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Imperial Space Marine


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Yeah, I just had another look at pictures for that miniature and he has a really funky gun ... not one that could pass for a bolter at all. But with some conversion work you might be able to make it passable, inwhich case he'd just be a regular tactical marine.


That said, we don't know yet whether the rules he comes with will limit him to being used in Codex: Space Marines armies only, or whether he can be used in others.

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Whilst I understand if you can't talk about the following until the weekend, an answer may put some minds at ease.

Will the Imperial Space Marine be a legal choice for the Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Grey Knights and Space Wolves? Only from the rules leaked online yesterday, whilst it says you can replace a generic Space Marine in your army with this chap, this is conflicted by the Special Rules which tell you to refer to Codex Space Marines.

Many people would rather not have to resort to house-rules to use the anniversary model with their army.




Hey Jolemai

The Imperial Space Marines rules are designed to work with Codex: Space Marines. They don't mention any non-codex chapter.

The rules are primarily designed to allow you to use this one-off piece of Warhammer 40,000 history in your games, if that means you want to paint him as a Dark Angel, Space Wolf or Blood Angel, then this is of course your hobby and you can do what you like.


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So basically no rules for him to use his kit as a blood angel (etc), but please feel free to buy him and paint him anyway.


In all fairness this is what I will be doing. And if that means I have to field him as a proxy bolter marine (flagging it with the opponent first), and getting no special weapon rule bonuses for doing so, then that's just what I'll have to do.


Not going to moan about it - I think we have all beaten the red marine vs blood angel horse to death by now.

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Aye - people are losing their minds over his power but it's really just some silly rules for fun play.


I sure as hell wouldn't mind a Wolf or either Angel using him in a squad - hell, a chaos guy can in a normal/ havoc squad. Go nuts.


If he manages to disintegrate something valuable then go him, but considering he'll need a 6 to touch most things he would be worth killing it's just a bit of fun/ luck really.

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