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2K Sacrificial Offering with Emperor's Children


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I've taken a minimalist approach to the 'sacrificial lamb' guardsmen in this list to ensure I could take a mostly legion units that excel when coming onto the board via Outflank. The Comms Relay on the Aegis Line is pretty mandatory for any list using this RoW imo because your entire army is in reserve so you definitely want as much control on their arrival as possible. There is also the opposite (and I think equal) approach to sink more points into the milita to buy up some Provenances and Heavy Tanks, possibly even a Lascannon Support squad in Troops to make it so my opponent can't ignore them. What do you think?


RoW: Sacrificial Offering




Lord Commander Eidolon

> Jump Pack




Legion Tactical Squad (x15)

> Sergeant w Phoenix Power Spear, MBs

> Legion Vexilla


Legion Tactical Squad (x15)

> Sergeant w Phoenix Power Spear, MBs

> Legion Vexilla




Apothecarion Detachment (x2)

> Augury Scanner (x2), Power Sword (x2)


Contemptor-Cortus Dread Talon (x2)

> Graviton Gun & Combi-Bolter

> Kheres Assault Cannon (x2)




Javelin Speeder Squadron (x2)

> TL Cyclone Missile Launcher (x2)

> HK Missile (x4)


Legion Outriders (x5)

> TL Plasmagun (x5)


Primaris Lightning Strike Fighter

> Kraken Missile (x3)

> Ground Tracking Augeries


ALLIED: Imperial Milita & Warp Cults



Force Commander

> Power Fist

> Iron Halo & Cyber Familiar




Imperialis Milita Infantry Squad (x20)

> Sergeant w Power Axe

> Lascarbines




Aegis Defense Line

> Comms Array


ARMY TOTAL                                     2000


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Clearly an honourless list, but I shall take a look ;)


I think the main question is whether those 20 dudes are worth it. I know, you get Outflank, but your Outriders and Javs ready got it. With Maru Skara you would also be able to Outflank your Dreads on top of having a minor speed boost. I do not see much value in Outflanking slow units like Tacs. They are better off camping cover in the midfield and occupying objectives.

You also risk being tabled with the entire Primary Detachment having to stay in reserves.

Overall, I do not see much value in Sacrificial Offering here, outside of the narrative and spectacle, which I highly support by the way.


As for the list itself, it is fine. A few extremist lists like 2-3 Leviathans might give you trouble, but you are sure to get the jump on them by Outflanking.


Have you thought about a Bunker or Bastion instead? It gives you a Line of Sight blocker to reduce the chance of being tabled.

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Clearly an honourless list, but I shall take a look msn-wink.gif

I think the main question is whether those 20 dudes are worth it. I know, you get Outflank, but your Outriders and Javs ready got it. With Maru Skara you would also be able to Outflank your Dreads on top of having a minor speed boost. I do not see much value in Outflanking slow units like Tacs. They are better off camping cover in the midfield and occupying objectives.

You also risk being tabled with the entire Primary Detachment having to stay in reserves.

Overall, I do not see much value in Sacrificial Offering here, outside of the narrative and spectacle, which I highly support by the way.

As for the list itself, it is fine. A few extremist lists like 2-3 Leviathans might give you trouble, but you are sure to get the jump on them by Outflanking.

Have you thought about a Bunker or Bastion instead? It gives you a Line of Sight blocker to reduce the chance of being tabled.

Extremist lists tend to give more balanced lists a hard time by default, but they are in turn countered by other extremist lists in the other direction. When you say that this list is effectively Maru Skara with a Militia tax as opposed to a Champion tax you are correct... I'll take another look at this list since I'm now having doubts a minimalist approach is the right way to play this sort of army.

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