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XVII Legion - The Flayed Hand


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The Emperor has denied all claims to godhood, but there are other gods, older gods, gods who will hear our pleas and reward our service with more than empty promises and false dreams. In their name we will have our revenue, and the Emperor will regret that he spurned our loyalty in the ashes of Monarchia. [[unknown transmission intercept//Calth war zone]]


The first of my Word Bearers, below. Trying to find a good scheme of which I can easily replicate and looks decent on the tabletop...!

C&C welcome.


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Paint scheme looks good - always an idea not to make it too complicated so that you can replicate it easily, and get through all those troops... His face is grim! (in a good way!!). I'm also very into the empty hand look at the moment. what else do you have planned?

Paint scheme looks good - always an idea not to make it too complicated so that you can replicate it easily, and get through all those troops... His face is grim! (in a good way!!). I'm also very into the empty hand look at the moment. what else do you have planned?

thanks a lot, mate.

I have a lot planned (and built) and going for a flamer heavy army - in keeping with what I believe would suit WB best - I'm not overly bothered if it performs well on the battletop as long as it suits the WB narrative happy.png

I have an infernus predator in the bag still and a few squads of flamers and heavy flamers (can you see where I'm going with this?).

I also have the two below WIPs of Breachers and Diabolist... where I need to attach a few trophies etc... to make them stand out a little more.

C&C most welcome!



sorry for the double post but I've made progress on two others... still WIP mind...



Plus I have this beauty to look forward to working on! I have some trophies to adorn him with... and maybe litter a few Ultramarine items around on his base for good measure happy.png



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