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2000pts IW Step right up and ride the Ironfire!


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Iron Warriors
Rite of War Ironfire

1 Praetor 180
- volkite charger
- paragon blade
- digital lasers
- iron halo
- melta bombs

1 Siege Breaker 150
- artificer armour
- volkite charger
- thunder hammer
- melta bombs
- 1 phosphex bomb

1 Techmarine 70
- volkite charger
- meltabombs
- rad grenades

1 Contemptor Mortis 195
- twin kheres cannons
- havoc launcher

3 Quad Lauchers 270
- shatter shells
- phosphex shells

3 Quad Lauchers 270
- shatter shells
- phosphex shells

10 Tactical Marines 170
- bolters
- nuncio vox
- vexilla

10 Tactical Marines 170
- bolters
- nuncio vox
- vexilla

20 Tactical Marines 295
- bolt pistols and chainswords
- artificer armour
- power axe
- nuncio
- vexilla

1 Whirlwind Scorpius 115

1 Whirlwind Scorpius 115


Pretty straight forward battle plan. The large tac unit is joined by the praetor, siege breaker and techmarine. All three infantry units get up close under the cover of the contemptor and bring in the rain. If I'm lucky I'll get the world burner warlord trait and my quad launchers will get shred.

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I didn't realize the techmarine can't join units.  I'd dump him for a pair of rhinos for the small tac units.  Also I'm a worried the phosphex is a bit op.  I was thinking of dropping the siege breaker, phosphex shells and contemptor mortis.  I'd add a leviathan with storm cannon, grav bombard and phosphex launcher to make back most of the lost punch.  I'm left with about 150 pts left that I'm not sure what to do with.

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I don't think the phosphex is op, matter if fact I'm wondering were the medusa's are lol devil.gif (quad mortars can be easily put down by a savoy foe). The biggest issue I see is it will be at least turn 3-4 before you start getting no scatter blasts, because all of your units are footslogging. Taking rhinos will help mitigate this problem.

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