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Legion Allied Detachments


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I posted this a while back and received no responses, but maybe I had posted it in the wrong subform...


I'm planning a Horus Heresy Ultramarines army, but I also like the look of several of the other legions and was thinking of taking one or more of them as allied detachments.

I thought it might be fun to start a thread on legion allied detachments. What kind of allied detachments can you think up at say 1000 points that are either effective, characteristic of the legion (a.k.a. "fluffy"), or both?

Here is one I came up with for Salamanders that uses both of their legion specific units:

Salamanders Legion Allied Detachment 

Praetor w/ Artificer Armor, Master-crafted Paragon Blade, Iron Halo, Dragonscale Storm Shield - 165 pts
Firedrake Terminator Squad (5) w/ Master-crafted Thunder Hammer, 4x Thunder Hammer, 4x Dragonscale Storm Shield & Combi-Flamer - 350 pts
Tactical Squad (10) w/ Artificer Armour, Master-crafted Power Axe - 175 pts
Rhino Armoured Carrier w/ Twin-linked Bolter & Heavy Flamer - 50 pts
Land Speeder w/ Heavy Flamer & Multi-Melta - 75 pts
Pyroclast Squad (5) w/ Master-crafted Pyroclast Flame Projector, Power Fist - 180 pts

Additional Points: +995

Here is another for Imperial Fists that uses up some of the spare models I have (Rapier Laser Destroyer, Deimos Predator, etc., but seems in character.

Imperial Fists Legion Allied Detachment 

Alexis Polux (Rite of War: The Stone Gauntlet) w/ Master-crafted Power Fist, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield & Combi-melta - 165 pts
Rapier Laser Destroyer - 55 pts
Breacher Squad (20) w/ Artificer Armour & Thunder Hammer - 355 pts
Tactical Support Squad (5) w/ 5x Flamer - 100 pts
Seeker Squad (5) w/ 2x Combi-Plasma - 195 pts
Rhino Armoured Carrier w/ Twin-linked Bolter - 35 pts
Legion Deimos Predator tank "Sun Spear" w/ Heavy Bolter Sponsons - 95 pts

Additional Points: +1000 


I'm thinking of allied Blood Angels and/or Dark Angels as well, so any help would be appreciated!

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I think this is a great topic. It would be really helpful for you to post your Ultramarines list so we could know where your allied detachment is meant to plug holes, but I'll give you my general thoughts on your detachments...


Salamanders - I'm shocked you left the Mantle of the Elder Drake off of your Salamanders Praetor - it's an auto-include that I would KILL for on my Night Lords Praetor. I'd also swap out one of the Firedrakes' Thunderhammers for a Chainfist for all the Armoured Ceramite you'll run into. I'm also concerned with the lack of transportation for a Terminator squad without any transport - I know a ride is costly for them, but so is getting them shot off the board before they do anything valuable. I don't think you really need the Land Speeder, but that's just me.


Imperial Fists - Imperial Fists have the best vanilla Terminators in the game, bar none. You don't have any of them here. I'm extremely biased (I love Terminators), but it seems like a mistake to me to leave them off in the only Legion that can take Storm Shields, Assault Cannons, AND Teleportation Transponders no matter the Rite of War. I think you have a lot of fragile units there that don't add a ton of depth to your force. Try this:


HQ (165pts)


Alexis Polux (165pts)

--> Roles with the Breachers.

Troops (310pts)


Legion Breacher Siege Squad (310pts)

  • 9x Legion Breacher Siege Space Marines, 2x Graviton Guns, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox
  • Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Melta Bombs

--> Led by Polux, you have a rock-solid troop choice with extra teeth thanks to Polux.


Elites (285pts)

Legion Terminator Squad (285pts)

  • 4x Cataphractii Terminators, 3x Chainfists, 1x Power Fist, 4x Vigil Pattern Storm Shield, Teleportation Transponder
  • Legion Terminator Sergeant: Thunderhammer, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield

--> This is your LOW killer unit. These are your monster hunters. Send them after anything too hard for anyone else to crack. Also, if your Breachers or another troop unit is getting hammered, if you kept them in reserve you can call them down right on the spot with the Nuncio-Vox for instant cavalry.


Heavy Support (240pts)


Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (240pts)

  • Aiolos Missile Launcher, Armoured Ceramite

--> Never a bad choice. Tried and true long range fire-support, and very fluffy for the Imperial Fists in my opinion.


Total = 1000pts on the dot


Also, given my own recent foray into the Blood Angels in 30k, I thought I'd offer a Blood Angels Allied Detachment option based off of what I run:




Legion Praetor (220pts)

  • Artificer Armour, Iron Halo, Jump Pack, Paragon Blade, Power Fist, Digital Lasers, Mastercraft a Single Weapon

Troops (393pts)


Legion Assault Squad (393pts)

  • 14x Legion Assault Space Marines, 3x Power Weapons
  • Legion Assault Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Thunder Hammer, Combat Shield, Melta Bombs


Heavy Support


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought (385pts)

  • Armoured Ceramite, Leviathan Siege Drill, 2x Twin-Linked Iliastus-Pattern Assault Cannons, Phosphex Discharger, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod

Total = 998pts

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I think this is a great topic. It would be really helpful for you to post your Ultramarines list so we could know where your allied detachment is meant to plug holes, but I'll give you my general thoughts on your detachments...

Thanks for the reply Carnivore. I did not post my Ultramarines list because I was thinking this could be a more general purpose thread for anyone who wants to add a small allied detachment (not just customized for me). However, since you asked, the Ultramarines list I am planning is at the end of this post.


Salamanders - I'm shocked you left the Mantle of the Elder Drake off of your Salamanders Praetor - it's an auto-include that I would KILL for on my Night Lords Praetor. I'd also swap out one of the Firedrakes' Thunderhammers for a Chainfist for all the Armoured Ceramite you'll run into. I'm also concerned with the lack of transportation for a Terminator squad without any transport - I know a ride is costly for them, but so is getting them shot off the board before they do anything valuable. I don't think you really need the Land Speeder, but that's just me.

On the Mantle, that really just shows my inexperience with Salamanders. The chain fist is a nice idea, but one I eschewed because I didn't know if I could convert it well enough to mesh with the FW Firedrake models (but it might work with the recent Deathwatch Salamanders terminator). A transport for the Firedrakes is expensive, and that would mean getting rid of the Pyroclast squad for sure. I included the Landspeeder because it's the only Salamanders unit that I have painted from 40K :o) http://image.bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/1329919025/gallery_37066_7001_25658.jpg


Imperial Fists - Imperial Fists have the best vanilla Terminators in the game, bar none. You don't have any of them here. I'm extremely biased (I love Terminators), but it seems like a mistake to me to leave them off in the only Legion that can take Storm Shields, Assault Cannons, AND Teleportation Transponders no matter the Rite of War. I think you have a lot of fragile units there that don't add a ton of depth to your force. Try this:


HQ (165pts)


Alexis Polux (165pts)

--> Roles with the Breachers.

Troops (310pts)


Legion Breacher Siege Squad (310pts)


  • 9x Legion Breacher Siege Space Marines, 2x Graviton Guns, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox
  • Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Melta Bombs
--> Led by Polux, you have a rock-solid troop choice with extra teeth thanks to Polux.


Elites (285pts)

Legion Terminator Squad (285pts)

  • 4x Cataphractii Terminators, 3x Chainfists, 1x Power Fist, 4x Vigil Pattern Storm Shield, Teleportation Transponder
  • Legion Terminator Sergeant: Thunderhammer, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield
--> This is your LOW killer unit. These are your monster hunters. Send them after anything too hard for anyone else to crack. Also, if your Breachers or another troop unit is getting hammered, if you kept them in reserve you can call them down right on the spot with the Nuncio-Vox for instant cavalry.


Heavy Support (240pts)


Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (240pts)

  • Aiolos Missile Launcher, Armoured Ceramite
--> Never a bad choice. Tried and true long range fire-support, and very fluffy for the Imperial Fists in my opinion.


Total = 1000pts on the dot

Thank you for your suggestions. I think I was going for lots of cheaper units in the old "earth" style army when making the Imperial Fists detachment, since I had some of the other capabilities in my main list. Are graviton guns that good in 30K? Targets have to roll below their strength?


Also, given my own recent foray into the Blood Angels in 30k, I thought I'd offer a Blood Angels Allied Detachment option based off of what I run:




Legion Praetor (220pts)


  • Artificer Armour, Iron Halo, Jump Pack, Paragon Blade, Power Fist, Digital Lasers, Mastercraft a Single Weapon
Troops (393pts)


Legion Assault Squad (393pts)

  • 14x Legion Assault Space Marines, 3x Power Weapons
  • Legion Assault Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Thunder Hammer, Combat Shield, Melta Bombs
Heavy Support


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought (385pts)

  • Armoured Ceramite, Leviathan Siege Drill, 2x Twin-Linked Iliastus-Pattern Assault Cannons, Phosphex Discharger, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod
Total = 998pts
I like this, thanks!



Ultramarines Legion Army List


Legion Champion w/ Artificer Armour, Mastercrafted Thunder Hammer & Boarding Shield - 130


Veteran Tactical Squad (8) w/ Furious Charge, Artificer Armour, Power Fist, 4x Power Weapon & Vexilla - 245 pts

Storm Eagle Assault Gunship "Azure Eagle" - Armoured Ceramite, Twin-linked Multi-Melta & 2x Twin-linked Lascannon - 285 pts


Cataphractii Terminator Squad (5) w/ Plasma Blaster, 2x Combi-Plasma, 2x Thunder Hammer, 2x Pair of Lightning Claws & Chainfist - 257 pts

Mk IIB Land Raider Phobos w/ Armoured Ceramite & Multi-Melta - 290


Apothecarion Detachment (3) w/ 3x Artificer Armour & Power Sword - 175 pts


Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought "Justarius" w/ 2x Kheres Assault Cannon & Havoc Launcher - 195 pts


Tactical Squad (20) w/ Artificer Armor, Power Fist, Combi-Melta, Vexilla & Nuncio-vox - 305 pts

Tactical Squad (10) w/ Power Weapon & Melta-Bombs - 165 pts


Tactical Support Squad (5) w/ 5x Plasma Gun - 175 pts

Rhino Armoured Carrier w/ Twin-linked Bolter - 35 pts


Seeker Squad (9) w/ 5x Combi-Plasma - 285 pts

Rhino Armoured Carrier w/ Twin-linked Bolter - 35 pts


Fellblade Super-Heavy Tank "Macragge's Thunder" w/ Armoured Ceramite & Space Marine Crew - 565 pts


Total Points: 2999 pts



Additional Ultramarines Legion Specific Units:


Replace Veteran Tactical Squad (-245 pts) and Cataphractii Terminator Squad (-257 pts) with

Invictarus Suzerain Squad (10) - 325 pts

Locutarus Storm Squad (10) w/ Power Axe & Combat Shield - 290 pts

Fulmentarus Terminator Strike Squad (5) w/ 3x Power Sword, 2x Power Fist, 5x Cyclone Missile Launcher - 385 pts


Additional Points: +498

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