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2500pt Sons of Horus List


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A lot of this stuff I've already bought over the last few years so I'm hopping to turn it into a feasible list.


Praetor - Cataphractii armour, Digital Lasers, Mastercrafted, Paragon Blade, The Cataphractii Primus - 200pts

Centurion - Cataphractii armour, Primus Medicae



Legion Terminator Squad (10 Cataphractii) - Chainfist, Powerfist, 2x Plasma Blaster - 370pts

-- Legion Spartan Assault Tank - 295pts



Legion Tactical Squad (20) - Vexilla - 260pts


Legion Tactical Squad (20) - Vexilla - 260pts



Reaver Attack Squad (15) - Jump Packs, 4x Power Weapon, Artificer Armour on Chieftain - 385pts



Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought - Aiolos Missile Launcher - 220pts


Legion Heavy Support Squad (5) - Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner, Volkite Culverin - 200pts


Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer - 190pts


Total = 2500pts


Out of these, the only things I don't currently own are the Spartan and the Sicaran Venator. I also have a five man plasma tactical support squad, 5 more reavers (that could also work as assault marines), a drop pod, a Contemptor dread with lascannon, kheres assault, and dccw options, as well as a Rapier platform.


With the Reavers the current plan is two power swords and two axes.


Advice welcome

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I'm not a huge fan of tactical blobs, they die too easily to blast weapons, however if you are going to run them I'd definitely go with giving them combat blades, plus with the SoH outnumber rule there is a bonus to running such big units. 


For your terminators, why not run them as justerian? With their most recent rules update they are awesome now, and with 2w, ws5 I'd rather have like 7-8 justerian then 10 cataphractii. 


Lastly, why not run a rite of war? The long march RoW seems particularly useful for your list, as those volkite culverins would be relentless in your zone while crusader/fleet is helpful for all the other units. 

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To add on combat blades to the tactical blobs is an extra 40 points per squad, so what would be best to drop to free up that 80pts?


Regarding the terminators, running Justaerin means no suitable dedicated transport at any decent size, I think I'd only be able to take 3 to also fit the Praetor and Primus Medicae into either the Dreadclaw or the Land Raider. I'd have to drop a HS slot for either the Spartan or a Kharybdis. I bought those Cataphractii when the Justaerin were bad, which is unfortunate.


As for Long March, my fluff is for a loyalist portion, so technically I can't take it, unless I don't play it true to the concept I suppose *shrug*

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If I were playing you, I would not have a problem with letting you use the long march RoW, even you're loyalist. So long as you had a basic fluff explanation. The same goes for special characters, if somebody wants to use Abaddon's rules to represent their own praetor, I'm totally cool with that.


Back on topic, I agree with Lord Asvaldir, tac blobs aren't generally the safest investment, I'd honestly just stick with 2x 10 man tac in rhinos. Unless you play with alot of terrain.


Here's my suggestion:


2,500 pts. (Long March RoW)



Preator (same as op)

Primus Medicae (same as op)


10x man Justaerin terminator squad (multi-melta, 1x chainfist, 4x power fists)

Spartan assault tank dedicated transport



2x 10x man tactical squads (vexilla, rhino armoured carrier)-390 pts.


fast attack

15x man reaver squad (3 power weapons, jump packs, artificer armour)-375 pts.


heavy support

deredeo (same as op)


Sicaran venator (same as op)


Heavy support squad (same as op)


I used the points saved from the tac blobs (and one power weapon snatched from the reavers) to upgrade the termies to Justaerin. I genuinely wouldn't like to face 10 justaerin in close combat!


And now with the long march RoW, your HS culverin squad has relentless in your own deployment zone, really useful imo. It also means that if you face drop pods in your deployment zone, your tac blobs can charge after firing their bolters.

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That is true, didn't catch that dry.png. You could always replace the HS volkite squad with a quad mortar battery (3 with shatter shells upgrade, costs 210 points). That would free up a HS slot for the spartan.

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With your suggestions, what are the other five justaerin using? You have 4 powerfists and one chainfist, what are the others?

Any other suggestions for this list would be great, especially if it lets me use what I already own.




After some calculations the 3 Quad Mortars with shatter shell's would put the list 55pts over

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I was thinking power mauls on the justaerin, as they would benefit from merciless fighters. Plus the str7 can aid the chain/power fists in taking down light vehicles. Plus concussive always comes in handy against tougher opponents.


Anyway, here's a complete rewrite of your list (keeping basically everything except for the volkite culverins)


2,500 points (legiones astartes Sons of Horus, The long March Rite of War)

Legiones astartes crusade army list




Praetor-cataphractii primus, digital lasers, paragon blade, mastercraft a weapon-200 points


Legion centurion (consul primus medicae)-cataphractii pattern terminator plate-120 points




Legion tactical squad-10 members, rhino armoured carrier dedicated transport-185 points


Legion tactical squad-10 members, rhino armoured carrier dedicated transport-185 points




Justaerin terminator squad-10 members, 2 chainfists, 5 power fists (or lightning claws, they're the same price), 3 power mauls-500 points


Legions Astartes quad launcher support battery-3 batteries, shatter shells-210 points


Fast Attack


Reaver attack squad-15 members, jump packs, 10 chainaxes,(cheiftan: aa, power weapon, melta bombs)-370 points


Heavy Support


Deredeo pattern dreadnought-aiolis missile launcher-220


Sicaran Venator-190 points


Spartan assault tank-flare shield-320 points

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Can you explain the reasoning for the majority use of Power fists/Chainfists on Justaerin rather than anything else? Just so I understand for future reference.

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I edited the list to include the option for lightning claws, which are the same cost as a power fist (for Justaerin).


There are pros and cons for taking power fists/chainfists in a SoH army, it sucks that merciless fighters doesn't activate with unwieldy weapons, but at the same time you need ap2 to really make an impact in close combat. I personally don't think that merciless fighters is worth losing str8 ap2 over, as they will ID most other multi-wound astartes (which are their bane, so it kinda levels the playing field out).


You could always exchange the 4 power fists for 2 additional chainfists for complete vehicle wreckage, or take 4 lightning claws and maximize merciless fighters (10 Justaerin will almost certainly outnumber their opponents) and trust your 2 chainfists for ap2.


Another option is to equip all your Justaerin with power weaopons (barring 2 chainfists) and take the spare change and invest in a few power weapons for the reavers.


If you remove the flare shield from the spartan, that becomes another 25 points to invest in weapons (or a couple vexillas for the tactical squads).

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  • 2 months later...

Reviving this thread to check on my updated list rather than making a whole new thread.



Praetor - Cataphractii armour, Digital Lasers, Mastercrafted, Paragon Blade, The Cataphractii Primus - 200pts

-- Justaerin Terminators (9) - 2x Chainfist, 7x Power Fist, Combiplasma - 533pts


Centurion - Cataphractii armour, Primus Medicae



Legion Tactical Squad (10) - Vexilla, Sgt w Artificer Armour & Powerfist, Rhino with Aux. Drive - 230pts


Legion Tactical Squad (10) - Vexilla, Sgt w Artificer Armour & Powerfist, Rhino with Aux. Drive - 230pts



Reaver Attack Squad (15) - Jump Packs, 4x Power Weapon, 2x Chainaxe, Artificer Armour & Melta bomb on Chieftain - 407pts



Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought - Aiolos Missile Launcher - 220pts


Legion Spartan Assault Tank - Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield, Frag Assault Launchers - 350pts


Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer - Armoured Ceramite, 210pts


Total = 2500pts

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