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Pass the salt: Blood Angels decurion rumors/wishlisting


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I support the Idea of a Regular dedicated Blood Angels Terminators Squad. Almost like the Dark Angels one, but instead of a Plasma Cannon, we would have a Frag Cannon...


On a Adeptus Astartes note, it would be interresting that Blood Angels regular Terminators and after them, all the others codexes Terminators may have access to 2 Heavy Weapons per squad of 5.


Since almost 1 year, and the last C:SM release, Terminators Squads have been pictured with 2 Heavy Weapons per squad of 5. A change that would only require a 1 line Errata change...(The idea came back as i was looking the recent Terminator Command Squad.)


So who for a 5 Blood Angels Terminators Command Squad with a First Company Champion, a Company Banner Carrier, a Sanguinary Noviciae, and 2 Frag Cannon-Heavy Flamer ? (Fluffy, Powerfull, but not broken.)

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I support the Idea of a Regular dedicated Blood Angels Terminators Squad. Almost like the Dark Angels one, but instead of a Plasma Cannon, we would have a Frag Cannon...


On a Adeptus Astartes note, it would be interresting that Blood Angels regular Terminators and after them, all the others codexes Terminators may have access to 2 Heavy Weapons per squad of 5.


Since almost 1 year, and the last C:SM release, Terminators Squads have been pictured with 2 Heavy Weapons per squad of 5. A change that would only require a 1 line Errata change...(The idea came back as i was looking the recent Terminator Command Squad.)


So who for a 5 Blood Angels Terminators Command Squad with a First Company Champion, a Company Banner Carrier, a Sanguinary Noviciae, and 2 Frag Cannon-Heavy Flamer ? (Fluffy, Powerfull, but not broken.)


Terminators should get 2 heavy weapons per 5 and 4 per 10. Just to have a shot at making them competitive.


I don't like the idea of a terminator command squad for us though, let the DA have thier thing. We get jump pack command squads as ours.

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Everyone should have the option of a Terminator command squad. What's a normal PA command squad comprised of? Veterans. Who dons suits of terminator armour? Veterans.

If the Chapter Master/Captain decides he's going to walk out in a tactical dreadnought suit then the veterans in the command squad would do the same.

Ditto every command squad should have the option of strapping on a jump pack. There's enough ways to differentiate chapters without limiting generic unit options.

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Everyone should have the option of a Terminator command squad. What's a normal PA command squad comprised of? Veterans. Who dons suits of terminator armour? Veterans.


If the Chapter Master/Captain decides he's going to walk out in a tactical dreadnought suit then the veterans in the command squad would do the same.


Ditto every command squad should have the option of strapping on a jump pack. There's enough ways to differentiate chapters without limiting generic unit options.


Agreed too :)


I was purely speaking in terms of what is available.

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Everyone should have the option of a Terminator command squad. What's a normal PA command squad comprised of? Veterans. Who dons suits of terminator armour? Veterans.

That's probably a legacy rule. Veterans and veterans who know how to use TDA weren't always the same.


If the Chapter Master/Captain decides he's going to walk out in a tactical dreadnought suit then the veterans in the command squad would do the same.

I would go a different route. We don't need a distinct bodyguard unit, but all TDA veterans should have at least as much choice in wargear as the PA veterans.
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Charlo - sorry, any edge in tone was purely my frustration with GWs rather abritrary decisions about unit/option availability bleeding through. It still boggles my mind that, given how many official BA sucessors there are, we don't have generic entries for a Chapter Master and Chief Librarian.

Quixus - I'd be surprised if the blokes charged with looking after the chapter/company leader(s) weren't trained in the use of both. Wholeheartedly agree that terminators need to have their options blown wide open. One of the things I really enjoyed about the Space Hulk PC game was the customisation of squad loadout, even if the missile weapons were generally limited to combis.

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  • 3 weeks later...

things for me:

Assault from deep strike instead of shooting. Sky-hammer annihilation org for us. Perhaps do a variant e.g 4x assault squads + vanguard. roll for reserves T1, scatter D6 can assault.

Mephiston gets access to a bike or JP. New model would be sick.

Same for Seth.... on bike with that sword..... brings a tear to the eye. Give some sort of vector strike drive-by move, 'Reaping sweep'...devil.gif GW can sit back and watch folks throw money at them.

Terminators T5, assault terminator can run and assault on 4+ and/or assault the turn they arrive from reserves.

Some crazy rule for DC where they take some type of test. If failed, one random model goes beast mode crazy 3d6 toward nearest enemy unit.. keeps going until he gets there, assaults rage +2 shred that generates wounds but dies after attacking. Sort of like those goblin fanatics from fantasy from back in the day. Can be targeted by enemy shooting as he rages across the board, they get over-watch. 'Uncontrollable fury'


if DC win CC, nominate/randomly select one model and it attacks again....

T5 DC or 2 wounds. Both increase the cost per unit.

Have some type of Cuse of the wolfen table for DC, could trigger the above, buff FNP etc

Flesh tearers rage on 8+

Deep strike, assault out of a stormraven for units with JP. Blood rain.

Council of wisdon or something. can be up to five models. Psy's, priests and chaplins. for each additional priests = +1 fnp to a max of 3+. for Liberians,every additional one = +1 for casting, for chaplains max 2, additional one grands counter-assault. For the buffs to be in effect, need to be within 12'' of other model of the same type.

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Nota Bene :


With the recent release of the Angels of Death Supplement, i think that the Blood Angels codex will have the following formation :


- Skyhammer Annihilation Force

- Skyhammer Orbital Strike Force

- Stormlance Battle Demi-Company


And certainly


- Shadowstrike Kill Team


I highly doubt that, on the next Blood Angels Codex, there would be formation from both Angels of Death and C:SM. So the more logical choice would be that the Blood Angels will have the listed formation from the Angels of Death Supplement. (Plus, they fit the spirit.)

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We may get them, but in all honesty I think we will get our own totally unique formations (most likely inspired by the Exterminatus ones, if not reprinted with a Decurion added) as in GW eyes we are a totally separate faction akin to the DA, Wolves or even GK!


We'll have the Demi-Company and then our own core choice I recon focuses more around assault marines and benefits more akin to us - we don't need the storm lance.

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Everyone should have the option of a Terminator command squad. What's a normal PA command squad comprised of? Veterans. Who dons suits of terminator armour? Veterans.


If the Chapter Master/Captain decides he's going to walk out in a tactical dreadnought suit then the veterans in the command squad would do the same.


Ditto every command squad should have the option of strapping on a jump pack. There's enough ways to differentiate chapters without limiting generic unit options.

I agree. Personally though, I'd like to see the sanguinary guard be able to remove JPs or give the command squad the option of Artificer armour, because Mephison, Gabriel Seth, and Malakim Phoros, three strong melee characters are all foot slogging it. Not to mention the BA have some of the best artificers, rivaling the salamanders and wear more than anyone else. 

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Nota Bene :


With the recent release of the Angels of Death Supplement, i think that the Blood Angels codex will have the following formation :


- Skyhammer Annihilation Force

- Skyhammer Orbital Strike Force

- Stormlance Battle Demi-Company


And certainly


- Shadowstrike Kill Team


I highly doubt that, on the next Blood Angels Codex, there would be formation from both Angels of Death and C:SM. So the more logical choice would be that the Blood Angels will have the listed formation from the Angels of Death Supplement. (Plus, they fit the spirit.)


i concur. recent releases and conversations with them via their facebook group has just reiterated the fact that whilst we are still marines, we are now treated 100% differently, so i doubt we'll see much, if any direct crossover of formations.


we're almost certainly going to see the ones from shield of baal get replaced, possibly even some of the WD exclusive ones. and maybe if we are lucky a couple of totally new ones. plus a strike force. Effectively, look at what the wolves got in curse of the wulfen. We'll get that treatment.

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Nota Bene :


With the recent release of the Angels of Death Supplement, i think that the Blood Angels codex will have the following formation :


- Skyhammer Annihilation Force

- Skyhammer Orbital Strike Force

- Stormlance Battle Demi-Company


And certainly


- Shadowstrike Kill Team


I highly doubt that, on the next Blood Angels Codex, there would be formation from both Angels of Death and C:SM. So the more logical choice would be that the Blood Angels will have the listed formation from the Angels of Death Supplement. (Plus, they fit the spirit.)


i concur. recent releases and conversations with them via their facebook group has just reiterated the fact that whilst we are still marines, we are now treated 100% differently, so i doubt we'll see much, if any direct crossover of formations.


we're almost certainly going to see the ones from shield of baal get replaced, possibly even some of the WD exclusive ones. and maybe if we are lucky a couple of totally new ones. plus a strike force. Effectively, look at what the wolves got in curse of the wulfen. We'll get that treatment.


I love the Shield of Baal formations. It would be a real shame if they axed them all. I mean, they won't be "replaced" per say, you could still use them, I would assume, they will make different formations that will be more of a "staple" for list building.

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They're nice, but just too damn unwieldy... I'd like to see them repackaged into something with less requirement and more rules.


Also the Archangels is a little.... Meh. Keep the force org, lose the formations.

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They're nice, but just too damn unwieldy... I'd like to see them repackaged into something with less requirement and more rules.


Also the Archangels is a little.... Meh. Keep the force org, lose the formations.

Just give the BSF and one or two others Objective Secured. Its rather frustrating with all the formations that get it. I've lost several games due to not having Objective Secured because I wanted to take the BSF or a SOB formation. More than I care to admit. I have to push for the table in those objective based games, when my opponent takes objective Secured formations or CADs.

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We may get them, but in all honesty I think we will get our own totally unique formations (most likely inspired by the Exterminatus ones, if not reprinted with a Decurion added) as in GW eyes we are a totally separate faction akin to the DA, Wolves or even GK!


We'll have the Demi-Company and then our own core choice I recon focuses more around assault marines and benefits more akin to us - we don't need the storm lance.


Dark Angels got formations from the Codex Space Marines


and with good logic, Blood Angels will got formations from the Angels of Death Supplement. (Like said, most are fitting the fluff and, i Think that the Blood Angels codex will be the First codex to have the mention "Blood Angels Librarian can generate powers from the Angels of Death Supplement psychic disciplines".)


- Skyhammer Annihilation Force => OK

- Skyhammer Orbital Strike Force => OK

- Stormlance Battle Demi-Company => Would become very cool if the Blood Angels Detachment give the Rhinos the "Assault Vehicle" special rule. (Like in my recent Flesh Tearers supplement.)


And certainly


- Shadowstrike Kill Team => OK, but i think that Blood Angels will got at least 3-4 Jump Pack based formations.

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We may get them, but in all honesty I think we will get our own totally unique formations (most likely inspired by the Exterminatus ones, if not reprinted with a Decurion added) as in GW eyes we are a totally separate faction akin to the DA, Wolves or even GK!


We'll have the Demi-Company and then our own core choice I recon focuses more around assault marines and benefits more akin to us - we don't need the storm lance.


Dark Angels got formations from the Codex Space Marines


Did they...?


They got the Demi-battle company. That's it bud.


The 10th Company formation they have is different as is their Armored Task Force (hammer of Caliban).


Other than that all of the formations are unique to DA entirely.


And that is just it - there is no logic here. We are and entirely separate faction. Not Vanilla marines with a different chapter tactic. Our formations will and should be vastly different. Plus the Shadow strike kill team isn't us at all IMO. The focus on scouts is much more RG than us.

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The pessimist in me thinks that GW will slap together the unwieldy parts of the SoB: Exterminatus Formations and call it the "Bloody Blood Strike of Blood Detachment." They will call it "NEW" and think they are being creative. 


The optimist in me hopes that we will get rules that affect BA as a whole, regardless of whether or not they are taken in the Blood-curion (like army wide Encarmine Fury from 30k, or permanent +1I in Assault). 


The realist in me thinks that we can except a mashup of Shadostrike Kill Team, Angel's Fury Spearhead, and Stormlance. Stuff where Tacticals who carry beacons allow DS'ing units to Charge after no-scatter DS. Stormlance-esque formation where Rhinos/Razorbacks essentially work like Assault Vehicles ("if a unit from this Formation disembarks within 12" of an enemy holding an Objective, that unit may Charge the enemy regardless of the vehicle they exited and ignore all penalties for terrain/etc..."). And/or a Formation where units can take discounted Rhinos, Razorbacks OR Stormravens.


Some sort of Strike Force Mortalis Formation is a pretty safe bet: not sure if it's a guess or a wish, but I am thinking it gets altered so that the Chaplain leading it provides buffs to ALL DC in the Formation so long as he is alive, not just the unit he is attached to. Also, some sort of rule where the controlling player nominates and enemy unit, and all units in the Formation get to re-roll everything, including any failed saves resulting from Overwatch, when attacking the nominated unit. GW seems to love the "nominate a unit" type rules these days. This type of thing would be awesome and fluffy, but would also mean its the only way of bringing DC...though that's a valid fluff concession. 



As for the much-requested "alignment" with other Power-Armor factions, I think Dreadnoughts is somewhat of a lock. I think having weaker Scouts could actually stay, depending on what their grand vision is...if they have one. For example, I have a sneaking suspicion that our Scouts will continue to be weak, but Veterans across the Codex will get a price reduction and/or wargear reduction. After all, it says right in the Codex that the BA have more Veterans than any other Chapter. So, my thought is--perhaps--that the Veteran Sgt upgrade in all units goes down to 5pts instead of 10pts, and ALL Veterans get the same weaponry discounts as vanilla Vanguard Vets. So 2x Lightning Claw Sgts or TH/SS Vet Sgts in Tac squads become a thing again. That way we get more CQC potential spread out throughout the army at the cost of weaker Scouts. It would kinda make sense, since then BA Scouts would be less relied upon due to monitoring for the Black Rage. They would then graduate to Assault Marines, etc... Although that basically turns BA Scouts into SW's Blood Claws...Anyways, just a theory of mine...we'll see what happens. 

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...After all, it says right in the Codex that the BA have more Veterans than any other Chapter....


I don't recall ever reading that anywhere ever. Could you cite the page number for me?



I'll pull it up when I get home but to paraphrase off the top of my head its something like "as one of the longest-lived Chapters, the BA have a higher proportion of Veterans among their ranks than most other Chapters" or something like that. 

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What I'm hoping for:


1. Stat line changes for our scouts, techmarine, dreadnought # of attacks, and the death company dreadnought getting a base 5 attacks like when it had 3 back when all other dreads had 2.


2. Captain Karlaen in the new codex.


3. Captain Tycho buffed to make him stand out again like in 6th. I have some ideas.


4. Some new Chapter formations that are built around the strengths we are known for: Fast and hard hitting assaults, decapitation strikes, kings of drop pod and deep strike combined assaults.  Something unique for our jump pack assault and vanguard veteran squads. Squad rules for the Baal Predator, and some other vehicles in our inventory.


5. Access to the Land Speeder Storm, grav cannons, and something special that makes our Stormravens stand out in comparison to other chapter's stormravens.


6. FW releases Sanguinius, Azkaellon, and Raldoron.

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What I'm hoping for:


1. Stat line changes for our scouts, techmarine, dreadnought # of attacks, and the death company dreadnought getting a base 5 attacks like when it had 3 back when all other dreads had 2.


2. Captain Karlaen in the new codex.


3. Captain Tycho buffed to make him stand out again like in 6th. I have some ideas.


4. Some new Chapter formations that are built around the strengths we are known for: Fast and hard hitting assaults, decapitation strikes, kings of drop pod and deep strike combined assaults.  Something unique for our jump pack assault and vanguard veteran squads. Squad rules for the Baal Predator, and some other vehicles in our inventory.


5. Access to the Land Speeder Storm, grav cannons, and something special that makes our Stormravens stand out in comparison to other chapter's stormravens.


6. FW releases Sanguinius, Azkaellon, and Raldoron.


Pretty much this except the Grav-cannon. It will happen I just hate the weapon on principal :P

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What I'm hoping for:


1. Stat line changes for our scouts, techmarine, dreadnought # of attacks, and the death company dreadnought getting a base 5 attacks like when it had 3 back when all other dreads had 2.


2. Captain Karlaen in the new codex. HERESY ! (I prefer a better Tycho)


3. Captain Tycho buffed to make him stand out again like in 6th. I have some ideas. (Just give him a Global Hatred and an AP 3 weapons or an Unlimited Melta)


4. Some new Chapter formations that are built around the strengths we are known for: Fast and hard hitting assaults, decapitation strikes, kings of drop pod and deep strike combined assaults.  Something unique for our jump pack assault and vanguard veteran squads. Squad rules for the Baal Predator, and some other vehicles in our inventory.


5. Access to the Land Speeder Storm, grav cannons, and something special that makes our Stormravens stand out in comparison to other chapter's stormravens.


6. FW releases Sanguinius, Azkaellon,  Raldoron and Nassir Amit.

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