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New Knight Army, 3rd Knight Suggestions Needed

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Greetings Robotic friends,

With your suggestion from my last threads, I've started making the selections for Super Heavies, and decided upon building an Imperial Knight army alongside my Space Wolves.

Having read the guides here, watched a ton of batreps, and read some of the data elsewhere, I've started creating my 3 man squad, and I'm almost finished with the selections.

But for my final choice, I need your insight once again.


Knights I've now purchased;

Knight Warden

  • This knight was hailed as the almost auto-include by the kind folks that spoke me to last time, and in some trial by proxy games and watching batreps, this fellow puts in work. I had completely overlooked him the first time I asked for help, and I'm thrilled you all spoke up. Jet bikes, light armor, monstrous creatures, even flyers are going down, and I'm not murdering my own rushing Space wolves as we go with poorly scattered pieplates

Cerastus Knight Atrapos

  • This is my rule of cool knight. I love his look. I love his guns. I love that he explodes my buddies Shadowsword and that he removes that annoying Lord of Skulls from play. His vortex has bit me in the ass a couple times, but all in all, I love this knight for all my heavy-armor removal needs, and backup blob killing.


Now, I'm looking for a third. No longer satisfied with just supporting my Wolves, I'm going for the full 3 man Knight army for another game choice (Wolves for years and years, the Knights are a lovely change).

But I need a suggestion for a third Knight, and here's what I'm thinking. 

Knight Paladin

  • Jack of all trades knight. He nicely fits that middle section between the Atrapos heavy armor murder and the Warden. Provides good AV12-13 armor wrecking, good utility, and another carapace weapon option. 

Cerastus Knight Castigator

  • Blobs? What pesky blobs? He fits the role that concerns me with most of the knights - solving the issue of my warden or Atrapos getting mingled with Nids or Imp Guards. His lack of S:D is my biggest concern, as his single gun, so he's only charging what he probably just destroyed.

Knight Crusader

  • He fills that last role I don't have covered yet, Alpha striking, long range bombardment. I know people are put off due to his "mini reaver" status, but if I'm working alongside an Atrapos with limited shooting, and a Warden with limited blob mercing potential, he does (on paper) look like he could fit the bill.

Cerastus Knight Acheron

  • Hellstorm flamer, meet blob. I see him performing the roll of the Castigator, and while lacking the death potential inside of combat, he does come with more utility in the he has 2 guns and S:D



Please let me know what you think. If you owned an Atrapos and a Warden, which knight you running as your third, and what's he bringing to the table better than the others?


Edited by Spanish_Muffin
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