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New Imperial Knight armies


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Hello everyone.


At the moment I'm in the process of slowly assembling my Imperial Knight which I mostly bought for the purpose of adding something new to my 40k armies and allying him in. I toyed with the idea of an Imperial Knight army but with their price and current meta (most people don't seem to like them) I just treated it as a far off "maybe".


But as many of you know GW will soon release a new standalone game which will include two Knights. It will be cheaper than buying them separately and I'm sure I'm not the only one that considered it as my entry point to an IK army, much like Betrayal at Calth is treated by many as a Horus Heresy starter.


So I was wondering, how do you think this will alter the meta ? A substantial increase in Imperial Knight armies ? More mandatory anti-armour in all-comers lists ? Also how will the new Technomancy disciple of the Space Marines work into all of this with it's primaris allowing to take control of the Knights ? Five-man level one biker Conclaves zipping around tables ?

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No real effect on the meta. The only "new" addition is the rumored Chaos Knight datasheet included in the set, which might add new options for Chaos ... or not.


Still a great deal, though!



Edited by jeffersonian000
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There has been a few people in my club that from never showing interest in them have all of a sudden decided they want a box. Therefore I say that I think there will possibly be an increase of knights on the board, def from a chaos perspective to what there use to be but I don't really see a growth in straight IK armies. I for one have thought about a full IK army but they always lack something to get you fully competitive wins I feel.

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No real effect on the meta. The only "new" addition is the rumored Chaos Knight datasheet included in the set, which might add new options for Chaos ... or not.


Still a great deal, though!



Really ? If theoretically people at your gaming club would start regularly fielding multiple Knights, be it pure Knight armies or Knight allies for Imperial armies, Chaos armies or even in Ork armies (allied through CSM), you would not alter your usual list ? Middle and low tier armies wouldn't change their loadouts for additional anti-tank ?


The price drop might potentially increase the number of players wishing to field Knights against each other, which means more people would bring them and expect the enemy to bring them. Just a few years ago flyers were something that people would warn each other about if they were bringing them, sometimes even asking the opponent for permission and no one was surprised if you declined a game against flyers in most places. Same with FW before that. But today they're regularly seen on the tables, no one bats an eye when you field them and you have to assume that the opponent might bring them when building your pick up game list so that you can counter them.


Those changed the meta, and so might Knights soon.


EDIT: also the Renegade Knight sheet was leaked and it's a Knight that starts with the sword and gauntlet and can swap both for any gun he wants, even two of the same (say two battle cannons) and other usual Knight stuff (carapace weapon, stubber or melta). They have a FoC that gives the Preferred Enemy (Imperial Knights) but also gives the enemy Knights PE (Renegade Knights).

Edited by SinnerBeta
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The issue isn't availability, as anyone that wants Knights in their army already has Knights in their army. The issue is the meta, and to a lesser extent acceptence. All Knight armies are a "rock" to everyone else's "paper" and "scissor" armies, so it either wins hard or losses hard, with the local meta shifting to "paper and scissors" to counter your "rock". Cheaper Knights won't fix that. Cheaper Knights will, however, make it easier for those that want to play big Knight army games more reachable.


So, no really change.



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No one said availability was the issue, pricing was. The few that really wanted Knights got them early, same as it was with flyers, but lowering the price will become an incentive to buy them for those who haven't yet or buy more for those who had one.


Also I'm not sure what you mean because in one sentence you say that people will adjust the meta to counter the Knight and acknowledge that armies that didn't have access to Knights will get them but finish with saying there will be no change. Those are the meta changes I was talking about.

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It's a great deal, and I expect to buy it, but I don't think it will change all that much.  I agree that most people that want them already have them.  If cost was an issue, then the same could most likely be said about pretty much anything from Games Workshop.  

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The old knight box or errant and paladin as we all know has dropped in popularity with the release of the warden box. It def probably was a decision made to get rid of the old kits buy incorporating them into a box set with a more reasonable price as they were never really gonna sell on their own were they.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I mentioned this in a chaos thread earlier, but I'll put it here as well:


The Renegade set is a good set if you wanna share a chaos knight with someone. The set itself only has transfers for house Terryn and Chaos, so if you want to build another house there aren't any transfers for them. I contacted GW and explained my disappointment, and they agreed to send out one sheet of normal knight transfers free of charge. This could work out well if you collect house Terryn, as you could make both knights as your house, but wont work for others. You cant seem to get the transfer sheet anywhere else atm.


Hope this helps inform anyone looking to double up on knights.

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Got mine ordered. Adding 2 knights to my other 3 will complete my army. The renegade add will help with the chaos players but most want them do their own conversions any way, it may boost those conversions too.


As for the transfers, I agree with leaving them out for people who use them is not a good play. I don't use them much myself but the shoulder pad designs I do use. Really helps save time from painting them.

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