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Batrep: AdMech vs Necrons 1850 ITC


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Cohort Cybernetica
Magi Technicus Gamma-TRG (Techpriest) +++WARLORD (Eternal Warrior Trait)
(2) Kastelans (TL Phosphor, Phosphor), Datasmith
(2) Kastelans (PF, Incendine), Datasmith

Biocogitatus Iota-Nu 12 (Techpriest)
(3) Kataphrons (Heavy Grav/Phosphor)
(3) Kataphrons (Heavy Grav/Phosphor)

Skitarii Maniple Geminon 8
(7) Rangers (2x Arc, Omnispex, Alpha - Taser)
(10) Vanguard (3x Plasma Caliver, Omnispex, Alpha Taser/Radium Pistol)
(5) Sicarian Infiltrators (Blasters/Tasers, Princeps – Omniscient Mask)
Onager Dunecrawler (Icarus Array)


Necron Lord (Solar Staff, Veil of Darkness)
(10) Warriors)
(5) Immortals
(6-7) Lych Guard
(2) Annihilation Barges
(6) Wraiths (Whip Coils)
(6) Wraiths (Whip Coils)
(6) Wraiths (Whip Coils)
Void Shield Generator (3 Shields)

+++0324.M42 – ANKORA SECTOR – Responding to data feed signals from Skitarii Maniple Geminon 8, Executor Maniple Primus was swiftly deployed to the ruins of Processing Waypoint VX401 upon the former Imperial agri-world of Abydos 4. Signals indicated the presence of a recovered Data-core cell inside the station held by a roving force of Necrontyr. Risk levels deemed within acceptable parameters, Magi Technicus Gamma-TRG led his maniple into battle with the ancient xenos foe...

Mission: ITC Scenario 2 (Relic) – Hammer and Anvil, Nightfighting, First turn - Necrons

Turns 1-2: Necrons deploy their Void Shield central. Wraiths all strung along the frontlines with Annihilation Barges behind all benefiting from the shield. Immortals hold a ruin deeper in his deployment zone with his objective point along with the Warriors and Lord, Cyptek and Lych Guard.

His intention to blitz at me seems obvious. I deploy Kataphrons, Rangers and Dunecrawler in a ruin in my zone guarding my objective point. Techpriest/Kataphrons in an power substation central in my zone. Vanguard and Cohort Cybernetica deploy near a large chemical tank high in my zone. Sicarians outflank.

The Adeptus Mechanicus battellines prepare for the onslaught of Wraiths
Initiative is not seized. In the dying dawn twilight the waves of Necron Wraiths stream forwards. Barges fail to infilict casualties. The Lord/Cryptek/Lychguard attempt to Veil deep in my zone but mishap into ongoing reserves.


The Necron advance

The Adeptus Mechanicus unleash a storm of firepower, invoking the Benediction of Omniscience (reroll shooting 1-2s) and Binharic Omniscience (+3 BS). Dunecrawler and Rangers manage to overload the Void Shields. Cohort Cybernetica shifts to Protector Protocols and destroy a few Wraiths. Kataphrons manage to kill more on the right flank assisted by the advancing Vanguard.

The waves of Wraiths swiftly reach my lines, butchering the Vanguard and Rangers. The Lych unit successfully deep strikes in on its original target. He scores about 4-5 points for reaching my zone, holding his objective and killing units – I score 2 points for holding my objective.

Turn 3-4: Im trailing in Maelstrom points and decide to advance to the Relic with the Cohort Cybernetica. They unleash another volley into the right flanking Wraiths with the substation Kataphrons, killing a couple more. Dunecrawler obliterates an Annihilation Barge, overloading the shields and penning it several times.

A full strength unit of Wraiths assaults the Cohort from the ruins. The Tech Priest literally tanks all 10 wounds they inflicted, the Kastelans shift to Conqueror protocols and maul the Wraiths over a couple turns. The Kataphrons holding my objective inflict several casualties on the Lych Guard, but the ones holding my objective are eventually killed in assault.


Wraiths assault the Cohort Cybernetica just outside the central facility

The Sicarians don’t arrive till turn 4 thanks to my rolling 2s however they do arrive precisely where I wanted them; the far ruins where the Immortals sit atop his objective. The Neurostatic Aura successfully weakens the Immortals. In the ensuing firefight, one Immortal dies under a hail of blaster fire and another wounded while a Sicarian is destroyed in turn.

Turn 5-6: At this point he has a fair lead in the Maelstrom points. His warriors advance on the central facility building holding the Relic. However the Cohort Cybernetica reaches the building first, mounting the ramparts and unleashing a volley of combustor fire and heavy phosphor bolts, devastating the enemy machine warriors. The Relic is firmly in the hands of the Adeptus Mechanicus. The Necron Lord smashes the Dunecrawler apart.

Cohort Cybernetica reaches the Relic

The remaining Kataphrons and Tech Priest eliminate the last Wraith on the right flank however lose two of their number to withering fire from the surviving Annihilation Barge. They ignore this threat and fire upon the remaining Lych Guard, destroying them and the Cryptek.

The Sicarians storm the ruins and efficiently wipe out the Immortals.

Turn 7: The Cohort Cybernetica assaults the Void Shield Generator, the Kastelans power fists dismantling the construct. There is little left of the Necron force, the Annhilation Barge and the Necron Lord. Unfortunately he is well hidden behind a wall deep in my left corner and cannot be targeted, denying me Slay the Warlord.

Late game battlefield (note the rusty Monolith represented the Void Shield Generator)

Results – He has the Maelstrom points, I have the Relic. He has First Strike, I have Table Quarters. No points for Warlords. The result is a draw.

Post game: Tight game for sure, I think he could’ve won if he had made an earlier push for the Relic and retreated with it. The Cohort Cybernetica really reigned supreme – not a single casualty with the Tech Priest repairing himself and a couple Kastelans thoughout the game. The Sicarians delay really set back my plans. Good game though, lots of fun. This was only my second time fielding a pure Ad Mech force I was pleased with the results. The last experiment went poorly vs Orks, some bad luck but mostly weight of power klaw biker attacks, very little the Cohort could do about that.

The Canticles really played a big role in this one, especially the rerolling shooting ones that caused quite a bit of early damage.

Hope you enjoyed the bat-rep. 

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Appreciate the work you put into this bat rep! Great job!


That Necron list is some cheese if I ever saw some! They are tough as nails already and then he just spams Wraiths and gets a freaking shield generator? Geez, talk about tryhards...


Still very nice to see that the Ad Mech hold their own! The Kastelans are just beasts in everything - tanking, CC and shooting!

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Heh, yeah its a pretty hardcore Necron list. This was our groups dedicated ITC night so it was expected that lists would be competitive tournament caliber.

Im not sure if mine was, but I really wanted to run the Cohort. Im close to having a full War Convo ready to go.


Thanks for reading!

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Very nice report. Brutal to say the least. img surprised he doesn't use the ducurian formation. If he does in the future, remember reserection protocol can never be more then 4+. I play my IK with skitarii allies and also play neurons. Thankfully I remembered that while playing against them which is about every week. Also kudos to ya'll for playing 5he old missions, we've boycotted them, too many bad memories from 6th ed. Can't wait 5o read your next bat rep.
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Thanks Dread... coincidentally i mentioned "decurion-izing" it, but he feels it plays to a certain angle by maximizing the Wraiths.


This was actually scenario 2 of the ITC 2016 tournament scenarios. Theyre a modified hybrid of Maelstrom/Eternal War and secondary objectives. Nicely balanced, i recommend them.


I hope to do another soon, im definitely enjoying the Ad Mech, such an intricate army with all their unique weaponry.

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I do love me some robot on robot fighting, so great job! Glad It was a tie!


Did you miss having full guns on your cohort or are the two fists worth taking?

I thought it was a good combo... the S10 the power fists definitely has its uses, in this case causing instant death to Wraiths.

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