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Building HB Devs

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I'm running into issues building Heavy Bolter devs, it seems like the way the hands are placed on the Heavy bolter causes the shoulders to be too wide for the body. Anyone else have the same issues? I'm guessing I'm going to have to pick up some green stuff for the gaps... any other recommendations?

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Are you sure you use the proper arm for it. The diagram in the box will give you the relevant sprue number. I know I got it wrong for one of my graviton devs and it wouldn't fit properly but with the correct one, voila ! no problems.


I'm positive, I'll try to see if I can get a picture, but there is only one set of arms that will work with the HB. It'd be pretty hard to get them confuzzled.

Not to insult your intelligence, but the left arm needs to lock into the left wrist at a very specific location, which is sometimes gummed up when using plastic glue. Have you tried rotating the left armclockwise slightly, bringing closer to the body?


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