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Stone Gauntlet 2500 'Tough Nut To Crack'


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+++ Call to Arms 2 (2490pts) +++


++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) ++


+ HQ +


Alexis Polux

····Master of the Legion [The Stone Gauntlet]


+ Troops +


Legion Breacher Siege Squad [2x Graviton Gun, 9x Legion Breacher Siege Space Marines]

····Land Raider Proteus [Armoured Ceramite]

····Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]


Legion Breacher Siege Squad [9x Legion Breacher Siege Space Marines, 2x Melta gun]

····Land Raider Proteus [Armoured Ceramite]

····Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]


+ Elites +


Apothecarion Detachment [Legion Apothecary, Legion Apothecary]


Legion Terminator Squad [4x Legion Terminators, Tartaros Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 4x Vigil Pattern Storm Shield]

····Legion Terminator Sergeant [Vigil Pattern Storm Shield]


+ Heavy Support +


Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield]


Legion Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron

····Legion Vindicator Tank [Armoured Ceramite]

····Legion Vindicator Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Laser Destroyer Array, Machine Spirit]


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon

····Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Armoured Ceramite, Grav-flux Bombard, Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger]


+ Legion +


Legion Astartes [Loyalist, VII: Imperial Fists]


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While breachers in land raiders seems like it might be fun, I think it's very impractical. You're investing nearly 500pts in assault transports for units that really don't need them. Plus, a ten man breacher squad is super overpriced, I think fifteen breachers is really their minimum unit size to make them cost effective. Also if they are not in a transport, you can use your graviton guns earlier and actually have a unit to attach your apothecary to, since you can't attach apothecaries to terminators.


So for changes, I'd drop the raiders for more breachers, then with the pts left over you can grab an apothecary for both squads, and maybe a few more terminators. Since you're taking a spartan, may as well take a unit bigger than five. Lastly I'd make both vindicators laser destroyers, leaving on with a demolisher cannon is a really odd combination since you have one tank that needs to stay stationary, and one that needs to move. 


Don't get me wrong I think an all land raider embarked army is a lot of fun, I just don't think it's going to work well. 

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While breachers in land raiders seems like it might be fun, I think it's very impractical. You're investing nearly 500pts in assault transports for units that really don't need them. Plus, a ten man breacher squad is super overpriced, I think fifteen breachers is really their minimum unit size to make them cost effective. Also if they are not in a transport, you can use your graviton guns earlier and actually have a unit to attach your apothecary to, since you can't attach apothecaries to terminators.


Land Raider Proteus. 50pts Cheaper, not an assault vehicle ^_^; He's switched them to Melta/Flamers in the IF Tactica Thread.


So for changes, I'd drop the raiders for more breachers, then with the pts left over you can grab an apothecary for both squads, and maybe a few more terminators. Since you're taking a spartan, may as well take a unit bigger than five. Lastly I'd make both vindicators laser destroyers, leaving on with a demolisher cannon is a really odd combination since you have one tank that needs to stay stationary, and one that needs to move. 


Don't get me wrong I think an all land raider embarked army is a lot of fun, I just don't think it's going to work well. 

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Thats true, but, well, with Stone Gauntlet in the mix, if you want to play forward or more aggressive style of list, you can't really do much else.


It still helps with Av14 Saturation and Critical Mass at this points level, however. And they're still resilient vehicles (barring the stray explodes result)

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