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looking into starting 2000pts UM


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So the B@C box has been staring me down lately, and I'm about to give in, but I'd like to know what I'll be in for moneywise for a playable 2k list, and I'm not enirely sold yet, so I haven't bought the red books yet. How far is this off 2k, and what would be best to round it out since it'll be seeing play in 40K as well? I've been sold on the models of Guilliman, suzerains, and sicarans for a while, so those are sure purchases. Thanks in advance!




Chaplain (praetor I assume?)




5 suzerains in land raider phobos


10 legion tacticals, sergeant in artificer armour with power fist in rhino


10 legion tacticals, sergeant in artificer armour with power fist in rhino


Heavy support


Sicaran with lascannon sponsons


Sicaran with lascannon sponsons


Lord of war



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The units you've listed there are a great start to a 30k Ultramarine army.


Guilliman is a brilliant force multiplier, and when you add him to a unit of Suzereains with a Chaplain he also become a very powerful fighter.


Two Sicarans are a in the sweet spot, and can benefit from the Tank Hunting buff to make a great Anti-Armour unit that also provides plenty of Dakka. Always equip them with Las Cannon sponsons.


You'll have some points left over in a 2k list. You could add: a Deredeo Dreadnought, or 3 Quad Launcher Batteries with Shatter shells. Both of those units are extremely useful. I'd probably add the 3 Quad Launchers, will cost you 210 points for 12 Str 8 Sunder shots, and they can also place templates for anti infantry. Compliments the Sicarans very well.


In truth, if you get the units mentioned above you won't need a huge amount of further expenditure. The Contemptor is also useful as a Cortus variant in a Drop Pod - very good unit.

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You pretty much summed up basic Ultramarines list building. You've got it going on! I would recommend investing in a deredeo for a dedicated anti-air role (it's good to have a little bit of anti-everything in an Ultra list tongue.png). You've got a good melee unit, good basic scoring troops, anti-tank, and with a deredeo you'll have anti-air.

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Thanks for the replies! Seems like I've just found my starting point then together with the red books; I might start out with a kheres cortus and see whether I'd like the mortars or the deredeo more later on.

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