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IG Armored Battle Group the Way to Go?


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Hey mates. For those who are not aware, I have been playing the DKOK Grenadier Assault Brigade list for a while now and as it stands, I have had decent success with it for the most part. However, the more and more I play games, the more and more I hear that I should swap them out for the IG Armored Battle Group. While the DKOK Grenadier Assault Brigade is a fun, fluffy and a decent list, most people in my area fell that to be competitive in this edition, the IG only have a few options to pick from. Despite a few lists and formations from the standard IG Codex, most people I have talked to say that the Armored Battle Group is superior to any of the DKOK lists atm, as they have access to some of the best LR Tank Variants in the game, as well all the cool special rules that come with them.


Anyways, I just wanted your guys thoughts on the matter. In my case, I plan to build up my army so that I can utilize both lists whenever I want to, but atm I am working on completing my DKOK Grenadier list first. To those who have experience playing both, please feel free to share your Army Lists, tactics, and experience from fielding either of these lists. You can never go wrong in sharing information with other people. They might bring something up that you missed that you can use in future games.

~shrug~  I've been playing IG since 1998...and while the vanilla combined arms lists might sometimes not be the most competitive, the farther you stray from them, while you may get slightly more competitive overall, you're also getting more and more susceptible to catastrophic failure because you're unbalanced...for example, my Tau army's Optimized Stealth Cadre licks its chops at the idea of an Armored Battle Group!  I say maintain your balance and trim a little to the left or the right by one unit or so based on local meta, but avoid getting seriously out of balance.  Lately, I've been running a CAD (~gasp~) with 5-6 russes, chamelioline vets with (empty) chimeras, and a couple of chef's surprises in any given game (Pask as warlord), usually something like some armored sentinels or a hellhound or two as the seasoning on my tank/vets core.  It works out, I win more than I lose, but it's usually a hard-fought game, not a blowout for either side.

As march says, not being at the top has some advantages. You're freer to do more as you like as the underdog anyway right? ;) The Armoured group does have some nice toys, but why change completely? Allies exists for moments like this and it'd be fluffy too.


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