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2,500 point Maru Skara EC list


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Have a game coming up this weekend... Wanted to try this list for some time.



Legion centurion, consul - Legion champion, refractor shield, legion scimitar jet bike, sonic shrieker, Phoenix power spear - 165



Legion assault squad X10 - 250


Legion assault squad X10 - 250


Legion assault squad X10 - 250



Phoenix Terminators X6, Sonic shriekers, dedicated transport: Spartan assault tank, flare shield - 680



Legion skyhunter squadron X3, multi melta, SGT: Phoenix power spear - 175


Legion skyhunter squadron X3, multi melta, SGT: Phoenix power spear - 175


Legion skyhunter squadron X3, multi melta, SGT: Phoenix power spear - 175



Fulgrim the illuminator, fireblade, RoW: The Maru Skara - 380


Total: 2500

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The first problem that comes to mind is that your armour saturation is practically nonexistent, so you can probably know where the dedicated AT will shoot. Usually, this will means that you big angry death star will be stranded far away from the fighting.


Also, why keep the ASM naked? They are way to expensive to be mere meatshields. I would buy an AA for the sergeant and add at least 2 power weapons.


And this lead me to what I think is the root of the problem: point allocation seems off. You invested too much into an easily isolated unit and too little into your meat and potatoes.


I like the idea of Maru Skara with Jump Packs and Jetbikes for potential T1 charges, but then I would prefer running Palatines to ith JP and Eidolon for another inch bonus on the charge. This should give you enough points to equip the ASM with 2 Power Weapons, AA and possibly a Spear for the sergeant. Maybe you can also throw in a Dreadclaw with 5 Phoenix Guard for good measure.

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The main idea for the assault squads was to give cult rim the master of ambush warlord trait, allowing all 3 squad to out flank with the Maru Sakar jetbikes. I see what you mean about them being naked though, I could switch them out to outflanking tactical blobs for the numbers, plus I could also fury of the legion when I arrive unawares... Although they do lack the mobility of the assault marines.
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You can't fury the turn you show up from reserves, since your units will have moved. I also don't really see the benefit out outflanking assault marines, they should just be on the board aiming for a turn two assault. If they outflank, then they can't assault till turn 3. 


What I'd do to save pts is make your assault marine squads two squads of fifteen instead of three squads of ten. Saves you points so you can take some aa armor and power weapons which those units badly need. 


Also second what Immersturm said about armor saturation, sure spartans are tough but with literally every anti armor gun being pointed at it turn one, won't last long, and then fulgrim and co is stuck footslogging which is not good. 

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This list isn't legal without another compulsory HQ choice (the Champion is the second compulsory HQ based on the wording of the Rite of War). Adding to that, your Assault marines really need to have some power weapons and possibly a spear on the sergeant or they won't accomplish much of anything. This is especially if you Outflank them, since they don't get the Maru Skara bonuses AND have to wait until Turn 3 at the earliest to get a charge (compare that to Palatines in a Dreadclaw who are looking at a T2 charge).

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