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1000 pts of Chogorian Brotherhood

Hammer of Olympia

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Hello guys

So this list is gonna be my basic list to starting out 30k,any ideas on what too add or improve?


+++ White scar (995pts) +++


++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (995pts) ++


+ HQ (135pts) +


Legion Centurion (135pts) [Legion Scimitar Jetbike with Heavy Bolter, Power Armour, Power Glaive, Refractor Field]



+ Troops (860pts) +


Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron (320pts) [Melta Bombs, 6x Space Marine Sky Hunters, 2x Volkite Culverin]

····Sky Hunter Sergeant [Power Glaive]


Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron (320pts) [Melta Bombs, 6x Space Marine Sky Hunters, 2x Volkite Culverin]

····Sky Hunter Sergeant [Power Glaive]


Legion Outrider Squad (220pts) [4x Legion Space Marine Outrider, Twin-linked Melta Gun]

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While the list seems fun, it is extremely low on anti-tank.  Mechanized forces will rip you a new one.


Granted, this is only 1.000 pts. and most games in the AoD are played at 2.000 pts. and up, but this lack it still a factor.


At the very least I would ...


- Drop two Scimitars, reducing the units to 5 jetbikes each. This will net you 90 pts. if my math is right (2 x Scimitar & 2x Culverin).


- For these points you get some Melta Bombs for your Delegatus, plus a Javelin speeder w. Cyclone & 2x HK Missiles. 


- Also, I'd swap the Meltas on the Outriders for Plasma Guns. Yeah, not all enemy vehicles might come with Armoured Ceramite, but Plasma feels a lot more versatile in the case of Outriders.


- If the Power Glaives weren't so very tasty, I'd consider losing the Sergeant from the Scimitar unit that's not joined by the Delegatus, to bestow Melta Bombs on the units themselves (or at least one of them). But AP 2 at initiative is hard to pass up.

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While the list seems fun, it is extremely low on anti-tank.  Mechanized forces will rip you a new one.


Granted, this is only 1.000 pts. and most games in the AoD are played at 2.000 pts. and up, but this lack it still a factor.


At the very least I would ...


- Drop two Scimitars, reducing the units to 5 jetbikes each. This will net you 90 pts. if my math is right (2 x Scimitar & 2x Culverin).


- For these points you get some Melta Bombs for your Delegatus, plus a Javelin speeder w. Cyclone & 2x HK Missiles. 


- Also, I'd swap the Meltas on the Outriders for Plasma Guns. Yeah, not all enemy vehicles might come with Armoured Ceramite, but Plasma feels a lot more versatile in the case of Outriders.


- If the Power Glaives weren't so very tasty, I'd consider losing the Sergeant from the Scimitar unit that's not joined by the Delegatus, to bestow Melta Bombs on the units themselves (or at least one of them). But AP 2 at initiative is hard to pass up.


Ok so the list falls like this right? 


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Actually, I'd probably drop the melta bombs from the Delegatus since all of the jetbikes already have melta bombs anyways... Then I'd have the Degatus' squad 4 man (maybe with a Multi-melta insteadd of a culverin, but up to you! Magnetise those heavy weapons!) then the other squad with 6 with 2 culverins.


Then you have a nice little combat unit/anti tank & a more shooty Anti-infantry unit.

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Try this...


HQ (145pts)


Delegatus (145pts)

  • Artificer Armour, Legion Scimitar Jetbike, Refractor Field, Power Glaive
Troops (495pts)


Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron (275pts)

  • 5x Space Marine Sky Hunters, 1x Plasma Cannon, Melta Bombs
  • Sky Hunter Sergeant: Power Fist
Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron (220pts)
  • 4x Space Marine Sky Hunters, Melta Bombs
  • Sky Hunter Sergeant: Power Glaive
Heavy Support (360pts)


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought (360pts)

  • Leviathan Siege Drill, Armoured Ceramite, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod
Total = 1000pts


Delegatus goes with the 5-man Jetbike squad and goes after tougher units with its plasma cannon and the sergeant's power fist, with the melta bombs for anything those can't crack. Second Jetbike squad hunts infantry with its heavy bolters and also has melta bombs for emergencies. The Leviathan is your monster hunter - anything too big or too heavily armoured for the Jetbikes to safely tackle. My Leviathan with this load out has consistently taken out Primarchs, LOW tanks, and entire deathstar units and survived. Though not necessarily the fluffiest WS option, there have been WS dreadnoughts, and the Leviathan fills every hole in your list but anti-air, which shouldn't be that common at 1K anyway.

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Bit late to this party but I'll add my thoughts.


At a 1000 points every unit needs to be able to add something.


Why a Delegatus? For an extra 50 points you can take a Praetor add him to a jetbike unit and that unit becomes good enough in close combat when needed. (That sentence is only relevent at this points level. At higher points he needs a command squad as overcosted as they are )


I'm going to disagree with everyone here and say the Jetbike units need numbers of 6. Yes with 5 you still need to lose 3 for a leadership test same as taking 6 but the ability to take 2 Volkite is worth it.


Jetbike units work best with volkite. Plasma cannons cant fire the minute they Jink and a smart opponent will make you jink. Too much armoured ceramite for melta. With a 6 man unit you have 12 st5 shots and 8 s6 shots if you take Volkite. 2 jetbike units focus fire on anything with a 3+ will whittle them down well enough.


I agree Javelins are your friend here. Cyclone missile launchers with Hunter killers are gold if you can get them in. You wont be facing Spartans or anything at a 1000 points so dont have that problem yet.


Honestly if it was me at a 1000 points I eould run:




Iron halo

Paragon blade

Digital lasers


Jetbike squad x6

2 volkite

Melta bombs




Jetbike squad x6

2 volkite

Melta bombs




Javelins x2

Cyclone missile launchers


1000 points


With this list you have the basics to expand on. Once you can add a 3rd Javelin and add HK missiles.


Enough Melta bombs to deal with any armour


The praetor in a jetbike unit will be able to deal with most threats at this point level.


Hope that helps

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You're absolutely right mate, apologies for that. With that in mind, try this...


HQ (145pts)


Delegatus (145pts)

• Artificer Armour, Refractor Field, Power Glaive, Legion Scimitar Jetbike


Troops (415pts)


Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron (235pts)

• 4x Space Marine Sky Hunters, 1x Plasma Cannon, Melta Bombs

• Sky Hunter Sergeant: Power Fist


Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron (180pts)

• 3x Space Marine Sky Hunters, Melta Bombs

• Sky Hunter Sergeant: Power Glaive


Fast Attack (65pts)


Legion Land Speeder (65pts)

• Graviton Gun


Heavy Support (375pts)


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought (375pts)

• Armoured Ceramite, Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger, Dreadnought Drop Pod


TOTAL = 1000pts

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Honestly if it was me at a 1000 points I eould run:




Iron halo

Paragon blade

Digital lasers


Jetbike squad x6

2 volkite

Melta bombs




Jetbike squad x6

2 volkite

Melta bombs




Javelins x2

Cyclone missile launchers


1000 points


The points here seem a little off I don't think you can fit all that at 1k. That will be around 20points over I think.


If you swap the paragon blade to a glaive and take 1 missile of each javelin then you should be at 1k by my maths

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Honestly if it was me at a 1000 points I eould run:


The points here seem a little off I don't think you can fit all that at 1k. That will be around 20points over I think.


If you swap the paragon blade to a glaive and take 1 missile of each javelin then you should be at 1k by my maths


Nope, its 1k Flush. Javelins dont pay for CML since they have them stock. You're thinking of the HK Missiles.


+++ White Scars (1000pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (1000pts) ++
+ HQ (210pts) +
Legion Praetor (210pts) [Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Legion Scimitar Jetbike with Heavy Bolter, Paragon Blade]
··Master of the Legion [Chogorian Brotherhood]
+ Troops (640pts) +
Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron (320pts) [Melta Bombs, 6x Space Marine Sky Hunters, 2x Volkite Culverin]
··Sky Hunter Sergeant [Power Glaive]
Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron (320pts) [Melta Bombs, 6x Space Marine Sky Hunters, 2x Volkite Culverin]
··Sky Hunter Sergeant [Power Glaive]
+ Fast Attack (150pts) +
Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron (150pts) [Legion Javelin Attack Speeder, Legion Javelin Attack Speeder]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [Loyalist, V: White Scars]
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Ah ok that makes sense then. I have hunter killers on mine, not sure if the trade off is worth losing the paragon blade in favour of a glaive though.


I would like to have 2 hk on both the javelins, but finding the points is next to impossible! Maybe dropping the digital lasers. One attack extra in cc might be worth the trade of for 3 hk on the outflanking javelins


It's funny, I had almost the exact same list in my battlescribe library. It's just such an obvious choice for a fun and fluffy WS list haha

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I would lean towards the digital lasers for 2 reasons.


Tend to find that Praetors end up getting challenges with other characters and the +1 attack could mean slay the warlord.


The HK are awesome as everyone knows but I always fluff the roles lol. Seriously I have never hit with more then 2 HK missiles out of 6. Never have any luck

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