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Battle Report: Deathwing vs Blood Angels


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Hello Brothers,

I barely played a handful of games and my opponement had quite a few under his belt. It`s the first time I try to use my Deathwing as the only force on the field. My bud don't want to share our lists before game so I decided to go all in for the surprise.

It was a risky business of course. If he managed to kill my attack bike turn 1 it was over but I decided to assume my noobiness with glee.

Mission: Seize the Relic

I won to chose the starting position then won to start turn 1 too.

Deahtwing Strike Force:

HQ Librarian in termi armor (with command squad)

- Lion Roar

Deathwing Command Squad

- Sergeant with power sword

- Apo

- Caliban Hallebard

- Thunder hammer and shield

- Plasma cannon

Deathwing Terminators (x5)

- Plasma cannon

Deathwing Terminators (x5)

- Plasma cannon

Venerable Dreadought (in Drop pod)

- Heavy flamer replacing the assault bolter

Drop pod

Attack bike

- multi melta


My opponement Blood Angels list, by memory

1 HQ that give + ws and fearless to his tactical marine squad

- in 10 man tact squad

Said HQ squad in a rhino transport

1 small tank with twinlinked heavy flamer, no sponsors

1 death company of 10 men on jetpack, 1 power sword on sergeant

1 bike squad (x6)

1 dev squad of 5 men with 1 plasma cannon

1 furioso dreadnought with a heavy flamer strenght 6 that shoot 3 times in a row + assault bolter

Turn 1:

That was pretty simple. I moved the attack bike mid terran being a huge heap of rock, then started to pray the emperor for a bit of luck vs his dreadnough flamer.

He dropped his Furioso near my lines and managed to inflict 1 wound on my attack bike. He moved his bikes and rhino toward the middle objective. His Death Company and Devastator squad stayed on each side of the board at the height of the Relic.

Turn 2:
I dropped my deathwing to block his retreat with the Relic; the command squad and 1 termi squad next to each others, they hurted his dev a bit and destroyed his rhino. I deep striked my other termi squad inside 6' from my attack bike and the dreadnought so all them where around his Death Company on one side of the map. I moved my bike at 12' of his tank and shot it. Lucky me, it exploded and killed a model of his DC (even with the feel no pain. That was delicious). My dreadnought and the drop pod killed more 2 DC and my termi squad 2-3 more.

He managed to kill a few termi with his dev squad and his Furioso killed the attack bike. He charged my 2 termi squads with his bikes and tact squad middle table but barely managed to kill 2. He lost a few models and there I learned how much terminators can suck against units that have a higher weapon skill. I wasn't really lucky on my role neither the whole game on that side it didn't help.

Turn 3:

Resume: we both got stuck in close combat and a lone terminator managed to block his bike squad equiped with the Relic like a champ, refusing to die and inflicting a few losses.

His dev squad managed a masterful shot from accross the table; he could see just the head of my terminator squad and his dreadnought killed a few more models too with his darn super flamer.

Turn 4:

He lost pretty much everything this round aside from 2 models of his dev and his Furioso, still running to catch up the main fight.

Turn 5:

My opponement concede since he only have a dreadnought left and can't grab the Relic. I had First Blood, Slay the Warlord and Linebreaker while he had 0 point. My dreadnought with his multi melta was in range of charge and my last terminator squad could grab the Relic.

So my opponement was often telling me for a while not to make any list including terminators and I can understand why. Still I couldn't help but try to surprise him with going all out since I knew he was expecting my Ravenwing.

The best part of this victory is that he will stress out at what I bring next time plus my faith in terminators have been raised a bit. biggrin.png

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Congrats on the win brother , always nice seeing deathwing winning ! So you went unbound with only on attack bike ?


On the topic of "terminators sucks", they do in competitive environment, and most units considered bad are seen from that point of view. I've had a lot of success with my deathwing, and it's always a joy to bring them to the table.

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The HQ was probably captain karlean or maybe tycho.


The flame tank was a Baal predator I think in a config that a questionable. That's basically just a flame storm cannon on tracks, not sure what he was going after with that. Though it could be a razorback with an Hf.


This was a fun thing to read. I'll try and do one for my next game maybe if I'm not up against the fish faced menace and their battle suits of doom that table me in 2 turns (I played tau recently and they did just that with a tournament list, needless to say I was less than impressed with his decision to do that.)

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I tried to make a couple of lists with a battleforged army of 1000 pts with terminators but it just doesn't work yet for me. I need more experience with our bulky friends. Deep striking units that are twinlinked and can move before or after shooting is neat I have to give them that.

Our group is made of fairly new players. They are worried that I almost tabled my opponement turn 2 at my first game with my Ravenwing (I prepared a lot for that first game). We didn't had time to finish then but the result was crystal clear. So my opponent went massively for ap3 plus flamers as a hard counter but got his predator hunted down by the only bike model I had. tongue.png

I don't remember who on the forum suggested to use plasma cannons for terminators but that was a great idea. It forced him to spread his units as much as possible thus making quite a few models unable to assist in close combat when he charged: The carcass of his rhino formed a bottleneck in the middle of the map that my terminators where more then happy to block.

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