'm relatively new to the hobby and have decided to start an ad mech force. I'm an okay painter and have recently won a small painting competition and my local store, however I am unhappy with the way my reds have come out on my models. It's fine on the smaller troops like the vanguard but on the kastellans/destroyers I don't really like it. So I'm here looking for inspiration from all of you as to how you painted your admech. What forge world did you go for and how did you paint it?
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I went for the Incaladion Forge World, using on all my units the colour scheme used by FW on their Legio Fureans Titans (yellow with black flames).


On my blog you can see almost all the units I have painted up until now and there is also a three parts step by step guide on the techniques I used

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An opportunity for shamelessly plugging my thread, you say?! I'll take it!


I opted to go for my own diy forge world, Forge World Muninn. If you're looking for something a little different from the traditional mechanicus schemes take a look. And if you see anything that tickles your fancy, I'd be more than happy to share what paints or process I used.




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That really depends. Were you looking for a process using those particular colors? Or a more general purpose one to use with any scheme?


Do you have a feel you would like to achieve with your scheme? Do you want something that pops? Or do you like a darker grimmer scheme? Will you be doing weathering? Some colors work better than others for certain weathering techniques. Just some things to think about.

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Well, what I would suggest is, while you wait for others to provide some inspiration in this thread, do some research of your own online. What I did was find a color that I really loved. And don't limit yourself to just looking at admech stuff. For example, the color I chose, was heavily inspired by the colors that Duncan used for Nagash's cloth on the GW YouTube video. Once you find that, we can find 1 or 2 complimentary colors. And then think of a basing scheme that would frame those colors well.


If you're a fluffy player, this is a great opportunity to create a story behind your force. Why do they use these colors? What sort of iconography do they use? What is their home world like?

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Then I might advise you to start with a reddish brown (for the robes of my Techpriests I use the old Dark Flesh - now it is called Doombull Brown) and apply on it many layers of thinned colour mixes, starting from a 2:1 mix of your base colour and the red that you want to use as your lighter colour (I use the old Blood Red). I usually apply at least five layer, adding a little bit more red in each new one. Be sure to thin them, though, so that a hint of the previous colour can always be seen through each layer. When in the middle of the process (after the second layer), apply a brown overall wash to darken the tones (I use very thinned Scorched brown, which is a reddish brown darker than Dark Flesh). You might also want to add a final overall wash of mixed Agrax Earthshade and Lahmian Medium, to darken them even more, but I usually don't do this, as I prefer a more vibrant final highlight

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