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2000 Ultramarines. Please help


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Some flavor of Centurion totaling up to 150 points

9 man Vet squad with the Tank Hunter rule, meltabombs. SGT w/ AA riding in a Dreadclaw

3 Quad mortars with shatter shells

2 10-man Tacticals w/ SGT w/ AA and meltabombs riding in Rhinos

Dereado with missiles

10 man Fulmentari terminators

I believe I have enough anti armor, I have an answer to flyers and some mobility, but its a small army.

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Very strong in regard to anti-tank, although it feels like there's a little combat punch missing. You could drop the melta veteran tacticals (after all, 10 fulmentarus and 3 quad mortars will mulch anything short of a fellblade) and add in some Suzerians or other flavour of CC unit. Alternatively, you could grab a master of signal for cheap and beef up your gunline further.
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Hmmm - If I drop the Vets, thats just over 300 points.   I could replace that with a Master of Signal (joining the Mortars), a Damocles and a small Tactical Support squad with flamers (riding in the Damocles).   Id use them as a pseudo counter charge unit.  They would flame rather than assault though.


The Vets were there to get to those hard to reach places (Scorpius behind LoS blocking terrain).  This could be substituted with the MoS and Damocles orbital bombardments, maybe.

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