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3000 Clan Morragul


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+++ Bitter Iron (2995pts) +++


++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) ++


+ HQ +


Iron-father Autek Mor [Cortex Controller, Cyber-familiar, Father to the Brethren of Iron]

····Master of the Legion [Company of Bitter Iron]


Legion Centurion [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs]

····Consul [Master of Signal]


Spearhead-Centurion Castrmen Orth


+ Troops +


Legion Tactical Squad [19x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade]

····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]


Medusan Immortals [19x Medusan Immortals, 4x Meltagun, 15x Volkite Charger]

····Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Fist, Single Breaching Charge, Volkite Charger]


+ Elites +


Apothecarion Detachment

····Legion Apothecary [Augury Scanner]


Gorgon Terminator Squad [3x Chainfist, 9x Gorgon Terminator, 2x Graviton Gun]

····Gorgon Hammerbearer [Cyber-familiar]

····Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield]


Legion Veteran Tactical Squad [9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Melta Bombs, 2x Missile Launcher and Suspensor Web, Sniper]

····Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [Extra Armour]

····Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]


+ Heavy Support +


Legion Sicaran Battle Tank [Lascannons]


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon

····Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Armoured Ceramite, Grav-flux Bombard, Phosphex Discharger]


+ Legion +


Legion Astartes [Loyalist, X: Iron Hand]


Trying to make some Red Talon armies.


I know this list is weird but I tried to put everything that mentioned in Claw and Teeth Campaign.

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  • 2 weeks later...

posting this on my phone so i keep it shot and sweet :P


for 3k IMO you lack a decent Long range AT option I recoment a scarrian Venator or Laser Distroyr Vindi Give you a bit of Range Hitting power.

You Immortals need a ride I recomend giveing them a sparten or droping them down to 10 and a LR 

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The list looks fairly solid. I would agree on a vehicle for the immortals, and possibly a pod for the leviathan. That would mostly compensate for the lack of ranged AT (and Orth in a sicaran should be enough to clean up). The tacticals and veteran tacticals seem to be overlapping a little in regard to roles, so dropping a few of each would be the best way to go (IMO) if you needed points spare. And finally, where would Autek and the MoS go? Because I see some chances for nasty combos such as 15 bs5 volkites with preferred enemy...
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