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starting: AM explorator fleet


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So I am looking to casually build up a small AM force and am in the process of hunting down some bits. Keep in mind I don't play, but would like some sort of idea of what works.


I will be starting off with the grunts. From what I have been told and researched, Vanguard seem to fit what I am looking for. Whether its a 5-10 man group I don't know yet. But I think I will be going with Arc Rifles. As for the groups srg. I will probably give him a Arc Pistol. But what if any CC weapon (goad, maul, sword) not sure what is 'better'.


If anyone has some input I would appreciate it.

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Weapons on the Alpha are usually situational depending on what you are up against. However if you are giving the rest of the squad Arc weapons then you cannot go wrong with an Arc Pistol/ Arc Maul combo. If you were going to play a game then you would be running this unit at vehicles so a bit more Arc cannot hurt. 

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In a squad of 10 with 3 arc rifle I would also recommend the omnispex to deal with pesky skimmers and their jinks.


As for arc pistol/maul, it is quite a bit of points that could be spent elsewhere, and it replaces a very good gun as well.

Still, I have been in situations were the squad have failed their shooting and then the Alpha charged in with his maul and I failed all my rolls to hit again. But he should have taken down that hammer head...


Haven't even considered the taser or sword in the unit, don't think they would be that useful. 

Consider making multiple Alpha, or magnetizing.


I have also been thinking of 2 arc rifles and 1 plasma caliver in a unit.

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I like the Taser and Phosphor or Arc Pistol.

The Maul seems to expensive to me. The additional hits and + 2S makes it good against hordes as well as higher T opponents. The Pistol grants +1 attack and can either help against AVs (Arc) or is just cheap and might reduce cover saves or grant reroll charges.

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I like the Taser and Phosphor or Arc Pistol.

The Maul seems to expensive to me. The additional hits and + 2S makes it good against hordes as well as higher T opponents. The Pistol grants +1 attack and can either help against AVs (Arc) or is just cheap and might reduce cover saves or grant reroll charges.


The way I rationalized my Warlords maul is that eldar pays 5 points for a haywire grenade attack, while we pay 20 for 4 attacks (on the charge), so theoretically worth it. 


Taser and sword makes him more competent against infantry, but the maul lets him maul vehicles as well, which opens up options. 

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I like the Taser and Phosphor or Arc Pistol.

The Maul seems to expensive to me. The additional hits and + 2S makes it good against hordes as well as higher T opponents. The Pistol grants +1 attack and can either help against AVs (Arc) or is just cheap and might reduce cover saves or grant reroll charges.


The way I rationalized my Warlords maul is that eldar pays 5 points for a haywire grenade attack, while we pay 20 for 4 attacks (on the charge), so theoretically worth it. 


Taser and sword makes him more competent against infantry, but the maul lets him maul vehicles as well, which opens up options. 


True on one hand, but still, you need to spend a lot of points on a fragile character. If he dies before swinging, 20 points (not sure here?)

 are lost, while the Eldar only loses 5.

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I like the Taser and Phosphor or Arc Pistol.

The Maul seems to expensive to me. The additional hits and + 2S makes it good against hordes as well as higher T opponents. The Pistol grants +1 attack and can either help against AVs (Arc) or is just cheap and might reduce cover saves or grant reroll charges.


The way I rationalized my Warlords maul is that eldar pays 5 points for a haywire grenade attack, while we pay 20 for 4 attacks (on the charge), so theoretically worth it. 


Taser and sword makes him more competent against infantry, but the maul lets him maul vehicles as well, which opens up options. 


True on one hand, but still, you need to spend a lot of points on a fragile character. If he dies before swinging, 20 points (not sure here?)

 are lost, while the Eldar only loses 5.



20, +10 for the arc pistol.

You could also see it as having a guy with a bunch of meatshield, although he has died before being able to accomplish anything.

He is just there to beat down vehicles that survives the squad shooting, deter dreadnoughts and Knights, and maybe pounce weaker shooting units or combi assault with my own CC squads.


He has distributed some proper beatdowns against 'eavy armoured boys squad though, he and his unit taking down 18 boys (2 of them Nobz with PK) over the course of 3 rounds.


But this is all anecdotal. From my experience, going with the standard shooting weapon is probably the wisest choice in all honesty, but the maul is just to cool to pass up for me.

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I am not too familiar with how all these new half Codexs and allies etc etc work anymore. But I would more than likely use a Magos as the warlord, I don't see a benefit of having a lil unit srg be the army boss.


I guess what it comes down to is just making things look cool, I am a modeler and not a gamer after all.

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I am not too familiar with how all these new half Codexs and allies etc etc work anymore. But I would more than likely use a Magos as the warlord, I don't see a benefit of having a lil unit srg be the army boss.


I guess what it comes down to is just making things look cool, I am a modeler and not a gamer after all.


It is either because you want to run pure Skitarii, or because you want preferred enemy, which the Skitarii Alpha gets automatically. 

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I like the Taser and Phosphor or Arc Pistol.

The Maul seems to expensive to me. The additional hits and + 2S makes it good against hordes as well as higher T opponents. The Pistol grants +1 attack and can either help against AVs (Arc) or is just cheap and might reduce cover saves or grant reroll charges.

Basically this. The taser is by far the deadliest and is also cheapest. Arc pistol goes with arc rifles, and phosphor goes with plasma (so if you get a lucky kill on the pistol, you can get -2 to enemy cover saves).


That said, you gotta deliver them to use those pistols, so if you aren't borrowing transports, the best weapon option is probably the radium carbine.

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