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Golgotha pattern main battle tank

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Hello fellow Commanders, commissars, lords etc etc... 


After scouring the multiple quadrants of nearby systems I have discovered a mighty discovery in the form of this: Golgotha pattern main battle





It is indeed a fearsome looking tank, yes it drives back to front but is larger and more mighty then the standard issue battle tank, and I was wondering whether any of you have such a tank? and if so is it any good? and what is the size< and where (if possible) can I get one?


thank you



P.S. Any heretics shall meet my elysian drop troops and my bolter.


P.P.S. Chaos do not need more enemies....  

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It was a conversion that was cast and sold by a Russian 3rd party about 6 years ago via Ebay (by a user called Mrs Velard, iirc). I'm not entirely sure if they are still being made and sold (the ebay account is currently not selling anything at all). If I'm not mistaken, that user is infamous for selling recasts.


The tank is also referred to as the 'King Russ'.

Hmm..   The guy who runs the Blog "Mordian 7th" has a few of them.  Or at least he had some. 


The kit itself was a Kitbash / scratchbuild from some guy over in Russia..  I know he was selling them for a while but haven't heard or seen any new ones on the market for years now.


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