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2.5 Night Lords Horror cult

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So, kinda inspired a bit by Carnivore's Triple Leviathon list, I thought I'd have a similar go, but trying to get the Horror Cult RoW to work...


How's this?


HQ - 150


Vigilator - AA, Refractor field, Nostramon chainglaive, Jump pack, Melta bombs, Trophies of Judgement - 150


Troops 750


2 Squads of Night Raptors  (11 strong)

- 10 Night Raptors - 2 Meltaguns, 2 Nostramon Chainglaives - 345x2

- Hunt-master with Artificer armour, Nostramon Chainglaive, Melta bombs


Elites - 385

Comtemptor-Mortis Dreadnought - 2 Kheres Assault cannons - 180


1 Quad launcher - Shatter shells - 70

1 Quad launcher - Shatter shells - 70


Fast Attack - 100


Anvillus Dreadclaw - 100


Heavy Support - 780


2 Leviathon Dreadnoughts - Cyclonic melta lance, 1 with Claw, 1 with Drill, Phosphex discharger, Armoured ceramite - 325x2

2 Dreadnought Drop Pods - 65x2




Night Haunter - 435


Comes to 2490, any suggestions for the last ten points (otherwise, I'll probably just take another chainglaive on one of the Raptor squads.


Basic plan is for Curze & the Vigilator to join a unit of Raptors (either together or separately to get the most benefit out of Scout, if separate, the vigilator joins the other squad to give stealth and fear asap), either the two levies drop first turn, or if I really need the anti-air, swap one for the contemptor in the dreadclaw).  The Contemptor also doesn't have to stay in the Dreadclaw, if it looks like I'll have the first turn (basically guaranteed if it's night fight!), he'll start on the board and the Dreadclaw will just be annoying with its thruster attack!


Everything puts the pressure on early, bit of a mad rush into combat, levies deal with tanks, Quads provide some fire support and Curze & the raptors chop some peons!


What do you think?

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First off, let me say thanks.gif .

Now, to the list itself... savage! Almost makes me sad my Night Lords stayed loyal lol. Having run the two Leviathan/Curze combo myself, I can tell you that you are going to hurt some feelings. On top of that you've got two fast moving, fear-causing hammer units, one of which has stealth and scout (and potentially also has Curze leading it), all while being scoring... you are diabolical, sir. The Night Haunter would be proud devil.gif.

If I have any critique at all to offer, it would be to put a Siege Drill on one of your Leviathans. I know you already have the Cyclonic Melta Lances, but the five points you spend to make a Claw into a Drill are some of the best spent in the game IMHO. Nothing with armour value is safe from a Leviathan with a Drill. Slipstreams explained it far more eloquently than I could, but a Melta Lance/Siege Drill Leviathan can actually down a Knight with consistency one-on-one... that's insane. Other than that tidbit, I have nothing of value to add. Can Mortis Contemptors take a drop pod? I thought they couldn't. If they can, I'd say you're golden buddy. Sent me some batreps when you get them so I can share in your glory.

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Hmm the list you have is actually how I would do mine haha. There are two areas where I would consider changing however. For Kurze he is great and he definetly fits in well with the Horror Cult providing night fight and everything but I'm not sure about including him at 2.5 k. Your really low on bodys and taking him out would allow some more. Secondly I would consider taking out the melta guns out of the raptors to save points. Finally I would reccomend changing the dread to have a dread pod or to have him be a cortus with grav guns to help you take out AV 14. 

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Thoughts behind the Mortis - he can't have a dread DP, hence the Dreadclaw.  I almost think this is better as it allows the Mortis to start on the board with the Dreadclaw being empty (whilst providing the 3rd Drop pod for DP Assault).  If I up it to 3000pts, I'd probably put a Plasma support squad in there...  The Mortis also provides some anti-air, which I'm otherwise lacking.  It also looks cooler than the Deredeo!


I also want to use Kurze, he's expensive, but I love the model!  I'll also be using Sev as the Vigilator (with a JP)


I probably won't be able to make this list as I normally only play 2000pts max, it just looked too brutal not to post!


For 2,000pts I'd drop a Levvie & the Dreadclaw, so it looks like this:


HQ - 150


Vigilator - AA, Refractor field, Nostramon chainglaive, Jump pack, Melta bombs, Trophies of Judgement - 150


Troops 690


2 Squads of Night Raptors  (11 strong)

- 10 Night Raptors - 2 Meltaguns, 2 Nostramon Chainglaives - 345x2

- Hunt-master with Artificer armour, Nostramon Chainglaive, Melta bombs


Elites - 385

Comtemptor-Mortis Dreadnought - 2 Kheres Assault cannons - 180


1 Quad launcher - Shatter shells - 70

1 Quad launcher - Shatter shells - 70


Heavy Support - 400


Leviathon Dreadnought - Cyclonic melta lance, Drill, Phosphex discharger, Armoured ceramite - 335

Dreadnought Drop Pod - 65




Night Haunter - 435


comes to 1,995pts, any ideas what to do with the last 5pts?

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I like it! You'll still be lethal at 2K with that list. Only things I have to suggest are:


1) You might want to switch the meltaguns for plasmaguns on one of your Night Raptor squads - I've found that plasma more than melta pulls its weight in 30k. And just some another option in your arsenal is never a bad thing.


2) I believe your Leviathan actually costs 395pts, not 400. Which gives you an additional 5pts to play with. If you drop the melta bombs from the Huntmaster of whichever squad your Vigilator is with (he already has the melta bombs), you'll have 15pts, which I'd put toward a Havoc Missile Launcher for your Contemptor Mortis. Now he's an even more effective fire platform :).

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