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Landspeeders how do you fit/use them


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I have been thinking about getting a few landspeeders and running them with Heavy Flamer / MultiMelta. I generally run a drop pod list so I thought these would fit in good since they can get where they need to be fast or deep strike in if I add a homing beacon or two on the drop pods. If anyone else uses them effectively I would like to hear how?

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This comes up every so often.


Start of the current Codex, 2014

In 2015

Again in 2015


Basically, little has changed. The common varieties are suicide Land Speeder involving Deep Strike and dual MMs or HFs, or fire support which is the HB and TML option. Personally I have a soft spot for the dual HBs version, but generally, opting to mix and match a Land Speeder (such as a MM and a HF) is unfavoured unless you have a plan for it.


More than happy to hear about anyone's recent experiences though!

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They are your disctraction unit that is also deceptively strong!


Like Jolemai says the double heavy bolter is rather nice. 180pts gets you 18 S5 ap4 shots a turn and lets you sit at 36"


If you want to be silly though consider a HB & HF. Fly straight into the heart of the enemy and start causing trouble.


A hilarious tactic is surrounding an enemy transport so it can't move :D

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Well i took 2 mm/hf speeders last weekend individually with a pair of mm attack bikes. They ended up tangling with a squad of scions and a 3 speeder squadron and taking fire from a nearby russ. After that settled, my remaining speeder barbequed the scions in 2 turns, then went after the side armour of the russ. Mm/hf may not be what the internet calls optimised but its been working fine for me for 20 years. Against anything not in power armour the flamer is horrendous and the speed gets you into half range pretty quickly or can get to objectives if neccessary.
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I have only ever run a single Speeder with BA, and usually in off-games where I was testing out other concepts, so I am not an authoritative source...


...but I have always been impressed how well a Multi-Melta bearing Land Speeder can work with the Descent of Angels trait (from Datne or elsewhere). With a 12" Melta rule, that is some serious range. Heck, even if you always scatter the full 12" that's still in Melta range.  


Again, I have limited experience, but I do think they present a good strategic threat, especially if they come in later on. Meltacide pods are good for the Alpha Strike, MM Land Speeders are good to drop behind the rear armor once the enemy moves out, then zip around getting you Linebreaker and being more of a nuisance than the effort is worth for the enemy to expend to swat that fly. 

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I use the fire support version (HB & Typhoon missiles) on my Crimson Fists speeders and they usually preform well. I love them! But for a suicide role you're either going to gear them for anti-infantry (HB+HF) or anti-armor (MMx2).


For my Blood Angels I'm thinking of running three but in the anti-armor suicide role (MMx2) and Deep Striking them to a sweet spot for wrecking :cuss.

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