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Blood Angel "Centurions" (Not Really)


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Obviously, BA lack Devastator Centurions (or access to Grav Cannons of any kind), which currently is a pretty significant disadvantage compared to their Space Marine/Dark Angel brethren.


That said, with the recent new releases, there is a way to make a Blood Angel "Centurion equivalent" unit:




-Allied White Scar Cataphractii Terminator Captain (with Relic Blade and Shield Eternal/Hunter's Eye Relics)

-8 Sternguard with 2 Grav Guns, 6 Combi-Gravs, PF on the Sergeant

-Drop Pod




Put the Terminator Captain and the Sternguard in the Pod, then bring them down Turn 1. Because of Slow and Purposeful from the Terminator Captain, you get 24 Grav Gun shots at 18", all with Ignore Cover (thanks to Hunter's Eye). The Terminator Captain also can tank for the unit with his 2+/3++ (re-rolling 1s for Invul saves) and provides the entire unit with Hit and Run, thanks to WS Chapter Tactics. If they do get charged, the Captain's Relic Blade and the Sergeant's PF should at least give them a chance in melee until they can Hit and Run at I5 at the end of the combat phase.


After the initial drop, the squad can continue to move around and shoot the two Grav Guns and the Bolter Special Issue Ammunition (all with Ignore Cover) and even assault after Rapid Firing, thanks to Slow and Purposeful from the Terminator Captain.


In terms of the a role within a BA army, this unit could be the "headhunter" unit to take out critical enemy units like Wraithknights, Hive Tyrants, Nemesis Dreadknights, Meganobz, enemy Centurions, Riptides, etc.


-Against a Wraithknight with dual Heavy Wraith Cannons, this unit averages 7-8 unsaved wounds even after FNP rolls

-Against a Centurion squad, this unit averages 13-14 unsaved wounds

-Against a Nemesis Dreadknight with Sanctuary on, this unit averages 6-7 unsaved wounds

-Against a Riptide with Stimulant Injectors, this unit averages 5-6 unsaved wounds


As you can see, you have a strong chance of straight up removing a critical enemy threat in a single volley with this little task force.



In terms of getting access to the Cataphractii Terminator Captain required to make this work, the easiest way would be to take an Allied Detachment with a Terminator Captain (HQ) and some CCW/BP Scouts in a LS Storm with M (both of these could easily be modeled as "counts as" BA units). This  gives you the required TDA Captain and two cheap, versatile, Objective Secured units that can run around and support your army in the form of the Scouts (who have BS4/WS4, unlike normal BA Scouts) and the LS Storm (also BS4, for accurate tank hunting with the MM).

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The new Angels of Death supplement for Codex: Space Marines has the option for a Terminator Captain (that can be in Cataphractii) and Cataphractii terminators and the plastic contemptor. Basically the betrayal at Calth set.


So yes!

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The new Angels of Death supplement for Codex: Space Marines has the option for a Terminator Captain (that can be in Cataphractii) and Cataphractii terminators and the plastic contemptor. Basically the betrayal at Calth set.


So yes!

Crumbs, that's good.  Where can one find rules discussions on this?!

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The new Angels of Death supplement for Codex: Space Marines has the option for a Terminator Captain (that can be in Cataphractii) and Cataphractii terminators and the plastic contemptor. Basically the betrayal at Calth set.


So yes!

Crumbs, that's good. Where can one find rules discussions on this?!

It's leaked on the internet and page 28 of the relevant thread in the NR&A.

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The new Angels of Death supplement for Codex: Space Marines has the option for a Terminator Captain (that can be in Cataphractii) and Cataphractii terminators and the plastic contemptor. Basically the betrayal at Calth set.


So yes!

I have bought the new AoD supplement because of the new psyker powers and the Cataphractii rules. Planning to thump some Eldar/Dark Eldar.

And Forgeworld are selling Cataphractii shoulder pads to convert normal Termie models but not yet with Blood Angels markings.

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