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Best Leman Russ Variant for my Mechanized List.


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Hey mates. Posted this poll not to long ago about which Leman Russ would work best in a Mechanized Imperial Guard list and I am taking a crack at it again. As it stands, I have a list in play already and basically this Poll is to see which Leman Russ Variant would work best with my list. But by all means, feel free to share which Mechanized IG List/Formation you field and which LR Variant has performed the best for you. The more information the better as not only would that help me out, but others as well. As for my list, I am fielding the Death Korps of Krieg Grenadier Assault Brigade out of the IA Books and this is my current list atm: 


* 1x Command Squad w/Meltaguns in Storm Chimera 


* 6x Grenadier Squads w/Meltaguns in Storm Chimeras 


* Thunderbolt Gunship or Avenger Strike Fighter 


For those who are not aware, the Storm Chimera is a Chimera that comes with an Autocannon Turret base, and all of my Chimeras will have Hull-Mounted Hvy. Flamers. Reason for that is that DKOK Grenadiers are basically Storm Troopers with different Special Rules, and since they have to be within 18 inches to utilize their Hot-Shot Lasguns, the Hvy. Flamer makes since. 


Atm, for the Leman Russ Variant I am debating on to field (plan to field 2xLR Tanks to start for now), I was considering the Annihilator but since I have so much Weaponry already that would be suited against Vehicles already, I am currently leaning towards the Demolisher. S10AP2 is still amazing in this edition, and it would fill my one major weakness, which is a lack of Horde Control Weaponry. Some of my mates have suggested the standard Leman Russ Battle Tank, however I fell that it is not worth taking at this time until GW updates all the tanks and makes it cheaper, but I am praying that they return the Lumbering Behemoth Rule. That alone would be huge for all Leman Russ Tanks. Anyways tell me what you think would be the best Lrman Russ Variant that would go well with this list and we will take it from there.

what about the eradicator? with its Nova cannon that ignores cover, could be useful for hordes. Plus its relatively cheap points wise, and i think im right in saying it isnt ordnance, so stick on some heavy bolters and your golden.

Also a punisher with heavy bolters, is a damn good anti horde option.

what about the eradicator? with its Nova cannon that ignores cover, could be useful for hordes. Plus its relatively cheap points wise, and i think im right in saying it isnt ordnance, so stick on some heavy bolters and your golden.

Also a punisher with heavy bolters, is a damn good anti horde option.


I have considered the Eradicator, however as it stands, I am hesistant due to the S6 AP4 as my meta has a lot of Space Marines, Necrons, and other high Toughness armies. The Leman Russ Demolisher, though short ranged, caught my eye as it is S10 AP2, which is pretty awesome in this edition against everything, but I have had many people suggest that I should go with the standard Leman Russ in this case. S8 AP3 is still good, and the range makes it worth it's points with this list.


Eradicator Nova Cannon is an Ordance Weapon last tme I checked, would have to check. And the Punisher does sound appealing, but I have never tried or seen on standard as the only time I have seen that one is when Pask is in it. How does it do?

With the new Armoured formation in the montka book, they can get bs4! But that requires 5 leman Russ!

It is a lot of shots, but is still ap- I believe.


In your case I would go standard leman Russ. It's cheaper than a demolisher and so much more range

Eradicator's cannon isn't ordnance, so fires normally. The Demolisher is best in a pair but expensive - can't go far wrong with the standard Russ if you can't quite decide. Plus a S8 AP3 pie plate goes a long way against most opponents :)

Eradicator's cannon isn't ordnance, so fires normally. The Demolisher is best in a pair but expensive - can't go far wrong with the standard Russ if you can't quite decide. Plus a S8 AP3 pie plate goes a long way against most opponents :)

Plan is to field 2x Leman Russ Tanks so I would be Fielding a pair of Demolishers if I went that route. And they are a bit cheaper in the Death Korps of Krieg Grenadier Assault Brigade list so that's a plus. But you are right in the sense that I couldn't go wrong with the standard Leman Russ.


You sure the Eradicator isn't an Ordnance Weapon? Doesn't use the large pie template when firing it? And if that's the case that does sound really good however what still keeps me away from it is the AP4. Not doubting you mate, just that I've never really looked at it before lol.

You dare doubt the commissariat? laugh.png Only the battle and demolisher cannons are ordnance for Russes, the rest are direct fire so you can blast away with impunity smile.png Two Demolishers are almost a staple in my lists, need them to pop the two wound and 2+ save stuff and they're good for destroying Marine vehicles too thumbsup.gif

If your meta has lots of MEQs then why aren't you considering the plasma executioner with plasma sponsons? From everything I've heard that will wipe Marines and necrons off the board. Maybe run one executioner and one demolisher for the tougher enemies that survive the plasma storm?

One option would be to bring a pask punisher. If you are able to run 2 demolishers that's 340pts. I run pask witj meltas and a eradicator for 310. He shreds infantry and light vehicles. Just a thought

The Death Korps of Krieg Grenadier Assault Brigade cannot take Pask. The only HQ options they have our Company Command Squad and the Quartermaster.


As for the Thunderer, I have seriously considered it however to be honest I don't have the funds for all that forgeworld lol. I'm perfectly fine running the Demolisher as it is.

I hear ya! Was considering getting corax and maybe a vulture then saw the aussie dollar to the pound was $1/0.5£ ...


Well might not be fluffy but you could take a Cadian battle group which allows you to take just a tank commander (including pask) with their usual buddy requirement with nothing else and that's legal. ;)

Demolishers, Battle Tanks, and Vanquishers (only as command tanks though, for that sweet BS4 and coax stubber). The pie plate tanks are the best option, especially for dealing with blobs, or MC's. But that's because I prefer my tanks to support my infantry and bring something to the table that they can't.

Punisher! Gatling guns are so cool! And put Pask in it, then you get 20 S5 AP- shots with rending, BS4 and preferred enemy! Things don't get more anti horde than that! And it's a gatling gun, did I mention they look so cool?!

Rommel44 runs Death Korps, so no Pask. Also, DKoK has no way to access BS4 Punishers, as only the battle tank chassis is available as command tanks, and those are elites not HQ.


It sucks, but there it is.

I never leave home without a pair of demolishers, can't say that's a bad choice.  However, they are expensive. It's hard to see how an eradicator would not serve your needs. There's a lot of necron stuff that's got 4+ saves or worse now, so including necrons in your list of "why I can't accept AP4" is questionable.  I think one eradicator and one demolisher/stock russ is a great compromise on cost/benefit and gives you options...nothing's worse than dropping a S10AP2 pieplate on some ratling snipers and killing nothing because of their cover save.  On the other hand, having two identical tanks means the enemy has to kill both to deny you a capability.  On the third hand, AP2 is kind of over-hyped for killing troops.  There aren't too many terminators running around with a 5+ invulnerable save.  Hitting thundernators with a demolisher cannon instead of a battle cannon just cuts their save from 2+ to 3+, it's still not going to kill a lot of models (and you should be torrenting them, not trying to AP them anyway).  And for killing tanks (where S10 and AP2 make more of a difference than against infantry), you have all that melta...does a short-ranged pieplate really make or break your antitank capability? 


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