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Imperial Fists Armored Breakthrough Testing Round 2

Lord Blackwood

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So the first Armored breakthrough game went well , but  I find myself wondering if maybe I dont need something more fighty to concern my opponent other than my tanks themselves. The Typhon  draws hate but stuff has to reach it , so instead they focus down my predators , and I  really am stuck playing a defensive sort of run and gun with the fast tanks sort of game,  While sigismund is super useful and an absolute monster  I feel like maybe I could cut back on him the  Templar Brethren and the Spartan to make room  for something more immediately dangerous to my opponent.  

This is what I sort of threw together Curious as to what folks think about this one 

+++ From The Void 1 (2000pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2000pts) ++
+ HQ (345pts) +
Alexis Polux (165pts)
Master of the Legion [Armoured Breakthrough]
Master of Armour (180pts)
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank [Dozer Blade, Lascannons]
+ Troops (200pts) +
Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron (100pts)
Legion Predator Tank [Dozer Blade, Heavy Bolters]
Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron (100pts)
Legion Predator Tank [Dozer Blade, Heavy Bolters]
+ Elites (395pts) +
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (180pts) [Dozer Blade, Lascannons]
Legion Terminator Squad (215pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Chainfist, Legion Terminator Sergeant, 4x Legion Terminators, 3x Power Fist, Reaper Autocannon]
+ Heavy Support (690pts) +
Legion Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron (120pts) [Legion Vindicator Tank]
Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (375pts)
Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Armoured Ceramite, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger]
Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer (195pts) [Dozer Blade]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [Loyalist, VII: Imperial Fists]
+ Lord of War (370pts) +
War Machine Detachment (370pts)
Legion Typhon Heavy Siege Tank [Armoured Ceramite]

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Why Polux ? Yes, he's a great value-for-his-points HQ, but I feel like he brings close to nothing to the list in this configuration.


You only have 3 scoring units (Terminators included) in 2.000 pts.  And Predators are very very fragile. 


What role do the Terminators fulfil in your list ?

 Are you aiming to deep strike them via Polux ? Not possible, since all infantry units in an Armoured Breakthrough list have to purchase a dedicated transport if they got the option (which they do in the form of a Land Raider for example).  So, at the moment, these Terminators are not even in a legal configuration and Polux is sorta superfluous. He couldn't have joined them anyways since Deep Strike doesn't confer from one unit to another.


Personally, I'd go for at least double the number of troop slot Predators here.

Maybe include one or two backup scoring units (Bolter Vets come to mind).

If you're set on keeping Polux, then include a unit he can join and ride with in their dedicated transport.


Also, I feel like you don't really need the command tank. 


On other terms, the list looks quite frightening to me.

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Yeah, these are all good points Bladewolf - I was pretty much going to say the same things.


The Command Tank is a free upgrade, which is cool. This isn't always a good idea though, as it will automatically be the Warlord if you take it. Given Polux's Warlord Trait is useless in this Rite of War, I'd actually keep the HQ Sicaran. Would probably drop the Elites one though.


The Terminators will need a Dreadclaw, Spartan or Land Raider, so I'd take up UL's suggestion and swap them for a Veteran Squad - Polux can join 9 of them in a Rhino, making your list legal. Should be able to afford another Predator too then.


How about this?



Alexis Polux: Rite of War (Armoured Breakthrough)

Command Vehicle

• Command Sicaran Battle Tank: dozer blade; lascannon sponsons 180



Predator Strike Armour Squadron

• Predator: heavy bolter sponsons; dozer blade 100

Predator Strike Armour Squadron

• Predator: heavy bolter sponsons; dozer blade 100

Predator Strike Armour Squadron

• Predator: heavy bolter sponsons; dozer blade 100



8 Veteran Space Marines: legion vexilla; melta bombs; meltagun; + 1 Veteran Sergeant (artificer armour; combi-weapon); Tank Hunters 255

• Rhino: dozer blade 40



Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron

• Vindicator

Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought Talon

• Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought: Leviathan siege drill; armoured ceramite; phosphex discharger 310

• Dreadnought Drop Pod

Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer: dozer blade 195



War Machine Detachment

• Typhon Heavy Siege Tank: amoured ceramite 370


2,000 points

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Slipped my mind about the transports fer infantry models  , Spartan Assault tank  it is then ! 

I dont get terribly much mileage out of the predators atleast I  didint last game part of that was the way i deployed them and part of that was because they are fragile 

I think maybe sticking to the first list may be better then , thanks folks 

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