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Need Suggestions for Allies

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Hey team, looking for suggestions on Skittari or Mechanicus allies to go with my team of;

Cerastus Knight Atrapos
Cerastus Knight Acheron
Cerastus Knight Castigator

Now, with my long-legged swimsuit model team, I'm struggling to find appropriate allies. I've been pairing them with my beloved Space Wolves, but the wolves ability to chew through hordes is more or less redundant between Vortexes, Hellstorm flamers and Tempest with Deflagrate.

I need allies more suited to filling in the gaps, and I'm hoping that the Mechanicus or Skittari can do the job. However, i'm not in any way familiar with the units.

I have 610 points  (620 if I don't take Optics on the Atrapos) left inside of an 1850, and while I'm in no way looking for a min-maxed list (as you can see, My models were largely chosen for looks!), I was wondering what the best option for Mechanicus or Skittari allies could be with so few points. 


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Let's see...the skitarii CC units are fast, but both sicarian variants only provide what massed knights get anyway, horde killing. Dragoons could fill a gap, taking out smaller targets, launching distractions/tarpits and taking objectives on the field. Extremely cheap, and extremely useful, while almost keeping up with knight movement. Their shooty variants don't have an inbuilt cover save and don't do much for their points, but range and movement could keep up with knights.


As for troops, there are rangers and vanguard. Both could take arc rifles to cheaply kill AV targets, rangers are 30" fire support against targets with 4+ armour, vanguard are 18" range dice spam. Don't know what's left after knights advance, the 30" rangers would have less problems finding a still-living target, while holding an objective.


Last possible unit, the onager. Neutron laser is useful against any ground target besides hordes, Heavy phosphor blaster would reduce cover of a target unit by 1 and allow rerolling charge distance, which would be a big benefit to some knight weapons, and charge afterwards. Usually not taken, but in this context could synergise well. Other option would be the eradication beamer (situational 36" gun) and the AA icarus array, which would fill a gap if you face flyers. It's possibly the best AA unit in the game, but doing anything against ground targets would require luck.

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