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anyone use Vallejo liquid gold series?

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I'm about to pull the trigger on some VLG series but I have a few questions for the right colors. I'll be using the Old Gold on most of my marines however for the traitors like my KDK whats a good color in the VLG series to achieve a brass color? 

Don't use your nice kolinskies either, the alcohol dries and degrades the hairs and make them a bit brittle. You would rather use synthetics when painting VLG. Also whatever alcohol you use, make sure its 100% and not diluted with water, I use 100% IPA and it works fine.

I've used Rich, Old, Red and White Gold extensively before. They are fantastic paints and absolutely the best golds for minis to me.


Sadly airbrushing them is... well, dangerous for your hardware. Because of that I stopped using them for large scale projects.


For your brass question, there is a Copper and the paints mix fairly well together.I would recommend Copper and Rich Gold; I think a 1:1 ratio would give you a nice brass result.

I was considering starting with a good base gold (maybe even old gold) and then washing followed up with a brass scorpion dry brush. I didn't know if red gold would be the better base for the color though. Thanks for the input!

Keep in mind that washes (and varnishes) can really destroy the shine of the Liquid Gold paints.

I figured as much, however I can always go back over them on top of the protective clear coats (varnish) and bring back the shine as needed. 


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