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Heart of Darkness: Night Lords 3k Orphans of Betrayal


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  Proving I can't just let a good thing be, I've decided to try and come up with another potential list for my Loyalist Night Lords. My Triple-Leviathan Terror Assault list is monstrous, and it's my go-to whenever I really want to win, but I still want to try and do some different things to keep improving my game and have fun learning from doing something a little outside the box. That was what led me to my NL/IH Shattered Legions Armoured Breakthrough list, and now it's what brings me to attempting a pure Night Lords' Orphans of Betrayal force.


  As always, I'm set on the Praetor and his Terminator bodyguard. The Atramentar are still my guiding light when it comes to my Night Lords, and they rarely fail me (though the loss of the Void-Shield Harness has been keenly felt). I wanted to also do something with both Night Raptors and Breachers, as the former is similarly quintessential and the latter is so rarely seen in a NL list. Being able to bring a Deredeo and a Leviathan for a change is a nice bonus as well


NIGHT LORDS: 3000pts Orphans of Betrayal


HQ (350pts)

Praetor - (200pts)

  • Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Trophies of Judgment, Paragon Blade, Digital Lasers, Mastercraft a Single Weapon, Teleportation Transponder

---> Goes with his Terminator bodyguard.


Chaplain - (150pts)

  • Artificer Armour, Trophies of Judgment, Jump Pack, Power Fist, Boarding Shield

---> Takes off with the Night Raptors and provides a Power Fist and all the Chaplain buffs that synergize so well with the Raptors.

TROOPS (650pts)


Legion Breacher Siege Squad - (375pts)

  • 14x Breacher Siege Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, 3x Graviton Guns
  • Breacher Siege Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Melta Bombs

---> Takes objectives and provide more durable support or an anvil for the enemy to run into so my Terminators or Raptors can hammer into their rear or flank.


Legion Tactical Squad - (275pts)

  • 14x Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade
  • Tactical Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs

---> Takes objectives and provides support where they can.


Elites (500pts)


Apothecary - (50pts)

  • Augury Scanner

---> Rides with the Breachers.


Legion Terminator Squad - (450pts)

  • 9x Cataphractii Terminators, 3x Chainfists, 4x Power Fists, 2x Pair of Lightning Claws, 1x Plasma Blaster, 1x Reaper Autocannon, Teleportation Transponder
  • Terminator Sergeant: Nostraman Chainglaive

---> Teleports into wherever the fighting is the hottest and takes on the big stuff.


Fast Attack (875pts)


Legion Storm Eagle Assault Gunship - (250pts)

  • Two Twin-linked Lascannons

---> Breachers and Apothecary ride in here.


Legion Storm Eagle Assault Gunship - (250pts)

  • Two Twin-linked Lascannons

---> Tacticals ride in this one.


Night Raptor Squad - (375pts)

  • 13x Night Raptors, 1x Pair of Lightning Claws
  • Huntmaster: Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs

---> Led by the Chaplain, Raptors just look for soft targets and butcher away.


Heavy Support (625pts)


Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought - (240pts)

  • Armoured Ceramite, Aiolos Missile Launcher

---> Long range fire support.


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought - (385pts)

  • Armoured Ceramite, Leviathan Siege Drill, 2x Twin-linked Volkite Caliver, Phosphex Discharger, Dreadnought Drop Pod

---> Like the Terminators, hopefully lands near the enemy to provide another heavy-hitting monster in CC that the enemy must account for quickly.

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 That was what led me to my NL/IH Shattered Legions Armoured Breakthrough list


That sounds incredibly interesting, it's a strange combination but one I like, nice mix of a assault heavy legion with a tanky shooting oriented one. 


I really like the alternative list you're going for, I know what you mean when you say terror assault can get boring. Sure it's our best RoW, but man is it super restrictive. 


As far as the list goes I like the overall idea, highly mobile infantry all coming in from reserves. That being said, I'm not sure it can work-you're at risk of being wiped off the board before reserves show up for sure, even with a really tough unit like a leviathan. One lucky explodes result, and it could be nearly game over. In addition, if the raptors start as the only unit on the board, they just won't survive. I love raptors, they are a fun unit but they need other distractions on the board to take fire off them. The leviathan is a good one of course, but anti infantry weapons will ignore the leviathan and just focus on raptors. On the other hand, you could have them come in from reserves, but then you've got even more units in reserves then you already have, which I think is your second big weakness. Even without the being wiped off the board risk, so many units in reserves means some units are bound to fail their roll, leaving much needed forces off the table. The breachers in particular just don't work well coming off a flier. Assuming you get in on turn 2, breachers are not shooting anything with grav guns until turn 3 at the earliest. 


Really I don't think the changes need to be big, you've got a balanced list as is, just with no guaranteed reserve manipulation you need more units on the board. For starters I'd leave the breachers on, so they can use those graviton guns much earlier. Also since they are a big tankier than tacticals, they can whether that early fire better. Also saves some points on the second storm eagle, and I'd say take whatever you want really, nothing the list absolutely needs. 


I do wish the whole air cav/teleporting in concept could work, I just think with so little boots on the ground turn one, and no option to make your reserves rolls better, it won't work. 

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 That was what led me to my NL/IH Shattered Legions Armoured Breakthrough list


That sounds incredibly interesting, it's a strange combination but one I like, nice mix of a assault heavy legion with a tanky shooting oriented one. 


I really like the alternative list you're going for, I know what you mean when you say terror assault can get boring. Sure it's our best RoW, but man is it super restrictive. 


As far as the list goes I like the overall idea, highly mobile infantry all coming in from reserves. That being said, I'm not sure it can work-you're at risk of being wiped off the board before reserves show up for sure, even with a really tough unit like a leviathan. One lucky explodes result, and it could be nearly game over. In addition, if the raptors start as the only unit on the board, they just won't survive. I love raptors, they are a fun unit but they need other distractions on the board to take fire off them. The leviathan is a good one of course, but anti infantry weapons will ignore the leviathan and just focus on raptors. On the other hand, you could have them come in from reserves, but then you've got even more units in reserves then you already have, which I think is your second big weakness. Even without the being wiped off the board risk, so many units in reserves means some units are bound to fail their roll, leaving much needed forces off the table. The breachers in particular just don't work well coming off a flier. Assuming you get in on turn 2, breachers are not shooting anything with grav guns until turn 3 at the earliest. 


Really I don't think the changes need to be big, you've got a balanced list as is, just with no guaranteed reserve manipulation you need more units on the board. For starters I'd leave the breachers on, so they can use those graviton guns much earlier. Also since they are a big tankier than tacticals, they can whether that early fire better. Also saves some points on the second storm eagle, and I'd say take whatever you want really, nothing the list absolutely needs. 


I do wish the whole air cav/teleporting in concept could work, I just think with so little boots on the ground turn one, and no option to make your reserves rolls better, it won't work. 


@LordAsvaldir: Thanks for the feedback, mate. Top shelf as always :). I agree with everything you said - I need more boots on the ground from the start, there's no way around it. I'll make some tweaks and come back to you guys with the updated version.


I appreciate the kind words on then NL/IH concept. Here's the thread if you're interested in reading it:



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Great idea, but I kinda agree that it's incredibly risky having just two units starting on the table (only Perty can make this style of list really shine as he can start reserves from T1).


Let us know how it goes!


Also, have you posted your triple Levy list? I'd love to see it!

@Da Once & Future Git: Thanks for the kind words as well, my friend. You and LordAsvaldir are both right, of course - I'm working on the revisions as we speak!


I actually did post my Triple Levy list, and have a number of B&C members to thank for its brutality :). Here's the thread:



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Alright, so here's my second attempt. I tried not to trim the size of any units as Talent for Murder is crucial, and I still wanted to be able to take a punch early in the game without crumpling. Let me know what you think...


HQ (350pts)


Praetor - (200pts)

• Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Trophies of Judgment, Paragon Blade, Digital Lasers, Mastercraft a Single Weapon, Teleportation Transponder


---> Goes with his Terminator bodyguard and heads toward the nasty stuff everyone else runs from.


Chaplain - (150pts)

• Artificer Armour, Trophies of Judgment, Jump Pack, Power Fist, Boarding Shield


---> Takes off with the Night Raptors and provides a Power Fist and all the Chaplain buffs that synergize so well with the Raptors.


TROOPS (650pts)


Legion Breacher Siege Squad - (375pts)

• 14x Breacher Siege Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, 3x Graviton Guns

• Breacher Siege Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Melta Bombs


---> Takes objectives and provide more durable campers on key objectives. I see them moving up the board covered by the Deredeo while the Leviathan and Terror Squad provide two deadly distractions for them. If the enemy comes at them they're an anvil to hold them there so the Raptors can flank them. If they do come up against anything too lethal in CC, their nuncio-box lets me call in the Praetor/Terminator cavalry to bring it down.


Legion Tactical Squad - (275pts)

• 14x Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade

• Tactical Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs


---> Rides in the Storm Eagle, takes objectives and provides support where they can.


Elites (775pts)


Apothecary - (50pts)

• Augury Scanner


---> Rolls with the Breachers and helps them not sweat the small stuff.


Legion Terminator Squad - (450pts)

• 9x Cataphractii Terminators, 3x Chainfists, 4x Power Fists, 2x Pair of Lightning Claws, 1x Plasma Blaster, 1x Reaper Autocannon, Teleportation Transponder

• Terminator Sergeant: Nostraman Chainglaive


---> Teleports into wherever the fighting is the hottest and takes on the big stuff.


Terror Squad - (275pts)

• 9x Executioners, 8x Volkite Chargers, 1x Heavy Chainblade

• Headsman: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Melta Bombs


---> Stole these guys from my Terror Assault list, only this time they INFILTRATE - giving me another unit on the board, and hopefully somewhere my opponent really doesn't want a bunch of Volkite and a Power Fist/melta bombs.


Fast Attack (625pts)


Legion Storm Eagle Assault Gunship - (250pts)

• Two Twin-linked Lascannons


---> Tacticals' transport, also provides some airborne anti-armour/anti-air with its Lascannons, which also helps take some of the pressure off of the Deredeo.


Night Raptor Squad - (375pts)

• 13x Night Raptors, 1x Pair of Lightning Claws

• Huntmaster: Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs


---> Led by the Chaplain, Raptors just look for soft targets and butcher away.


Heavy Support (625pts)


Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought - (240pts)

Armoured Ceramite, Aiolos Missile Launcher


---> Long range fire support and anti-air.


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought - (360pts)

Armoured Ceramite, Leviathan Siege Drill, 2x Twin-linked Volkite Caliver, Dreadnought Drop Pod


---> Like the Terminators, hopefully lands near the enemy to provide another heavy-hitting CC monster that the enemy must account for quickly.

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Have you considered taking a Jump Pack Vigilator for your Raptors? He keeps his cameleoline even with the jump pack hus granting stealth to the unit.


He would also give the unit scout for a free move.

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Have you considered taking a Jump Pack Vigilator for your Raptors? He keeps his cameleoline even with the jump pack hus granting stealth to the unit.

He would also give the unit scout for a free move.

@Slipstreams: I hadn't considered it, but you are making it sound pretty appealing.


So with Artificer Armour, Refractor Field, and Jump Pack a Vigilator clocks in at 125pts. What would you dock to make room? If I drop 1x Chainfist and 1x Dual Lightning Claws from my Terminators, 2x Executioners and 2x Volkite Chargers from the Terror Squad, 1x Raptor from the Night Raptors, and the Lascannons from the Storm Eagle I have the points. Is losing any of that a huge mistake?

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Yeah, no, dont sacrifice those for the Vigilator.


Itd be a chaplain or vigilator type deal in this list or you drop the tac squad down to 15 and drop the raptors down to 10 and as many side-grade options as possible like Dual Lightning Claws


That might be enough without crippling efficiency.

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Yeah, I was kind of figuring that would be the case. Do you think it would be worth it to drop the Lascannons and a Raptor to give the Tactical Squad an Apothecary with an Augury Scanner as well? Leaves me with 5 points to spare which I'd probably use on a missile launcher for the Storm Eagle. Or instead of an Apothecary should those points be used to give the Deredeo an Atomantic Pavaise so he could blanket the Breachers, and possibly a Phosphex Discharger for the Leviathan? Lol or am I just overthinking it at this point and shouldn't do any of those things?
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^ That's not a bad idea. I feel like Storm Eagles are a bit pricey when you start adding stuff to them. Kharybdis Assault Claws are better at pure transport, Primaris-Lightnings are better at anti-air, and Fire Raptors are a better gunship.


If you keep Storm Eagles basic though, they can dump a unit somewhere, unload all their Tempest rockets into a light vehicle, and then harass Infantry for the rest of the game. Not terrible for 200 points. :)


Also, I'd try to find the points to give both Apothecaries artificer armour.

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Dont take the Pavise on the Deredeo unless you want him to have models 3" from him at all times as bubblewrap.


Artificer Armor should +/- be priority number one for anything that can take it.


The Phosphex on the Leviathan is a good but not essential.

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I like the second list much better, I think the lascannons on the Storm Eagle are fine (I'd maybe try to find the points for the TL Multi-melta to dedicade it to anti-tank & Machine Spirit the Vengeance Launcher...  I'm curious Callium why you think the Kharybdis is better... since he only has one drop pod, the DP Assault rule is not going to help here, so I think the Storm Eagle is the better bet since it can come on in Zooming mode...  The Stomr Eagle also can't launch all Tempest rockets at once since it doesn't have missile barrage.


I also like the idea of a Vigilator with the Raptors, gives them a scout move (try to fit to meltaguns in there and they can pop a (non-armoured ceramite AV14) tank turn one for bonus points.


I agree on the Arti armour front... big fan.  I also quite like the phosphex discharger, with creeping death, you can hit a surprising amount of models.


Don't really think the tacticals need an apothocary as there are plenty of other scarier things in the list, if they're shooting the Tacticals you're probably massively losing and it doesn't matter.


What's you're reasoning on the Plasma blaster and autocannon in the terminator squad? I normally try to take the same weapons (probably plasma in this case).


I've also been inspired by your Tri-levvy list and posted a Horror cult idea up!

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I like the second list much better, I think the lascannons on the Storm Eagle are fine (I'd maybe try to find the points for the TL Multi-melta to dedicade it to anti-tank & Machine Spirit the Vengeance Launcher...  I'm curious Callium why you think the Kharybdis is better... since he only has one drop pod, the DP Assault rule is not going to help here, so I think the Storm Eagle is the better bet since it can come on in Zooming mode...  The Stomr Eagle also can't launch all Tempest rockets at once since it doesn't have missile barrage.


My Kharybdis suggestion wasn't in regards to this list. I was merely stating it was a better option as a transport, given it can arrive 1st Turn guaranteed due to DPA. With only one Drop Pod in this list, I advised keeping the Storm Eagle, and keeping it cheap.


And Missile Barrage is a defunct rule - Flyers can shoot 4 weapons a turn, which can be 4 Tempest rockets. :)

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@Slipstreams: Thanks for the feedback, my friend. That's too bad about the Atomantic Pavaise - but it's not a huge loss. And Artificer Armour is no hard sell. I could go either way on the Chaplain or the Vigilator, but I like the synergy of an incorruptible Chaplain leading a bunch of loyalist axe-crazies devil.gif .

@Da Once & Future Git: Cheers for coming back and helping out again. I loved your Horror Cult list! And that's a great call out regarding the Terminators' loadout - I'll switch out the Autocannon for a second Plasma Blaster. Also a great point about the Tacticals' Apothecary - if I drop him I can toss Lascannons back onto the Storm Eagle and get back another Night Raptor.

@Caillum: Always happy to see a reply from you, Caillum. You're spot on regarding the Storm Eagle being the classic "jack of all trades, master of none." If I was running a Horror Cult list, I'd go with a Kharybdis in a heartbeat. As I said to Da Once and Future Git, I think I'll drop the Tacticals' Apothecary and add the Lascannons back onto the Storm Eagle and add another body to the Night Raptors.

Alright, here's the third and hopefully final version lol...

Night Lords - 3000pts Orphans of Betrayal

HQ (350pts)

Praetor - (200pts)
• Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Trophies of Judgment, Paragon Blade, Digital Lasers, Mastercraft a Single Weapon, Teleportation Transponder

Chaplain - (150pts)
• Artificer Armour, Trophies of Judgment, Jump Pack, Power Fist, Boarding Shield

TROOPS (650pts)

Legion Breacher Siege Squad - (375pts)
• 14x Breacher Siege Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, 3x Graviton Guns
• Breacher Siege Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Melta Bombs

Legion Tactical Squad - (275pts)
• 14x Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade
• Tactical Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs

Elites (795pts)

Apothecary - (70pts)

• Artificer Armour, Power Sword, Augury Scanner

Legion Terminator Squad - (450pts)
• 9x Cataphractii Terminators, 2x Chainfists, 4x Power Fists, 1x Thunderhammer, 2x Pair of Lightning Claws, 2x Plasma Blasters, Teleportation Transponder
• Terminator Sergeant: Nostraman Chainglaive

Terror Squad - (275pts)
• 9x Executioners, 8x Volkite Chargers, 1x Heavy Chainblade
• Headsman: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Melta Bombs

Fast Attack (605pts)

Legion Storm Eagle Assault Gunship - (250pts)
• Two Twin-linked Lascannons

Night Raptor Squad - (355pts)
• 12x Night Raptors, 1x Pair of Lightning Claws
• Huntmaster: Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs

Heavy Support (600pts)

Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought - (240pts)
• Armoured Ceramite, Aiolos Missile Launcher

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought - (360pts)
• Armoured Ceramite, Leviathan Siege Drill, 2x Twin-linked Volkite Caliver, Dreadnought Drop Pod

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