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The long-awaited prince


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Greeting Brothers!


After a long, a very long wait, I finally took up the hobby again! Yeeee. 


First it meant a trip to my local GW for new paints as all of my paints were as dry as dessert sand. Than the dig in storage to find my long lost khorne army, and than the paint job this guy has been waiting for for 10 years.


I present to you my daemon prince of khorne! I loved working on this model 10 years ago, I was getting pretty good with green stuf and went all out on this model. So finally painting it was great fun, and trying different new techniques with all those new GW washes was great fun. I think he turned out great and I a happy camper!


Prince naked


prince front


prince left side


prince back


prince right side


prince back Top


Right now I am going to work on some other old models I have lying around and paint my predator. 


Let me know what you think of the model and hopefully give me some much loved KUDOS!




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