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Can Blood Angels still compete?


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Converted some old Scouts with them into some more good looking fellas.


I also can recommend some heads from puppetswar order directly some strike force troopers. #Puppetswarfanboy



The talk about scouts also made me think to field 6 full troop slots in a cad in my oncomming highlander turney where you can every troop slot only once but if you field a tac squad and an scout squad you can add another scout squad. To field 3 scouts i have to field 3 tacs. In this 1000 points meta scouts and tacs in rhinos/razorbacks could dominate the objektives.

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Depends on who and what your playing against Phiasco. I've beaten the Gladius with a lot of effort, but I won't play it ever again.

Boring slog of a game.

Tau and eldar if their playing kick your teeth in lists are mostly impossible, but we do fine against the mid tier stuff people play when they actually think to have some fun. Is a pure ba list going to win a GT anytime soon? Not a chance. But I'd say we're in better shape than our lost cousins in the chaos dex.

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I'm playing a mini tournament with some friends who are all more experienced than me and I'm on two out of two wins so far - one against SM/Eldar including the formation of three planes. Also played Necrons in a warm-up game, he made pretty good use of the codex and I still won. So I'd have to disagree, Phiasco.


The talk of scouts and Indy's suggestion of combining them in a CAD has me very interested indeed... I hope GW look at the sales figures on scout kits since they levelled the stats and take note!

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Depends on who and what your playing against Phiasco. I've beaten the Gladius with a lot of effort, but I won't play it ever again.

Boring slog of a game.

Tau and eldar if their playing kick your teeth in lists are mostly impossible, but we do fine against the mid tier stuff people play when they actually think to have some fun. Is a pure ba list going to win a GT anytime soon? Not a chance. But I'd say we're in better shape than our lost cousins in the chaos dex.

All true. I have to remember that my friend plays Tau (and to his credit he's played them for years, not just since they got uber op)

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My pure BA lists have crushed every demi/battle company they have faced, killed Draigo-stars, endured flyrants, destroyed Knights, and bathed the blood of continually summoned Daemons.


Sure, there's things I lose to. First and foremost among them: bad decisions. Want to be good with BA? Get amazing at troop movement and threat analysis. The state of the game is unforgiving to us if we over extend or poorly support elements of our attack.

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Things like Meltacide, the frag cannon and other deadly, unique weapons are what set us apart and what keep enemies on thier toes.


I think investing in inferno pistols on SG and DC etc csn be very effective in terms of opportunity cost. A few sprinkled around could well give us ample anti tank on the fly in the front lines.


I think now scouts are buffed they can have an excellent range of roles. They rock at shooting and Assault and can be more hitty or more obj based in a CAD for peanuts of points.

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The most hardcore BA player in my meta pretty much refuses to play our codex anymore until we get an update. I mean that doesn't sound very hardcore BA to me, but that's what he is considered to be in the somewhat big group i'm in. They also try to be as competitive as possible though, so i can see why he thinks that way. 


I think it just really comes down to local metas. We can be a lot of fun and great in most games i'd think, but once it gets to the most competitive level we seem to be at a big disadvantage. Just my opinion based off what I've seen/been told/have read.


I think if you know your opponent and can twike your list a bit we should be fine, but if you just try to make a list to handle everything we may fall off a bit imo. 


NTaW: Any advice for fighting a gladius? or is that different from a demi company? I just know i'll be facing a gladius with all the free transports sometime soon and have no idea how i will counter or handle all the free stuff covering the table... 

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Possibly, he plays demons mostly now. When i asked if he was a demon player, he said "Not really, I'm a BA player, but won't use them until they get better rules." If he was a complete power gamer i guess he would go with eldar or tau though right? Demons seem pretty great though too. 


It seems like my meta is mostly people who are afraid to lose sadly... I think i'm the only actual BA player at the moment. 

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Ah a brother who has also fought flyrants! What do you do in answer predominately I'm intrigued after malenthroapes they are the single most annoying unit in the tyranid codex.


I generally ignore them. Last time I faced a 'nid player all he had left was two Flyrants on the table at T4 and he realized he had no chance of winning. Occasionally if I take my dual Stormravens I'll try and take one of them down but mostly I ignore them.

He sounds like a man who is afraid to lose, only in the game for whatever power codex is around at the moment...

Guy. I feel like I've liked everything you've posted today (ugh to that Libbynaught thread). Keep being awesome! biggrin.png

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The easiest way to handle the white scars Gladius with khan is a 40 pt investment into an inquisitor with servo skulls.

Denying them their scout move to the center of the table is critical. Against guys running anything else, not a problem.

But the white scars are by far the nastiest for just that reason, scouting grav cannons is gross.

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IF or Ultra marine gladius or demi company, not anything i should really worry about? Don't think there are any scars players here, so that's good!

It's still gross, but without the scout move they can't start the game controlling the center, and if they move, they get reduced range or even snap shots if they move 12" on their grav cannons boxes, which drastically reduces their firepower.

Then you do everything you can to pop as many boxes as you can from more than 18" away.

Anybody getting out of a transport in their opponents turn counts as having moved, so again reduced range on grav.

3rd turn you start actually killing the tacs and devs, who should at this point mostly be rideless.

If you let the army stand still for a turn and shoot, your probably dead.

So key is to not let them do that.

Only problem is if your opponent is smart, and plays totally to the mission, you probably lose anyway, since they have 20+ obsec units. But most people can't do that if they see big chunks of their stuff and guys dying.

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IF or Ultra marine gladius or demi company, not anything i should really worry about? Don't think there are any scars players here, so that's good!

It's still gross, but without the scout move they can't start the game controlling the center, and if they move, they get reduced range or even snap shots if they move 12" on their grav cannons boxes, which drastically reduces their firepower.

Then you do everything you can to pop as many boxes as you can from more than 18" away.

Anybody getting out of a transport in their opponents turn counts as having moved, so again reduced range on grav.

3rd turn you start actually killing the tacs and devs, who should at this point mostly be rideless.

If you let the army stand still for a turn and shoot, your probably dead.

So key is to not let them do that.

Only problem is if your opponent is smart, and plays totally to the mission, you probably lose anyway, since they have 20+ obsec units. But most people can't do that if they see big chunks of their stuff and guys dying.


Thank you for the advice! I appreciate you answering my question with so much detail.


Sounds pretty rough. Would you say you'd have to bring a good amount of shooty stuff to stay out of range of the grav? Like i would normally bring a meltacide or 2, bunch of DC, furioso, and flamer tacs for the troops, which obviously all want to be as close as possible. Sounds like melta isn't a good idea, or drop pods in general, unless you have like 5 i guess.


i'd want more stuff like plasma on tacs, grav bikers, baal or regular pred and have DC hang back and wait for a big assault turn 3 or 4? 


NTaW: what units would you recommend to handle these gladius lists?

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Basically FW fire support, backed up with our best codex units, namely assault squad melta boxes and jump pack dc.


My list was running 2 meltaboxes, a sicaran with tank hunter legacy, 2 quad mortar batteries, a deredeo, and 2 land speeder typhoons. So I had enough firepower to drop around 6 rhinos turn 1 from 36 inches away with most of it.

Drop poding in close is sadly pretty much what the Gladius wants, it then doesn't have to move to grav you to death.

Forcing them to move to shoot helps a lot, but even snap firing grav cannons hurt with tac doctrine up.

And I'd still go with your flamers on tacs and such, you just need to wait till the right time to use them. Running them straight into the wall of rhinos is just going to get the shot to death pretty quickly.

And dreads are terrible against them, single 6 and they aren't moving. A stormraven can work ok though, to deliver a unit straight into combat. And gladius are usually really weak in the anti air and long range firepowr.

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