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Murder of Crows Chapter Army WIP!

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Hey guys!


So I'm a huge Raven Guard fan, but as an art student in college I felt I was being a bit lazy to not explore 40k as a creative outlet. I also really don't want to paint my entire 100 percent black (aside from vets having teh white arms and helmets).


So! Here we are at being a successor to my favorite legion, the Murder of Crows chapter.


The story behind them is one that I've gone back an forth for a while on. My chapters hate for the Alpha Legion is one of their main points of interest (for obvious Raven Guard reasons). As such, their armor reflects the event of Alpharius and his band of vagabonds tainting our precious gene seed from Corax. The right vambrace is black, representing the taint on the gene seed. The left vambrace is silver, in memorial for those brothers lost to corrupt gene seed whether it be demonic possesion, extra limbs, overall bad mutations. My Crows wear this as a reminder to themselves an the need for redemption and vengeance for their fallen brothers of old.


Like their Raven forefathers, they take up the idea of coloring their arms as a sign of veteran status, only the crows use their dark teal in variation from the Raven's white.


Their overall combat doctrine is similiar to Corax, however they rely less on stealth as much as they do coming fast and hard through every means possible in mounted and jump pack assaults. The alpha legion is quick and great at subterfuge, as such you gotta be quick to get them! Ergo, lots of bikes and assault marines!


so there is some back story! Open to critique, of course.



Now onto the models!


The main force is going to be around 3 squads of assault marines, a bike command squad and maybe a regular bike squad, two storm talons and some scouts. I have other models from my years and years of on and off 40k playing but these are the ones that I want to mainly work on.


Here is what I'm planning to do as far as army organization with color goes.





And here is some of the guys I have mostly done!











Once the semester ends I plan to go to town on these guys, however finals are being a bit of a time sink (though not entirely in a bad way)


Overall, I think that maybe having a progress to post my keep me motivated to get all my boys done.

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@lephisto - Thanks so much man! Army list wise I'm going to have a counts as Korvydae because I really want my assault marines to be troops. Though as bikes and assault marines are my main focus I may just switch between Korvydae and the bike captain I have painted up (currently raven guard painted up haha, will be converted to Crow soon enough). But yes! I am just getting back into the game after being out of it for a couple years so army lists are going to probably be bad and rough but as long as I get to play units I want then I'm not too worried about getting my butt kicked hah.


Currently the army would be something like this.


x1 Bike Command Squad with Captain on bike


x3 10 man Assault Marines Squads


x2 Storm Talons


X1 (maybe 2 if I choose to use them) Scout squads. The Sniper squad will be led by my special veteran scout sergeant with the Nihilus sniper, because I just think that thing is awesome and really wanted to model someone cool holding it.




I have a bunch of tac marines and a couple rhino's/razor back as well. Also a small termie squad so they might jump in there as well. But the list above is what I'm focussing on.


Thanks again!


@Pearson73 and Deathspectersgt7  - thanks guys! I was hoping the fluff wasn't super far fetched and not plausible at all. I also have a thing for assymetry, hah.

Alright so I'm running into a design issue, haha.


I love orange and obviously my marines are mostly orange. However, I was starting to work on the bike command squad and wasn't sure how I wanted to color thebikes themselves. 


So I went for it and started blocking in the orange...in a lot of places. I feeeeel like it's way too much orange, starting to look like a ninja turtles vehicle haha. So what do you guys think, does it look okay or, should I do something like the bike is black with orange trim? The teal as the main body or..what have you?


I'm really on the fence about it so, thought I'd throw it your guys' way.


@ Pearson. I agree that it's probably too much orange. I lined it in silver and it seems to offset it nicely. While I agree that adding the weathering effects will make it better I think that the color scheme should work well on it's own and use the weathering as an enhancer as opposed to me covering up a poorly designed color scheme. You're totally right though!


@Race - Hm, I might have to try that. Maybe I should just make the bikes black with silver trim like I was going to do them before I split from raven guard and just let him be orange and stand out on it. With the assault marines I suppose I have established that 'extra' equipment is predominantly black.

To add to the post.


Here is where he is at, at the moment with the silver trim. I also took a picture of him next to the normal tac marine and the assault marine to give context and make sure he fits in with them.





@SickSix I agree! Orange is my favorite color and I've been trying to make it work on marines for a while. It does seem pretty busy, how would you simplify it? I do like the idea of the wrist guards, but maybe dropping the idea and just making them orange, or the gauntlets and hands black to mirror the boots? I'm open to changing it for sure.

Gotcha, well the motivation to paint them that way is not my issue, I just want them to be visually appealing. Usually when I am designing a character they are more standalone, it's different thinking about them in a mass quantity next to each other.


Currently I think I am fine with the basic marine, but I'm thinking the arms and such on the veterans is too much. Maybe just change the helmet color or add a stripe to determine veteran status.

Alright, so I'm trying out an alternate version. See what you guys think of these and one painted a bit different.




My pickiness is going to make it very hard to ever get this army done...hah.

Also I'm seemingly strugge bussing with the ability to upload pictures here on BnC haha. So I apologize for the dropbox links.

Got the flats down for my bikes! 


Only one more week of class left and then I can dig in on these guys. I've decided to get rid of the teal color in the scheme, I think it was too close to a Red/green set of colors and just created too much jarring. So replacing the teal eagle with silver ones.







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