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Rangdan Xenocides?

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Where is it stated that the Wolves had a significant numerical advantage? From what I recall of Prospero Burns the only advantage the Wolves had was in taking the Thousand Sons utterly by surprise, not to mention the fact that they were bulked out by a significant cadre of the Silent Sisterhood, I don't remember anything about vastly outnumbering


Well according to Lexicanum (best I can do right now, separated from most of my 40k books):


"Most of the strength of the Space Wolves Legion was present at Prospero, and was said to significantly outnumber that of the Thousand Sons"


Cited to Prospero Burns, No Chapter Citation, page 397.


Make of that what you will.

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More fuel for the fire: was reading the background on House Orhlacc and it notes that they lost 48 knights "desperately holding the line against the faceless tide of grey abomination in order to buy time for the Imperium to gather its forces and counterstrike", for which they received a Memento Mori from the Emperor himself.

That could fit the Slaugth - faceless but made of worms? - but it's not conclusive.

Clearly they were facing unpainted armies.

...sorry, I'll see myself out. tongue.png

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Where is it stated that the Wolves had a significant numerical advantage? From what I recall of Prospero Burns the only advantage the Wolves had was in taking the Thousand Sons utterly by surprise, not to mention the fact that they were bulked out by a significant cadre of the Silent Sisterhood, I don't remember anything about vastly outnumbering

Well according to Lexicanum (best I can do right now, separated from most of my 40k books):

"Most of the strength of the Space Wolves Legion was present at Prospero, and was said to significantly outnumber that of the Thousand Sons"

Cited to Prospero Burns, No Chapter Citation, page 397.

Make of that what you will.

Honestly? Not much. At least not with the implied heavy bias. Only a few months and it'll be a moot point regardless as there'll be some concrete numbers in Inferno smile.png

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I'm willing to wager that the bird/eat skull with a mane depicted on the Dark Brotherhood iconography is a Rangdan xeno.

What skull with a mane? I am looking at Dark Brotherhood space marine now and I don't see it...

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I'm willing to wager that the bird/eat skull with a mane depicted on the Dark Brotherhood iconography is a Rangdan xeno.

What skull with a mane? I am looking at Dark Brotherhood space marine now and I don't see it...

Look at their vehicles :)


The Nemean's Storm eagle has one emblazoned on the side hatch.

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20 or so years is the common figure thrown out. Think it's in either Massacre or possibly one of the shorts about Curze attacking Dorn and running with his Legion. Nostramo is destroyed and to all intents and purposes the Night Lords vanish into the dark reaches of the galaxy. One theory put forward as to why the Emperor didn't censure the Legion is because of the imminent campaign at Ullanor and afterwards there was Horus to deal with and then Nikea. 


There's some discrepancies thrown up now with Fel Zharost actually going to Nikea to plead on behalf of the librarians and after the edict he returned to the Legion for judgement, which was handed down by Sevatar instead of Curze because he was "being schooled by his brothers" this doesn't exactly fit into the previous material of Istvaan being 5/6 years after Ullanor and at that time nobody had heard from the VIII Legion in decades. 


Something missing somewhere in all that

This all actually kinka makes sense:

1. 984.M30 Cheraut followed by Kurze destroying Nostramo

2. After this, the Emp orders Kurze to leave the legion and join Vulkan for 'schooling'...

3. ...while the legion, without Kurze, was semi-compliant

4. 001.M31 Nikaea

5. 006.M36 Isstvan V

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Can't that just be a stylized Caliban Lion since...y'know...its no real secret the Namean Reaver is a Dark Angel...

Isn't he Terran though? And fair enough.



Maybe the skull of a lion is in reference to a break from the Lion and hints at why he left the Legion to become a blackshield. He had an issue with his primarch, maybe something to do with the rift between the Terrans and Calibanites?

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The Nemean's Storm eagle has one emblazoned on the side hatch.


The skeletal lion icon? Isn't that just keeping the motif of skeletal eagle? The description of the Storm Eagle says the writing on the sides seems to reference Rangdan Xenocide, I think they would mention if the icon was obviously tied to it. Also, 'Nemean' is obvious reference to mythical lion so it might be just his personal icon.


can you imagine if there was a 40k conflict where they lost 50 thousand marines


Fifty space marine chapters wiped out of existence


I mean the nids couldn't even take down the boys in blue alone


When you think about it , imagine if we had legion numbers now all the little issues would likely just not be issues but I guess thats why it was called the great crusade.

Wasn't there a lot of such conflicts? Badab War, Pale Wasting, or that crusade into Eye of Terror come to mind...

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The Nemean's Storm eagle has one emblazoned on the side hatch.


The skeletal lion icon? Isn't that just keeping the motif of skeletal eagle? The description of the Storm Eagle says the writing on the sides seems to reference Rangdan Xenocide, I think they would mention if the icon was obviously tied to it. Also, 'Nemean' is obvious reference to mythical lion so it might be just his personal icon. 

Adding on to this; his power armor, the "Kithairon War Plate" is another reference to another mythical lion(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cithaeron)


So he is the Lion Reaver wearing his lion war plate. So, yeah, it does seem to be an icon he associates himself with.

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Been browsing some of FFGs Dark Heresy books where the Slaugth feature as recurring antagonists. It caught my eye that the Calixis sector the RPG is set in is to the galactic north of the Imperium, where the Xenocides are said to have occurred. A tenuous link, perhaps, but still provides more weight to the argument.
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I'm willing to wager that the bird/eat skull with a mane depicted on the Dark Brotherhood iconography is a Rangdan xeno.

What skull with a mane? I am looking at Dark Brotherhood space marine now and I don't see it...

The Slaught are looking like this:


their warrior constructs are like this:


So no, the lion is just the personal heraldic of the Nemean^^

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Well, you could still do that, based off of their manipulation and control over other species.


In fact, one of his origin stories has Alpharius taken by these xenos, the Emperor having to take a personal hand to undo all their mental work.


Could very well be that there were some who heard of these Xenocides, and our losses, and thought that there must have been something more to it. Who else could resist the Emperor and cause such damage than a lost son? And they would contribute this theory to that particular son of the Emperor that conspiracy theories have a tendency to just gravitate to.


Maybe it wasn't a false tale. Maybe the Dark Angels lost 50,000 Marines, a quarter of their total strength at that time, because one of the pawns of the Slaught that they had to overcome was a Primarch.

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Maybe it wasn't a false tale. Maybe the Dark Angels lost 50,000 Marines, a quarter of their total strength at that time, because one of the pawns of the Slaught that they had to overcome was a Primarch.


That sounds kinda interesting. Food for thought elsewhere, maybe. ^_^

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They look interesting enough. Would be very interesting models I reckon. Plus they would make perfect fodder.

It's good you like them. We may have something cool for you coming up on Battlebunnies in the future then msn-wink.gif ....

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