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Heresy Era Imperial Fists army by Awaken Realms


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For a significant amount of time we’ve been working recently on a Horus Heresy era army of  Imperial Fists army of big proportion, centered around Sigismund taking the war to Mars – we’ve painted it in a less-common, metallic approach rather than usual bright yellow. 













How do you like the final effect?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow awesome painting... but what happened to the cockpit glazing on the fire raptor?


Looks like someone fat-fingered the ejector button for the cockpit....


Seriously though, it looks like the glass is missing.


As for the subdued metallic color, it's hit or miss. I can see good and bad parts about the overall color tone used. My biggest beef however, is all of that green. I could definitely see if being used, yes.. but it's used a bit abundantly. Kind of in the same way that I don't necessarily approve the notion that every space marine should have blood-red eye lenses on the helmets.


Not every weapon needs the same exact color highlighting. E.G.: Blue plasma coils, green/orange volkite glows, purple/green/random grav-gun, and so on.


If it works for the customer, then nice. personally, that light just meshes horribly with the color scheme.

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It is well done, but hate the colour scheme. The colours are suited for Custodian Guards not Imperial Fists.


Imperial FIsts are yellow, this is not even a metallic yellow, it is brown gold. Also I think the green OSL is a bit overpowering.

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While excellently painted, I'm not overly keen on the scheme itself (Imperial Fists are yellow, these guys look like GDI) and there is just too much OSL, both in quantity and intensity for my liking.

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I'll stand up for the colour scheme. It's an original take and I think better reflects the character of the fists. 2nd Co Ultramarines went from yellow to gold, and even the studio Fists have gone from canary to mustard yellow down the years. There's room in this hobby for interpretation and IMO this one works.

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It would be interesting to know if GW would have chosen this more golden scheme over yellow if the paints had existed at the time to allow such a scheme. On the other hand at first glance you would not recognise this as an Imperial Fists army (more likely a successor) and so in that regard I think the interpretation doesn't work but like AGPO said nothing ventured nothing gained.

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