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Iron Warriors - 3k Iron Fire ROW


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With the new updates I am trying to write a fun and fluffy list.


I think the new ROW is much more interesting than the last but I am worried that against alot of lists it will become completely OP.


Does anyone have any experience using this ROW?


Anyway the list





    - Hammer




Master of Signals


Damocles Command Rhino




2 Contemptor Mortis Dreads

    - Double Autocannon

    - Missile Launcher



3 Quad Mortars

   - Shatter Shells


10 Tyrant Terminators




3 units of 10 Tactical Squads

   - Rhino's



Heavy Support

2 Medusa's


10 Iron Havocs




I still have about 150 points left and not sure where to put them.

Its between a Sicarian Battle Tank, Scorpius, or Vindicator.

The scorpius fits the theme of barrage but is it really that good? 2-4 small blasts just seems meah.

The vindicator also fits the theme of anti seige but from my experience they never seem to do anything. Just too much cover for it to be usefull.

The sicarian looks awesome but do i not already have so much anti-tank?


Out of those 3 what do you guys think is best?



The plan:

Pertuarbo joins the Tyrant Terminators


Master of Signals joins the Quad Mortars



Tyrant Terminators deep strike in Turn 1 with some help from the command rhino.

All hell breaks loose as i dump the following on the enemy in 1 turn

D3 S9 AP2 large blasts (with no scatter) - Pertuarbo

D3 S8 AP2 large blasts (with little or no scatter) - Master of Signals

1 S8 AP2 large blast (with little or no scatter) - Command Rhino

2 S10 AP2 large blasts (with little or no scatter) - Medusas

12 S4 AP5 small blasts (with little or no scatter) or 12 S8 AP3 shots at BS5 - Quad Mortars

20 S4 AP5 small blasts or 20 S8 AP3 shots at BS5 - Tyrants

10 S4 AP5 small blasts or 10 S8 AP3 shots at BS5 - Havocs

+ Any shots from the Tactical Squads etc


And how do i get such accurate shooting?

If i deepstrike as close to the enemy as possible without scattering i should get to within atleast 12" of the enemy.

This means the Perturabo with BS6 will never scatter with his orbital bombardment

From then on its just a matter of making sure I am shooting units within 12" of my own units. And with the tacticals in rhinos this should not be hard.







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I think the Tyrant siege terminators were moved to heavy support, so you may need to reconsider how you want to spend your last few points.


Can be taken as either heavy or elite according to the new new book lol


Anyway i do need to reconsider a few things

1) i somehow was 50 points under each of the contemptors...oops

2) I need a new HQ choice.

3) Still undecided about the scorpius.



Anyway i have decided to drop the contemptors.

The original plan for them was to take out light tanks and to provide AA support.

However i have between 30-42 S8 missiles for that job, how much is 8 S7 and 4S8 shots really going to help?

Also for their points i could add in 2 flyers with auto cannons, bringing them on turn 1 and would provide AA. If flyers are a big problem then i might take them but for now they are out.


Because the havocs, tyrants & quad mortars are on light/medium AT duty i was worried about how to take out spartans etc, but tbh S8 missiles were not going to do that anyway.

Instead the S10 (barrage) from the medusas will have to do. Possibly also orbital bombardments Pertuarbo etc.



Anyway with the contemptors dropped i have enough points for a decent HQ.

The problem is, is what to take?

The named characters are good, but only if you dont take pretuarbo

Praetor just seems best suited for combat, and really Iron Warriors dont have much of a delivery system for that.

So your stuck with the centurion, so any ideas? Maybe a forgelord? But to do what? Maybe give him Rad grenades, Blind helm and a unit of flamer servators and sticking them all in the command rhino?


I was also thinking of dropping the scopius and taking a big unit of Heavy Support Squad with volkite weapons and interceptor. Putting out 40 S6 shots at BS5 (thanks to master of signals) will hurt any infantry unit trying to deepstrike near my arty

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In the world of anti-air Dreadnoughts, Deredeo > Kheres Mortis > lascannon Mortis > everything else.


Against AV12 (most Flyers are this or less):

- Deredeo with Anvilus & Aiolos does 1.4 Glances and 1.9 Pens.

- Kheres Mortis does 1.66 Pens (as a 6 will Glance, then Rending will upgrade that to a Pen). NB: 24" range is a potential issue.

- Lascannon Mortis does 0.32 Glances and 0.97 Pens.


As for your compulsory HQ, why not a Cataphractii Siege Breaker? Giving the Tyrants Tank Hunters is a good upgrade (whether they are Heavy Support or Elites is up for debate). SB also unlocks Phospex canister shot for Quad Launchers...


The strength of "Ironfire" is Barrage weapons, so try to focus on things like Whirlwind Scorpii, Medusae, Quad Launchers (not Shatter shells though), the Leviathan's Phosphex discharger, and Orbital Bombardments from a Master of Signal, Damocles and Perturabo.

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